Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1692 Open the door, I'm looking for the Fire Cloud Evil God

As night fell, outside a seemingly heavily guarded base, three aircraft were hidden in a hill.

"So, what's in this base?"

"Also, this base belongs to the Earth Federation, right?"

"Is it really okay if we just fight like this?"

Under the three machines, Carod took the nutritional jelly given by Hathaway and asked questions while eating it.

Hathaway looked at Lin Youde who was combing his hair and replied.

"Don't worry. Although this place belongs to the Earth Federation, it is not an openly registered base."

"So as long as we don't leave any clues, there won't be any problems."

"As for what is in this base? All I can say is that there is a partner of mine here."

Carlod was confused: "Your partner? Why are you in the Earth Federation's base?"

In response, Lin Youde, who was combing his hair, took some water with the compressed towel provided by Hathaway, wiped his face, and replied.

"The partners Hathaway mentioned are not partners who fight together in the conventional sense."

"He's talking about the same type of people, the new humans, right. Hathaway?"

Carlod looked confused: "New humans? What is that?"

Hathaway did not explain, but looked at Lin Youde: "Sure enough, you too?"

Carlod was even more confused: "What? Uncle is also a new human being? So, what exactly is a new human being?"

Lin Youde explained while wiping his face.

"The so-called new humans are humans who have evolved from ordinary humans."

"New humans have spatial cognitive abilities that ordinary people do not have, and the ability to communicate with brain quantum waves."

"This is the ability that humans have evolved independently in order to enter the outer universe."

"It's just that for some reason, the new humans have become synonymous with the Knockdown King."

"Because the new humans also have the additional ability to learn quickly and control MS operating capabilities to a certain extent."

"Due to this characteristic, New Humans have become synonymous with the best speed soldiers."

Carod looked confused, but Hathaway just looked at Lin Youde and asked.

"How much do you know about the situation in the base over there?"

Lin Youde was slightly confused: "You can't sense it? What is your new human level?"

Hathaway did not answer, but looked at Lin Youde, who shrugged and replied.

"We have it all roughly figured out. There are about 1,372 people in that base. There is a special room in it that cannot be entered by brain quantum waves. It is probably the place where new humans are imprisoned, right?"

"Otherwise, I really don't understand why we need to build an isolation building that brain quantum waves cannot enter."

"According to my perception, among the 1,372 people, there are probably more than 300 professional soldiers, and among them, there are probably more than 100 people who are on alert."

"Based on this ratio, once we launch an attack, we are expected to face at least 10 MS defenses."

"So, Hathaway, what are you going to do about it?"

Hathaway looked at Lin Youde with shock in his eyes, and after a while, he replied.

"I don't know about the new human level or anything. I just heard that there is such a thing. But I don't know how the specific levels are divided, but it is definitely not as strong as you."

"I can only sense the general direction of the isolation building. As for how many people and how many soldiers there are in that base, I don't know."

"Originally, I planned to create some commotion, and then conduct targeted attacks to bring out the captured new human being."

"But now with your help, it won't be so troublesome."

Carloder's face was confused: "So, what should I do? Why can't I understand?"

Lin Youde stood up and patted Carrod on the shoulder.

"It's okay, you don't understand, just follow our instructions."

"You just need to go somewhere, fight a few bad guys, and that's it. It's simple and easy, isn't it?"

Carlo Rod rubbed his head: "Although what you said makes sense, uncle, I always feel like giving up thinking."

Lin Youde smiled and said: "Your feeling is right, that's what I mean."

"Okay, I'm going to attract the attention of those guards head-on, and remove their combat effectiveness at the same time."

"Hathaway, take Karod and rescue the new human being."

Carloder: "Huh? Oh, okay."

Hathaway: "Then, let's do it."

Soon, the three machines restarted and began to take action.

Flash Gundam rushed out first, swaggering towards the main entrance of the base.

Then a large machine body suddenly appeared near the base, and the base's alarm was immediately sounded.

Four mass-produced Akatsuki IIs stood on both sides of the wall holding weapons, aiming at the Flash Gundam.

On the loudspeaker, the guard began to shout.

"Who are you? Don't you know this is an important military area? If you don't want to die, get out of here!"

In response, Lin Youde also turned on the speaker and replied: "Sorry, I'm a wandering fighter passing by."

"I heard that you are imprisoning a peerless powerful man named Huoyun Evil God. I am incompetent and come to challenge him."

"Brothers, could you please do something convenient and invite that Fire Cloud Evil God out? I'd be very grateful."

Lin Youde's words left a group of guard monks Zhang Er scratching their heads. After discussing for a while, they shouted back curses.

"There is no Fire Cloud Evil God here. If you don't want to die, get out of here, otherwise..."

Da da da da…

A series of bullets hit the ground in front of the Shining Gundam.

However, this kind of demonstration shooting naturally could not work on Lin Youde who was deliberately looking for trouble.

"There is really no way. Since you don't want to give me a favor, I have to go in by myself and invite that peerless master out."

With that, the Shining Gundam began to move forward.

Seeing that the demonstration shooting was useless, the guards did not waste words and started to signal on the spot. All the machine guns and beam turrets around the base adjusted their angles and started to attack together with the four mass-produced Xiaojiba.

In an instant, dense bullets and beams shot out from the walls of the base and shot towards the Shining Gundam.

However, at the moment these bullets and beams were fired, the Shining Gundam turned into a white light, and in the blink of an eye it crossed a distance of several hundred meters and rushed to the steel gate of the base.

"Open sesame!"


With a casual palm slap, the huge iron gate of the base, which was hundreds of meters high, was knocked away on the spot and hit the ground heavily, making a huge clang.

The guards were stunned by the situation.

Then, the shrill alarm and shouting began to echo in the night sky.

"No, there is a strong enemy attacking the east gate, requesting heavy firepower support!"

In the rapid alarm, the entire base was activated, and all security forces were directed to the east gate of the base.

At this time, the Cossi Gundam had already taken the Gundam X and flew into the base from another direction...

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