Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1691 The Fate of the Gundam Pilot

Just when Lin Youde was secretly complaining, Hathaway also took over the conversation.

"Sell for money? You are really... Oh, forget it, if you have nowhere to go, just follow me back to the Cradle of the Earth."

Carrod was stunned: "Ah?"

Hathaway said lightly: "Gundam X, nowadays, is a very special Gundam, and it cannot be sold casually."

"The current damage to Gundam X can be completely repaired in the Cradle of the Earth and put back into use."

"Since you have encountered Gundam X, it means that you are destined to it. The fate between you will not be cut off so easily."

"Besides, our Cradle of the Earth suffered heavy losses due to the previous battle of the Shuras."

"Now is the best time to absorb partners. How about it, do you want to come to our side?"

"In the Cradle of the Earth, you can receive the best training and become a real warrior."

Carrod hesitated: "Ah this... me... uncle, what do you think?"

Seeing Carrod kick the ball to himself, Lin Youde was speechless.

"That's your own business, you decide for yourself."

"But even if you use your toes to think, you know that your decision now will affect your future life."

"Do you want to follow Hathaway into the same organization and receive formal training?"

"Or do you want to go to the black market alone, be attacked by others, fight alone with the Gundam, and then become a warrior? You choose."

Carod exclaimed: "Eh!? I will be attacked?"

Lin Youde replied unhappily: "Isn't this certain?"

"Places like the black market are full of black-on-black."

"Ordinary things are okay, but all levels of the black market don't look down on them. If you just take something to make a living, no one else will care about you."

"But Gundam X, which is targeted by the Earth Federation Army, how can it be sold so easily?"

"And you should be an orphan with no one to rely on, right? Without a background, why do you think that the black market merchants will give you money? Instead of killing you and swallowing this Gundam, they will make a lot of money?"

Carod wanted to refute, but when he thought of the wandering when he was a child He was speechless after seeing all this...

Shining Gundam and Lin Youde spread their hands in sync: "So, once you return to the black market, you will definitely be attacked. If you don't want to be killed without a fight, then you can only drive the Gundam to resist."

"Once you drive the Gundam to fight in the black market, it will cause chaos and offend the real controller of the black market, making it impossible for you to survive in the black market and being hunted down."

"So, in the end, you will still take the path of driving the Gundam to fight."

"Gundam is a very special machine. Although many people don't believe it, in fact, every boy who encounters the Gundam will embark on the fate of becoming a real Gundam driver."

"Now you, undoubtedly, have embarked on the same fate."

Lin Youde's words made Carlod sweat profusely: " are too superstitious, right? Isn't the Gundam a real machine? Is it that serious? Fate or something..."

Lin Youde shrugged: "Whether you believe it or not, it is destined."

Hathaway glanced at the Shining Gundam and asked Lin Youde.

"What about you? Do you want to go back to the Cradle of the Earth with me?"

"You probably have nowhere to go, right? Do you want to come with me?"

Lin Youde replied immediately: "Okay."

Hathavi: "Is that so? Actually... um? You agreed?"

Facing Hasavi's surprised voice, Lin Youde smiled and said: "Do you provide food there?"

Hathavi replied blankly: "Of course..."

Lin Youde: "That's fine, as long as you provide food, I will go with you."

Hathavi was a little unbelievable: "Really?"

Lin Youde replied unhappily: "Why would I lie to you? Just like you said, I am now the same as this kid, with nowhere to go."

"After this incident, I guess the Earth Federation and the Shuras will target me."

"Instead of staying here and being hunted by both sides, I might as well go to the Cradle of the Earth you mentioned to hide and get a meal."

"Besides, isn't this what you want?"

Hathavi was speechless for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

After a long while, he replied: "Well... welcome to join... uncle."

Lin Youde replied perfunctorily: "Oh."

"Boy, what about you?"

Seeing the Shining Gundam looking at him, Carlod replied immediately.

"Since uncle is going, I will go too."

"Uncle, can you really not accept me as your apprentice?"

The Shining Gundam waved his hand: "Forget it, you are not good at martial arts. Compared with the Shining Gundam, the Gundam X is more suitable for you."

Carod pouted, looking unconvinced: "Uncle, we just met, right? You haven't even seen my face, and you know all this? If you want to lie, you can say something else."

Lin Youde replied happily: "Then if I say that I have no intention of accepting you as my apprentice for the time being, will you feel better?"

Carod hummed: "Not much better."

Lin Youde waved his hand: "Okay, stop wasting time."

"The previous battle will probably attract a lot of people."

"If you don't want to be watched and attacked, you'd better leave as soon as possible."

"Hathavi, which way is the Cradle of the Earth going?"

Hathavi looked at the Shining Gundam with a complicated expression and replied.

"It's in the west, but we have to take a detour before we go back."

Lin Youde was puzzled: "Hmm? Do you have anything else to do?"

Hathavi replied: "Yes!"

"I came out this time, first, to investigate the golden meteor that suddenly fell from the space crack this morning."

"Second, to go to a place, destroy a base, and rescue some people."

"Originally, I planned to sneak into that base alone. Now with your help, it will be much easier."

Carod looked reluctant: "Really? Can't I repair my Gundam first? My Gundam can't fly."

Lin Youde smiled and replied: "It's okay, running is the same. Hathavi, you use your body to take this kid to fly, I will run, let's leave here as soon as possible."

Hathavi: "Okay!"

Cosi Gundam pulled up Gundam X on the spot and began to fly north.

The Shining Gundam ran on the ground and followed closely.

Looking at the Shining Gundam running on the ground, Carrod couldn't help but spit out: "So fast, running faster than flying, uncle is really outrageous..."

Hathaway took a look at the Shining Gundam running on the ground, and replied with a complicated expression: "Yes, it's outrageous..."

In the cockpit of the Shining Gundam, Lin Youde looked at the Cosi Gundam in the sky with a playful look.

'This kid should have discovered that the thing he mentioned about the golden meteor falling is me, right? '

'Forget it, since this kid doesn't mention it, I'll just pretend I don't know. It's better for everyone not to mention it and have a tacit understanding. '

'I just don't know if the cradle of the earth he mentioned is the one I know...'

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