Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1696 I feel like I need to grow a brain

Fiona's reaction surprised Fulka.

"What's wrong, Fiona, do you know this Lin Youde?"

It took Fiona a while to recover, and she sighed with a complicated expression.

"Knowing, more than knowing."

"The reason why our family left the original world is because of him."

"He is called the father of Gundam, the man who destroyed the world, the traitor of mankind, and the shame of mankind."

Fiona's words made Fulka even more confused.

"Father of Gundam? I know Gundam, it's the kind of mobile weapon with a V-shaped antenna head, right?"

"The performance of those machines is very good. Although they are different from the various Shura gods of our Shura clan, as mass-produced machines, their performance is already considerable."

"The father of Gundam, does he have anything to do with mobile weapons like Gundam?"

"Also, the man who destroyed the world? The traitor to mankind? The shame of mankind? Where did these titles come from?"

Fiona sighed: "It would be a long story to talk about these things."

Furka replied: "It doesn't matter, as long as you are willing to speak, I am happy to be a listener."

"That Lin Youde is very powerful. He is a peerless strongman. If you want to defeat him, you won't be able to defeat him overnight."

"I'm also very interested in the growth history of this kind of strong man born and raised on Earth. You can tell me slowly."

Fiona curled her lips: "Really, I have come to another world, and I can still be related to that Lin Youde. It's really haunting."

"Forget it, since you're interested, I'll tell you."

"But are you sure you don't have to report to your superiors?"

"Did you lose this battle?"

In response, Fulka replied: "There is no need to worry, Master Altis is not in Shura City at the moment."

"Reports and other matters can be done after Master Altis comes back."

"Sir Alkaid will not receive me casually, so even if I want to report it now, I can't find anyone."

Fiona raised her eyebrows: "Arcaide? Is he the one who picked me up and Exalance back in the dimensional rift?"

"He seems to have a very high status in your Shura clan."

"He is not in Shura Field now?"

Fulka explained: "Yes, Master Altis is the general of our Shura clan. His strength is second only to Master Alkaite, and his status is also quite high."

"Not long ago, there was a conflict between the foreigners in White Star and our Shura clan."

"In order to further test the strength of the foreigners on the White Star side, Lord Altis personally led the team there."

"So our current main target in Shura City is not the earth."

"Because according to Master Altis's assessment, the threat level of the people on Earth is not as high as the aliens in White Star, so our most important thing at the moment is to target the aliens in White Star."

"On the Earth side, it is left to generals like me and Fernando. This is the opportunity that Mr. Altis has won for us to establish military merit, and it is also a trial given to us."

"I just didn't expect that I would get off to a bad start and embarrass Lord Altis."

"Originally, I just led a team to detect the specific situation of meteors falling in the cracks in different dimensions and recover them."

"I never thought that I would meet Lin Youde, a strong man who can compete with Master Altis and Master Alkaite."

Fiona showed some strange expressions after listening to Fulka's words.

Furka saw it and persuaded him: "Fiona, although Master Altis is not here at the moment, it is better not to think about escaping."

"After this period of hard work, you should understand very well the physical strength between you and us."

"You are safe until Lord Mizar cracks the secret of Exalance."

Fiona held her chin in one hand angrily: "But once Exalance is cracked, my safety cannot be guaranteed, right?"

Furka was speechless for a moment, and Fiona waved her hands angrily: "Okay, let me tell you the story of Lin Youde."

"You know, a long time ago, I also admired Lin Youde very much."

"After all, he is a great hero who is known as the strongest new human being and the strongest Gundam pilot."

"Who would have thought that he would turn into a traitor to mankind in the end. It is really sad."

Fulka nodded solemnly: "Yes, I'm all ears."

In this way, Fiona began to tell...

"In other words, the Lin Youde you know is no longer an ordinary human, but has become a fusion of monsters called primitive species, driving a machine called Gutie to fight?"

Fiona nodded: "Yes, some of Gu Tie's information is also available in Axaras. You should be able to have someone retrieve it."

“Gutie’s iconic single horn is very recognizable.”

"And ancient iron is basically painted in red, which is very conspicuous."

Furka kept shaking his head: "No, no, what you said doesn't match what I saw."

Fiona scratched her head: "Maybe it's because the worlds are different? Lin Youde in my world has turned into a monster, and Gundam completely disappeared after he turned into a monster."

"From what you said, there are Gundams in this world too? I'm curious, what kind of world is this world like? Is it any different from my previous world?"

Folka hesitated and replied, "Wait a minute, I'll go extract both files."

Volka left quickly, leaving Fiona with one hand on her chin, muttering.

"Alas, when will this kind of life end?"

"I don't know how my brother and Mizuho are doing."

"Since I can be teleported out of my original world through Exalans, they should be able to do so too, right?"

"I just hope they won't be as unlucky as me and be caught by this strange guy wandering between dimensional cracks."

"However, Exalans can actually teleport to different worlds? This is really unexpected. The time flow engine left by my father is really amazing."

"It's just..."

Fiona tilted her head with a confused expression.

"What on earth was that machine I saw in the dimensional rift?"

"Besides Exalance, is there another machine that can move in the dimensional rift?"

"And it looks like that guy moves more easily than Exalance. What on earth is that thing?"

"And before it left, it seemed to glance at my Exalance?"

After thinking for a while, Fiona scratched her head and yelled in self-abandonment.

"Ah~! No, I can't figure it out. I feel like I need to grow a brain. It's so annoying..."


PS: Sorry, I had something urgent to do today, so today's two chapters are rushed out. The quality may not be guaranteed, so just take a look.

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