Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1695 Who are you talking about? Lin Youde! ?

Tifa's sudden words stunned Lin Youde and Carlord.

Lin Youde: "Mom? Brother? No, Hathaway, what is your relationship with this girl? Why can't I understand?"

Carlord: "Ah? Brother? Mr. Hathaway, is Tifa your sister?"

Facing Carlord's confused and shocked eyes, Tifa blinked and said nothing, with a calm expression on her face.

Hathaway, who was questioned by both of them at the same time, smiled bitterly.

"I didn't expect that you actually recognized me... That's right, after all, mom said that you are special, different from mortals like me."

"Yes, Tifa is my sister. The specific situation is a bit complicated. I will explain it slowly after returning to the Cradle of the Earth."

"In addition, the front will soon enter the surveillance range of another base of the Earth Federation."

"Although wireless communications on Earth are basically scrapped because of the "Great Destruction".

"But the Earth Federation has installed long underground communication optical cables in each base.

"Once the sound of our conversation is discovered, there will be more pursuers behind us. ”

“Now is not the time to turn against the Earth Federation, so we cannot confront the Earth Federation head-on.”

“Next, everyone shut down your communications. I will take you directly there as the special envoy of the Earth Cradle.”

“As long as Tifa is not discovered by the other party, the people of the Earth Federation will not do anything to us.”

Hearing this, Carlod and Lin Youde also immediately shut down their communications.

At the same time, a question popped up in Lin Youde’s mind.

‘So, what is the so-called "great destruction"? Why can't wireless communications be used on Earth? ’

The Shura clan's mobile city, Shura City.

A gyro-shaped spaceship landed at the port.

As soon as Furka got off the ship, he saw a green-haired young man leaning against the railing of the port, sneering at him.

“I heard that you were defeated by the Earthlings?”

“What a shame for Lord Altis, Furka.”

Furka looked at the young man in a blue jacket and replied calmly.

"That's right, I was defeated by the Earthling, Fernando."

"He was a very powerful warrior, he mastered a special boxing technique that was not inferior to the Mecha Fist. Even if I burst out all my domineering, I was no match for him."

"In this battle, I lost with all my heart and won't make any excuses."

"At the same time, I also want to remind you, Fernando. In the future, when you see the machine driven by the Earthling, don't easily go up and provoke it."

"That's not a strong enemy we can solve."

Faced with Furka's persuasion, Fernando didn't appreciate it at all.

"Come on, don't compare you with me."

"I won't be like you, like a stray dog, running back in disgrace with my tail between my legs."

Fernando's sarcasm, Furka didn't want to explain, turned around and left alone.

And Fernando looked at the headless Idabos who was transported out by the Shura soldiers and was about to be sent for repair, and the mockery on his face gradually extinguished.

"Even the head is gone? It seems that Furka is not lying. When did such a strong man appear among the earthlings?"

"Hey, over there, show me Furka's battle record."

Miscellaneous soldiers: "Ah? Yes, Captain Fernando!"

On the other side, after leaving the port, Furka went straight into Shura City and came to a room.

As soon as he opened the door, Furka heard an angry female voice.

"So, how long are you going to lock me up?"

Furka looked at the angry short-haired beautiful girl in the room and shook his head.

"Sorry, this is not something I can decide."

"I came here this time to ask you something."

"Fiona, do you know any famous boxing masters on Earth?"

The short-haired beautiful girl named Fiona was stunned and scratched her head when she heard Furka's words.

"Boxing master? Why are you asking about this?"

After Furka found a chair and sat down, he poured a cup of tea for Fiona and himself and whispered.

"I was defeated by an Earthling. I was defeated head-on despite my best efforts."

"So, I want to learn from you about some things on Earth."

"I suddenly discovered that Earth is not as backward as we thought."

Fiona was stunned for a moment, and sighed.

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't answer your questions."

"I've said before that this world is not my original world."

"So I'm not very clear about the things in this world."

"But... I'm curious, how can someone in this world beat you?"

"Aren't you very strong? How could you lose?"

"Didn't you swear before that no one on this planet called Earth is a match for your Shura clan?"

Fulka's face froze, and he lowered his head slightly.

"This... Lord Altis has investigated before, and the fighting power of this world is generally not strong, so I said that."

"Who knew that this world actually hides such a strong man."

"That kind of unparalleled strength, I have only experienced it in Lord Altis and Alcaide."

"And he also said that he didn't practice the Mecha Fist, but another kind of oriental boxing."

Fiona frowned: "Some kind of Eastern boxing technique?"

"Sorry, I really haven't heard of it. Maybe I'm ignorant."

"At least in my world, I have never heard of any boxing masters, but I have heard of swordsmanship masters."

Furka's face lit up and asked: "Master of Swordsmanship? What is his name?"

Fiona scratched her head: "Have you heard of the name Li Qiu? In my world, Master Li Qiu is a very famous kendo master. His original Manifestation Style is very powerful and can be used On a machine like Grungast."

Fiona's words made Fulka look disappointed: "Li Qiu? Show current flow? No, no, it seems that this world is quite different from the world you know."

After hearing Furka's words, Fiona, who was almost bored to death, asked gossiping.

"What was the name of the man who defeated you?"

"Is there any video of the battle?"

"You won't let me out, you won't kill me, and you won't be able to research Exalance. You can let me see something, right?"

To this, Furka actually nodded in agreement.

"That should be fine. I'll go back and get the battle video."

"That man's name is Lin Youde, and he is a very powerful fighting master."

As soon as these words came out, Fiona, who was originally looking happy, ejected on the spot, jumped up from the chair, and grabbed Fulka by the collar.

"What did you say!? Lin Youde? Are you sure you got the name right?"

Furka looked puzzled: "Yes, he said his name is Lin Youde..."

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