Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1697 Lin Youde is still alive?

Soon, Furka came back with a projector.

In the projector, two completely different machines are projected.

A red ancient iron and a blue, white and red Gundam.

Looking at the flashing Gundam projected next to Gutie, Fiona was dumbfounded.

"This is... a Gundam? Yes, this shape is indeed a Gundam, but why is this Gundam unarmed? Is it a bare metal?"

Soon, Fulka played the video of the battle between Idaboth and Flash Gundam.

Then Fiona was even more dumbfounded.

"What is this? Is this an action that Gundam can do? Isn't it too outrageous?"

"Also, why can Gundam turn into gold and sparkle? Is this some kind of movie special effects? Isn't it too unscientific?"

"Also, what is the background music after the battle? Furka, have you edited the battle video? And added background music?"

Fulka shook his head: "Absolutely not. What you see is the most original battle video."

"That's why I want to ask you if you know the information about this machine."

"As for the background music, I didn't notice it before. Now that you mentioned it, I discovered that there is such a strange phenomenon."

Fiona scratched her hair frantically: "It's so strange. This Gundam is definitely not the Gundam I know."

"The Gundams I know are all equipped with various firearms and wings, floating cannons, and dragoons. They use various high maneuverability to dodge and then shoot. They mainly focus on long-range attacks."

"I have never seen a Gundam that completely abandons long-range attacks and relies solely on fist and kick attacks, and can even release waves from its hands."

"If there were such an organism in my world, the original species would have been wiped out long ago."

"In other words, with just this one machine, Lin Youde can push all the super robots over there by himself, right?"

Fulka was confused: "In other words, this person is lying. Isn't he Lin Youde?"

Fiona shook her head: "No, no, I've heard this voice before, and it is indeed Lin Youde's voice."

"Dad took me to a technical seminar before. I heard Lin Youde's voice at that seminar. It was this voice. It was absolutely right."

"But... what is he doing now? Why does he have such strange tricks? Also, what is this Gundam!?"

"No, I can't understand."

"Fulka, I am very concerned about this Lin Youde matter. Is there any way you can take me to find him? Don't worry, I will never run away."

Hearing this, Furka looked embarrassed: "This..."

Fiona clasped her hands together: "Please, please, you are also curious about the origin of Lin Youde, right?"

"Let's go find him together and see what's going on."

"By the way, I also want to know what the world is like."

"In return, I can tell you everything about my world."

As she said that, Fiona apologized in her heart: 'I'm sorry, everyone in the original world. You should have all been wiped out by the original species, right? ’

‘If your information can be exchanged for some information about this world, it will be profitable no matter how you think about it. ’

'If these Shuras are interested in our world, we can let them fight with the original species to fight for your survival. ’

'So, please forgive me...'

Hearing Fiona's words, Fulka felt a little moved: "This...let me think about it."

"I am indeed very interested in the way of life of you Aquamarine people."

"I'm curious as to why a fragile girl like you can become a warrior."

"So, please tell me about your planet Aqua."

"As for the rest... we can wait until my Idabosi is repaired, okay?"

Seeing that Furka showed some signs of relenting, Fiona quickly responded: "Okay!"

What neither of the two people in the room noticed was that outside the room, Fernando smiled sarcastically.

‘You want to take this woman out of Shura City? ’

'Fulka, you are so stupid. But okay, if you weren't so stupid, how could I replace you and become the new general? ’

'Hmph, I really hope you can act quickly. I can't wait to lead people to arrest you, and then defeat you in front of everyone...'

'It seems that I have to ask someone to help you repair Idabosi so that you can act quickly...'

‘Besides, Lin Youde needs to be investigated carefully. ’

‘Although Furka is stupid, I know his strength very well. ’

‘Being able to defeat him is definitely not a small role and needs to be treated with caution. ’

‘Find an opportunity and try it out first. ’

Thinking of this, Fernando left quickly...

On the other side, in a base of the Earth Federation.

Shakiya, who had escaped from the battlefield before, is now appearing here.

Wearing a black coat, he met his younger brother, Alba Frost, wearing a blue jacket in the aisle.

"Brother, I heard that your mission failed?"

"This is nothing like you. Your mission success rate is no longer 100%."

Faced with his brother's teasing, Shakiya chuckled and replied.

"It's good that I can come back alive this time."

"Task completion rate and other things, such things are not important now."

Hearing this, the playful look on Olba's face gradually faded and turned into solemnity.

"Brother, what on earth did you encounter? How could you say such a depressing thing?"

"Did you encounter a few generals of the Shura Clan?"

Shakia waved his hand: "No, you can't imagine what I encountered."

In Olba's puzzled expression, Shakia said jokingly and self-deprecatingly.

"I said I met Lin Youde, do you believe it?"

"By the way, it's not another Lin Youde, it's the famous hero in human history, known as the father of Gundam and the savior of the earth."

Olba was shocked: "What? Lin Youde? How is it possible? Didn't Lin Youde die in battle decades ago?"

"This is something everyone knows. Even we grew up listening to the story of Lin Youde."

"How could such a legendary figure still be alive?"

"And even if he is still alive, he is over a hundred years old now, right?"

"A centenarian can still defeat you, brother? This is really unbelievable."

Shakia shrugged: "Yeah, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe that Lin Youde is still alive."

"And now I seem to understand a little bit, how did Lin Youde stop the invaders from another dimension and repel the aliens in the legendary story."

"The Shining Gundam driven by Lin Youde is simply a god, so powerful that it is unbelievable..."

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