Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1693 The moon is out!

Under the dark night sky, in a base with bright lights and all searchlights turned on, various explosions and human screams echoed one after another.

Under such circumstances, two Gundams successfully broke into a certain part of the base.

"Wow, uncle is making too much noise, right? Is this what he said about attracting firepower?"

"Why do I feel that uncle can clear all the guards here by himself without us having to do anything?"

Carod's complaints made Hathaway close his eyes and sense for a while, and then he explained while controlling the Cauchy Gundam to land.

"Perhaps for him, this level of fighting is just a warm-up to attract firepower?"

"You have also seen the results of his real serious fighting."

"If we were not trying to save people, he could probably flatten this base with one attack."

"In order to prevent the people in the base from jumping off the wall, this level of noise is just right."

"Carlod, take this map, go to this place, bring the people out, I will guard outside to prevent our bodies from being attacked by the guards."

Carlod looked at the map and pistol handed over by Hathaway with a confused face.

"No way, I'm going to save people? Do you think I'm an agent?"

Hathaway completely ignored Carlod's refusal and replied very directly.

"You have been in the black market for many years, so you should know how to protect yourself and how to sneak."

"You must have done a lot of things like digging for treasures in various ruins and selling them for money, so sneaking into a base that is not heavily guarded should be easy for you."

"So you don't have to pretend in front of me. You are more suitable to carry out this mission than me."

"Don't worry, you will get the reward after the task is completed."

"Besides, if you perform well, maybe the uncle will look at you differently and take you as his apprentice on a whim?"

After hearing what Hathaway said, Carlod couldn't help but be moved even though he knew that Hathaway was fooling him.

"Okay, I'll be fooled by you this time. Remember to go back and talk to the uncle for me. If it doesn't work, just teach me two self-defense skills. His skills are so cool, I really want to learn."

Hathaway waved his hand: "Go, I'll guard for you."

Carod: "Okay, then I'll go."

As he said that, Carod jumped off the palm under the Gundam X, climbed into the base through a window, and began to sneak according to the map provided by Hathaway.

I don't know if it was because Lin Youde made too much noise at the East Gate, although Carod encountered many white-coated researchers and various well-dressed people who were running away with various materials along the way.

But none of them found Carod hiding in the corners or crawling in the exhaust pipe.

In this way, more than ten minutes later, Carod came to a closed door.

He took out the map and checked it several times with the small flashlight in his mouth to make sure that he had found the right place. Carod took out a wire and stuffed it into the keyhole of the door.

After a while, Carlord twisted his arms, and the door, which didn't look very advanced, opened with a click.

As soon as the door opened, Carlord heard a soft and sweet female voice.

"You are finally here."

After opening the door, Carlord looked at the black long straight beautiful girl standing in front of him in front of the door, and his whole face was confused.

Compared with the calmness of the black long straight beautiful girl, Carlord was confused for a long time before looking around.

"You don't need to look, there is no one else here, the person you are looking for is me."

Carlord stopped moving, took two steps back in confusion, and looked at the sweet girl in front of him who was about the same age as him in awe.

"Do you know what I am here for?"

The sweet girl nodded slightly, and Carlord shook his head with a look of horror, and asked with a trembling calf.


The girl shook her head.


The girl shook her head.

"Then... the new human?"

The girl nodded.

Carlord's hanging heart was finally put down.

"Are all new humans so perverted?"

Muttered a little, and suddenly realized that what he said didn't sound good, and quickly covered his mouth.

Under the girl's gaze, Carlo seemed to feel a little embarrassed, and quickly put down his hand and the wire in his other hand and asked.

"Then... let's go together?"

The girl replied softly: "Okay."

After that, the girl stretched out her hand.

Carlo looked at the girl's white and clean little hand, and then looked at his own hand full of rust and dust. He quickly wiped his hand on his clothes, and then took the girl's hand.

"Then let's go, be careful, don't be..."

Before she finished speaking, the sweet girl said: "Don't worry, everyone in this base has been attracted by the uncle at the east gate."

"We just need to go this way now, and your partner will come to pick us up."

When Carlo heard this, he couldn't help but look back at the girl's sweet face in surprise.

"How do you know so much?"

The sweet girl replied: "There are new humans among your companions."

Carlod slapped his forehead: "Yes, uncle said that new humans seem to be able to communicate with brain waves."

"Forget it, since you know all this, let's go quickly."

The girl followed Carlord very obediently along the way, walking quickly all the way, without any obstruction, the two arrived at the designated location.

"Carlord, take her into the cockpit of Gundam X, we will retreat immediately, the Earth Federation Army from other nearby bases is coming."

Hathaway's words made Carlord respond on the spot, and took the girl to the arm of Gundam X, and returned to the cockpit. Then let Gundam X be taken out of the base by Cossi Gundam.

However, as soon as it flew out of the base, the girl suddenly spoke.

"It's too late, the pursuers are coming, let us go and prepare for the battle."

Carlord was confused: "Ah?"

Hathaway looked at Gundam X in surprise, and before he could speak, he saw a white light in the distance with a graceful arc falling on the open space on his side.

"Do as she said, the pursuers are already here."

Hearing Lin Youde say this, Hathaway did it on the spot.

Looking at the three people who seemed to know everything, Carlord, as an ordinary person, grabbed his hair in distress.

"So, what's going on? Can you tell me something I can understand? Take care of me."

In response, the sweet girl leaned on the seat behind Carlord and whispered.

"The moon is out."

Carlord: "???"

Hathavi: "Do you want to use that?"

Lin Youde: "Then use it. It just so happens that all the conditions are met. Let Carlord see it and let him understand what the Gundam he wants to sell is."

After hearing this, Carlord didn't respond yet, and the sweet girl behind him stepped forward and said.

"Carlord, press this button."

Carlord was confused: "Ah? This?"

As Carlord pressed it, the folding wings on the back of the Gundam X unfolded on the spot, forming an X shape, and at the same time a gun barrel also unfolded from the back and hung on the shoulder of the Gundam X.

Lin Youde: "Carlord, at 9 o'clock, move the muzzle up 45° and aim at the sky."

In the cockpit of the Gundam X, a sight appeared on the screen. Although Carlord was confused, he still obeyed very obediently.

Then, he heard the girl beside him whisper.


Carod: "???"

Before Carod asked.

The next moment, a small white light shot out from the moon and hit the chest of Gundam X accurately.

This sudden light irradiation scared Carod.

But before he asked, he saw that a single energy slot on the screen of Gundam X was immediately filled from 0% to 100%.


As Carod cursed, the white light began to fill and shine on the X-folding wings behind Gundam X.

At the same time, the muzzle of Gundam X began to gather strong white light.

At this time, Carod saw three small points of light in the distant sky, which began to shine and appear.

Carod looked carefully and found that it was not the stars shining in the night sky, but three huge aircraft carriers with identification lights.

And the muzzle of Gundam X was aimed at these three aircraft carriers.

"No way..."

The girl beside him whispered as Carlord was shocked.

"It's OK, Carlord."

"Ah? Oh, do you mean to open fire?"

As the girl nodded, Carlord took a deep breath.

Although he had very little basic knowledge of MS, he also understood that the aircraft carriers in the sky were at least a dozen kilometers away from here.

At such a long distance, ordinary attacks could not hit them at all and would not work.

But Lin Youde and Hathaway's words before, as well as the trusting eyes of the girl beside him, made him not ask more questions, but take a deep breath and pull his trigger.

The next moment, a strong light shot out from the muzzle on the shoulder of Gundam X.

In an instant, Carlord's vision was covered by the strong white light.

A white light with a thickness of at least 100 meters burst out from the ground, turned into white light, tore through the night sky, and penetrated the entire night sky...

A few seconds later, several small light spots burst out in the night sky.

The beam on Gundam X's shoulder gradually went out, and Carlo clearly saw that the light spots on the sky that originally represented three huge aircraft carriers turned into exploding fireworks.

At this moment, Carlo was completely stunned.

"What, what is this?"

The girl next to him answered in a sweet voice.

"Moonlight Cannon. This is the strongest weapon of this Gundam."

Carlo opened his mouth wide, his face full of shock: "Moonlight Cannon?"

The Shining Gundam next to him looked at the night sky, and Lin Youde whispered: "Yes, the moonlight cannon uses the satellite microwave light launched from the moon to charge and launch the satellite microwave cannon, commonly known as the moonlight cannon."

"Now, do you know why the Earth Federation wants to rob this Gundam?"

Carlo muttered in confusion: "I probably... know..."


PS: This chapter uses Carlo's perspective, so many people who have not seen Gundam X may be confused by some things. I will explain them slowly in the next chapter.

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