Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1698 Lin Youde is reborn

Olba couldn't help but look solemn when he heard what Shakia said.

"If it was someone else who said this nonsense, I would definitely not believe it."

"But since it was said by my brother, I must believe it."

"Because I know that my brother will not joke about this kind of thing."

"But, brother, just because I can believe you doesn't mean that the bald guy behind will believe you."

"This time, the Gundam X was not found, and the bald guy was furious."

In response, Shakia sneered: "Huh, Fix Bradman?"

"Although I don't know how he got the information that there is another Gundam X on Earth, and it is so accurate."

"But this time, there are people from the Cradle of the Earth involved."

"Don't worry, I will take care of this matter."

Under Olba's worried eyes, Shakia entered the office at the end of the corridor.

As soon as he opened the door, Shakia saw a bald fat man standing by the window, with his back to him, and made a dissatisfied sound.

"Shakia, you really disappoint me."

"I spent so much effort to train you two brothers, and this is how you repay me?"

"It seems that the famous Red Comet is not worthy of its reputation."

"As a gene adjuster who has fused Char's genes, your ability is really disappointing."

Shakia's cheeks twitched slightly, and he replied with a tense face.

"This time, things are a bit complicated."

"I won't shirk responsibility for not being able to capture Gundam X. It's indeed my fault for not doing my job well."

"But your men didn't even know that the Shuras were coming to interfere. Are you sure the rest of your men can still be used?"

Fix Bradman said "Oh?" and turned around, leaning on the floor with his crutches.

"Did the Shuras also go to grab X?"

"Could it be that they found "that"? They wanted to grab "X" to deal with "that"? "

Shakia said with a little difference: ""That"? "

Fix Bradman did not explain, but asked: "You answer my question first."

Shakia replied with a dissatisfied snort.

"The Shuras did come, but their purpose was not Gundam X, but to investigate the golden meteor that fell from the space crack this morning."

"My troops happened to run into it while chasing Gundam X."

Fix Bradman was a little confused: "Oh? If that's all, then X should be able to be brought back, right?"

"Although the Shuras are strong, the troops I sent to you are also the elite among the elites."

"Before you set off, I said that even if all those troops were sacrificed, you had to bring X back to me."

Shakia snorted coldly: "What if Shura God is included?"

Fix Bradman frowned: "Shura God?"

Shakia spread his hands and said: "Yes, Shura God, or the red humanoid Shura God. "

Hearing this, Fix Bradman's face darkened: "So, X was taken away by the Shuras? Or was it destroyed?"

Shakia sneered: "Nothing, Gundam X was taken away by Hasawi of the Cradle of the Earth."

"The Red Shura God was destroyed and escaped."

"I also took advantage of the Red Shura God's escape to lead people away."

"Otherwise, you wouldn't know anything today, and you would probably be kept in the dark until you die."

Fix Bradman's face was full of displeasure: "Shakia, watch your tone. What do you mean I'm kept in the dark until I die?"

"What exactly did you encounter today? Tell me everything."

Shakia threw a USB flash drive on the desk beside him.

"The information is all here, take a look for yourself."

"Compared to this, I want to ask you, are you sure Lin Youde is dead? "

Fix Bradman looked a little surprised, and didn't seem to understand why Shakia asked this question.

But he still replied while inserting the USB drive into the computer.

"Yes, Lin Youde is indeed dead."

"He died in the battle on the moon, this is an indisputable fact."

"In fact, if it weren't for that Lin Youde, the current human beings on Earth would have been destroyed long ago."

"However, even if Lin Youde is called the savior, he is only a human being after all. He can save the human beings on Earth for a while, but not for a lifetime."

Shakia was silent for a while and asked, "Are you talking about the "Great Destruction"? "

Fix Bradman nodded: "Yes, humans are stupid creatures after all. In order to survive, they don't hesitate to destroy their home planet."

"Although the "Great Destruction" eliminated those damn invaders, the environment of the earth was also completely destroyed. "

"Shakia, you and Olba are still young, and you don't know how desperate the situation was before the "Great Destruction". "

"Even if humans try their best, they can't fight against the invaders. Except for Lin Youde, the others are just like a mantis trying to stop a chariot..."

Fix Bradman was halfway through his words when his pupils suddenly shrank and he was stunned.

Shakia was not surprised by this. Although he didn't see the specific picture, the sound played by the speakers next to the computer had already let him know that Fix Bradman had seen it.

"Shining Gundam Super Mode!!!"

Looking at the shining Gundam bursting with dazzling golden light on the screen, Fix Bradman jumped up from his chair on the spot.

"How is it possible!? This sound, this golden light, this is simply..."

"Hehe, Lin Youde is reincarnated, right?"

Xia Qiya's slightly playful laughter made Fix Bradman look at Xia Qiya sharply.

"Could it be that this person defeated the Red Shura God, scared you away, and took X away?"

Shakia shrugged: "What else? You don't think I'm really afraid of Shura God?"

"Although I can't beat that thing, it's still easy for me to run away."

"But this guy who calls himself Lin Youde is different."

"My intuition tells me that if I face him, I will definitely die. The kind of death is a 100% chance of survival."

Fix Bradman's eyes condensed: "Your judgment is very accurate, worthy of being an X-Round ability user."

"You can survive against Shura God, but you will definitely die against Lin Youde. You know, he is..."

Before he finished speaking, the sound from the speaker sounded again, but Fix Bradman turned back suddenly with a look of surprise.

"The Secret of the Invincible Eastern Style! Stone Breaking Sky Shocking Fist!!!"

Looking at the small sun flying out of the hands of the Shining Gundam on the screen, and the huge explosion and smoke that covered the entire screen afterwards.

Fix Bradman's eyes were full of confusion: "What is that? Invincible Eastern Style? Stone Breaking Fist? Isn't it the Super Dragon Flash of the Dimension Overlord Style? Could it be that this guy is not Lin Youde?"

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