Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1694: Jerusalem of the New Human World

A moonlight cannon defeated the Earth Federation's pursuit force, and the folding wings on Gundam X's back were retracted along with the muzzle.

Koxi Gundam took Gundam X's hand again and began to evacuate.

Sitting in the cockpit, Carlod was confused.

On the ground below, Lin Youde was also confused in the cockpit of the Flash Gundam running wildly.

For no reason, it was just because Lin Youde felt that there should be no negative emotions around here, so he released the new human's mental induction, wanting to see if the new human being rescued by Carlo Rod was the person he expected.

Then, Lin Youde was stunned, or in other words, he was so happy that his brain almost stopped thinking.

As soon as Lin Youde's new human telepathy passed over, he felt Carlod's confused emotions and the spirit of the new human next to him.

That is a kind of person who is purer than Lux in the ignorant period.

As soon as Lin Youde's mental power was released, Lin Youde's mood and brain were emptied for a moment. A refreshing feeling shot from the soles of his feet to the top of the sky. The refreshing person just wanted to shiver, and it felt like a refreshing feeling that the soul had been washed. .

Feeling this spiritual source that could cleanse his own spiritual power, Lin Youde felt quite ashamed of himself.

If Lin Youde hadn't reacted and quickly withdrawn his mental power, Lin Youde doubted that he would have been addicted to that pure mental power and couldn't extricate himself.

After a long time, Lin Youde came to his senses and murmured in his heart: 'As expected of the famous NT catnip, it is so terrifying. ’

‘I am used to seeing all kinds of dirty and complicated people and spiritual powers, and suddenly encountering this kind of spiritual power that is as pure as a piece of white paper and can purify people’s souls is really addictive. ’

'No wonder in the "Super Robot Wars" series, whenever a new human encounters Tifa, they will frantically try to occupy it. ’

‘With such purity, who can withstand it? ’

‘I used to think that Lux’s ignorant period when she didn’t understand anything was already very attractive to new humans. ’

‘Now that I have personally experienced the appeal of NT catnip, I understand what a small thing makes a big difference. ’

At this moment, Lin Youde finally confirmed that the new human being rescued by Carlod was none other than his destined wife, Tifa.

Don’t get me wrong, this Tifa is not the Jerusalem of the 3D zone, but the Jerusalem of the new human world.

If we say that the dream lover and perfect goddess of perverted otakus is FF7’s Tifa.

For new humans who can sense the emotions of others, Tifa in "Mobile Suit Gundam X" is an existence in the same sense.

Although the two Tifas are completely incomparable in stature, for new humans, mental cleansing is much more exciting than physical cleansing.

That is to say, Lin Youde's new human level is extremely high, and he is also a martial artist trained by Dongfang Bubai. He has a rock-like heart and can easily resist Tifa's attraction to him.

If it were anyone else, he might not be able to withstand this...

‘No, how does this kid Hathaway know that Tifa is here? ’

‘Does it mean that Tifa and Hathaway have anything to do with each other in this world? ’

‘Don’t tell me that Hathaway and Tifa are having an affair? Yaya! I purely love the God of War and I can’t bear to see this scene! ’

Lin Youde had a lot of thoughts in his mind, and his mood swings were also very serious. This caused Tifa beside Carlod to glance at the flashing Gundam running wildly on the screen in confusion.

"So, uncle, how do you know there will be pursuers in the sky?"

"Also, what is going on with this Gundam?"

"What's going on with this girl? Why is she being locked up in the Earth Federation's base and knowing in advance that we are coming?"

"Can any of you explain it to me?"

After hearing what Carlod said, Tifa next to Carlod looked at Carlod, looking like he was hesitant to speak.

Lin Youde, who had come to his senses, explained.

"It's very simple. I told you before that new humans are beings that can sense the surrounding space and emit brain quantum waves."

"Just now, our brain quantum waves sensed someone in the sky approaching quickly with strong malice, so we judged that it was the pursuer."

"As for this Gundam... Hathaway, it's up to you to explain it. You know more than me."

Hathaway raised his eyebrows and replied: "Gundam X, a special decisive battle Gundam equipped with a satellite system."

"Relying on the microwave transmitter loaded on the moon, the condensed microwave is emitted from the moon and transmitted to the receiver of the Up to X. It can quickly refill the energy and release the extremely powerful satellite microwave cannon, which is the moonlight cannon."

"Originally, this Gundam was created as a decisive weapon to fight against alien invaders."

"But due to the "Great Destruction" decades ago, Gundam X was almost completely damaged and almost extinct. "

"Carrod, you were able to find this machine in the ruins. I have to say that you are very lucky."

"As for this girl... her name is Tifa, and she is a new human like us."

"It's just that her new human level is much, much stronger than mine."

"The reason why she is locked up in the Earth Federation's base is because she is the only one in the world who can rely on specific brain quantum waves to connect to the microwave transmitter on the moon for activation and positioning."

"The Earth Federation captured her in order to obtain Gundam X and the key to activating the microwave transmitter."

"As for why she knew you were going there, it should be that she predicted it."

Carrod looked at Tifa beside him in surprise: "Pre-, Pre-knowledge!?"

Tifa blinked and said nothing, while Hathaway explained.

"Yes, it is pre-knowledge."

"Although it is not very strong, Tifa does have the ability to predict."

"According to what I know, only the most special few individuals among the new humans have this ability."

"Maybe her ability is also known by the Earth Federation, so they will capture her for research."

"My purpose this time is to save her."

"As for the others... let's talk about it when we return to the Cradle of the Earth."

Hathaway's words surprised Carrod.

And Lin Youde looked suddenly enlightened.

'Oh, yes, when it comes to new humans who can predict, Tifa seems to be one of them. '

'It's all because "Mobile Suit Gundam X" is too unpopular, so when it comes to new humans who can predict, I only think of Rita, even though Tifa also has this ability. ’

‘But their predictive abilities should not be as strong as Princess Xia Yin’s. ’

Lin Youde had just thought of this when he heard a hollow female voice from the radio.

“Are you going back to see mom now? Brother Hathaway!?”

Lin Youde: “!!!???”

Carod: “???”

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