Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1690 Gundam X? Sell it for money!

Looking at Idabosi who was defeated, Shakiya and others could not recover for a long time.

Even Hathaway had an incredulous expression on his face.

"This is the end?"

"God Shura, was defeated so easily?"

As Hathaway murmured, the golden light on the Flash Gundam gradually extinguished.

Carlo Rod also woke up from a dream and started shouting.

"That's amazing, uncle! Who are you? Are you so handsome?"

"Even if it can make the Gundam do such outrageous actions, it can actually make the body glow!?"

"Is there anything you can't do? Uncle!?"

Hearing what Carlod said, Lin Youde smiled, took the initiative to end the BGM field, controlled the machine to turn around, and replied.

"There are a lot of things I don't know. For example, I don't know magic."

Carrod's eyes bulged: "What!? Magic!?"

Hathaway also looked stunned: "Magic!? Does that kind of thing really exist?"

Shakiya came back to his senses and replied on the spot: "How is it possible? How can something as unscientific as magic exist?"

Facing the three people's doubts, Lin Youde smiled noncommittally and looked at the Shura soldiers who got up and started to gather around.

‘Tsk, just to be on the safe side, I activated the super mode. ’

'Although Flash Gundam has an "emotion conversion system" and an "energy simulation system", there is no need to use internal force to wrap the body. It only needs to use internal force to wrap the body, and the body can be simulated. ’

'But even though a lot of energy was saved by relying on the Flash Gundam, the energy consumption of the previous Shi Potian Jing Fist was still not small. ’

Feeling that the energy in his body was almost at its bottom, Lin Youde's spirit did not relax at all.

‘It seems that we can only use ordinary boxing and kicking skills to deal with these miscellaneous soldiers. ’

'Fortunately, these soldiers are not too strong, and they can be dealt with with just fists and kicks. ’

Originally, Lin Youde didn't want to activate Flash Gundam's super mode.

It is true that Idabosi's domineering burst state has exceeded the endurance limit of the Flash Gundam's normal state.

If it weren't for Lin Youde driving it, if it were any other fighter, the Flash Gundam would have been destroyed by Idabosi's Mecha-Shattering Mountain.

Therefore, in order to ensure that he would not be defeated, Lin Youde had no choice but to activate the super mode, and at the same time waste energy to win the duel with the shocking fist.

But Lin Youde couldn't tell these things.

He also needs to use the power he gained from his previous battle with Idabosi to deter the malicious Earth Federation forces.

However, just when Lin Youde was about to deal with the Shura soldiers, a fierce sound of breaking through the sky suddenly came from the distant sky.

Lin Youde looked back and saw missiles all over the sky being fired from the Shuras' aerial warships.

At the same time, a group of Shura machines also came towards the Flash Gundam.

In an instant, Lin Youde understood the purpose of these guys.

"You actually want to hold me and be attacked by missiles? You Shura clan are really crazy."

With that said, the Shining Gundam opened its hands and shot out fist shadows all over the sky, blasting away all the Shura machines that tried to rush over.

At the same time, he grabbed a few Shura soldiers and threw them towards the missiles shot from the sky.

When the missiles exploded on the missiles, the Flash Gundam jumped out of the smoke of the explosion and landed on a barren but intact ground.


Flash Gundam, who had just landed on the ground, volleyed his palm and made a huge palm wind, completely scattering the smoke of the explosion, revealing the situation in the smoke of the explosion.

Then everyone sees it.

The two intact Shura cats lifted up the headless Idabosi and ran quickly towards the center of the three divine sword teleporters that flew over at an unknown time.

In a burst of extremely fast space distortion, Idabosi and the two Shura cats quickly disappeared.

Also disappearing at the same time were three divine swords used as teleporters.

In almost less than 2 seconds, the Shuras who were still aggressive before retreated in embarrassment.

Together with the huge Shura aerial warships in the sky, they also turned around on the spot and began to retreat.

Looking at the disappearing Shura people and the Shining Gundam standing still, Karod looked stunned.

"Uncle, you just let them run away like this?"

The Flash Gundam stood on the spot and put away its fighting posture. Lin Youde replied lazily: "What else? Was he teleported to the opponent's lair together with the past and was surrounded by a group of Shura gods?"

"Even I am not so arrogant."

"Besides, the Flash Gundam can't fly, so why should I chase it?"

"Compared to these, what about those guys from the Earth Federation?"

Lin Youde's words made Carrod look around in astonishment.

"Eh? Where is the person? Wasn't he still there just now?"

Kohigoda pointed in another direction, at a group of dots on the wild horizon, Hathaway said.

"Over there, they just started to retreat when the Shura people launched their attack."

Carlo Rod was confused: "No need to chase?"

Hathaway shook his head: "No need to chase them. They are soldiers of the Earth Federation after all. It is not good for us to have a quarrel with the Earth Federation."

Carlo Rod scratched his head with his hand: "Okay... okay, you have the final say. Uncle, who are you?"

Seeing that all the troublemakers ran away, Lin Youde finally relaxed.

"I told you, I'm just a wanderer that can be found everywhere."

Carrod replied on the spot: "If you don't want to say it, then don't say it. Experts like to be mysterious."

Gundam X looked at the Cossi Gundam: "Do you have any plans after that?"

"If not, I'll leave first."

Hathaway looked at Carrod in confusion: "Leave? Where are you going?"

Carrod replied: "Of course, back to the nearby black market town."

"I was originally planning to go to the ruins of the last century to see if there were any previous things. I planned to find them and sell them for money as living expenses."

"As a result, I accidentally found this Gundam. And it seems that even the people of the Earth Federation want this Gundam. It is estimated to be very valuable. If it is placed in the black forces, it will definitely sell for a good price."

"Don't worry, we in the black market don't get along with the people of the Earth Federation, and we won't get the machine into the hands of the Earth Federation Army."

When Lin Youde heard that Carrod was going to sell the Gundam X, his mouth twitched uncontrollably.

'Although in the original work, this kid found the Gundam just to sell it for money. ’

‘From the perspective of an orphan wanderer, it is understandable. After all, the world is big, and filling your stomach is the most important thing. If you can't even afford to eat, what else can you talk about? ’

‘But from the perspective of anime viewers, it's very painful. That's the Gundam X that can fire the moonlight cannon. Such a powerful weapon, take it to sell for money? It's really a donkey kicking your brain. ’


PS: Thank you "Kai Watermelon Hand Jack" for rewarding 100,000 and becoming the leader of this book.

The author will find time to pay back the rewards, don't worry.

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