Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1700 Hasavi and Tifa's Mother

Looking at the familiar person in front of him, Lin Youde's mood was also complicated.

At this point, he roughly figured out what was going on in this world.

Although he didn't know what happened in this world before.

But from the fact that Zeng Jia could recognize him, Lin Youde could judge that this world was probably another parallel world opened up by himself in the other side of the world.

Unlike his vibrant world, this world was undoubtedly a parallel world that failed to open up.

He had already prepared for this in his heart, but when he really came to the parallel world where he failed, Lin Youde's mood was still very complicated.

And Hasawi and Zeng Jia also had complicated expressions and emotions.

Both of them looked at Lin Youde with complicated expressions. Zeng Jia hesitated and finally shook his head.

"No... This should be impossible. Youde is dead. So, you are not him."

As he said, Zeng Jia drew the sword at his waist and pointed at Lin Youde.

"Who are you? What's your purpose in pretending to be Youde?"

Looking at the Tang sword that was only 1 cm away from his nose, Lin Youde calmly pushed the tip of the sword away with his fingers.

"I don't need to pretend, I am Lin Youde, but I shouldn't be the Lin Youde you know."

Zeng Jia frowned: "What do you mean?"

Lin Youde did not explain further, and Hathaway stepped forward and said.

"Uncle Zeng Jia, let mom see who he is and you will know."

"After all, for us, who he is may be misjudged. But if mom comes, there will be no mistake."

"In this era, no one can judge his true identity better than mom."

Hearing Hathaway say this, Zeng Jia hesitated and finally took back the Tang sword.

"Come with me, I'll take you to see mom."

After saying that, Hathaway nodded to Tifa and turned away first.

Seeing this, Tifa pulled the clothes on Carlod's arm.

In the confused look on Carlord's face, he whispered: "Brother Hathaway asked us to follow him."

Carlord: "Ah? Oh, okay, then we follow him... No, why are you following me? Isn't that your brother? You are all new humans, you shouldn't follow him?"

In response, Tifa whispered expressionlessly: "No, it's more comfortable to follow you."

Carlord: "Huh?"

Looking at the confused Carlord, Zengjia, who was about to walk over, looked back at Tifa who didn't look at him at all, and explained with a complicated look.

"You are not a new human, and you are very simple. For Tifa, it is the most comfortable to follow you."

"After all, as long as it is a new human, it will be unable to help but use mental power to get close to Tifa. That feeling is probably very uncomfortable for her."

"This child is a little special. Unlike ordinary new humans, he doesn't like to communicate with brain quantum waves."

Zengjia's explanation finally made Carlord understand a little, but he was not very clear and was patted on the shoulder by Lin Youde.

"Okay, let's go."

"You should be happy to have a beautiful girl following you."

"This is a good job that many people want but can't get."

After being teased by Lin Youde, Carlod didn't say anything more. He followed Lin Youde and Zeng Jia and walked through the base of Cradle of the Earth with Tifa.

To be honest, Cradle of the Earth is very large, and all kinds of machines that Lin Youde is familiar with are everywhere.

But in sharp contrast to the many machines, there are very few people here.

There are only 5 or 6 maintenance personnel in such a large hangar, which can be said to be quite abnormal.

As for the salutes and admiration of those people who passed by, Lin Youde had a certain degree of understanding of Hathaway's prestige.

But these are not the point.

The point is that after 10 minutes of various review doors being opened and various elevators transferring floors, Lin Youde finally came to a huge door.

Hathaway looked back at Lin Youde, then stepped forward and used a retinal scan to unblock the door.


As the door opened, Lin Youde frowned.

For no other reason, it was because the room was full of electronic devices and wires connected to a special round transparent device in the center.

In this device, a human brain was connected by various cans, which made Lin Youde look gloomy, Carlod's face was pale, and Tifa still had a blank expression.

But Hathaway and Zengjia seemed to have been used to it, and their faces were normal.

"Mom, I brought sister Tifa back."

Below a huge LCD screen on the ceiling, a black-haired female face with a 6-point similarity to Tifa, but more beautiful, appeared on the screen and waved her hand very energetically.

"Welcome back, Hathaway, you've worked hard this time."

"Also, long time no see, Tifa, come and let mom see you."

Zengjia slightly moved aside and let Tifa come to where Zengjia had stood before.

Lin Youde glanced over and found something like a camera over there.

Standing in front of the camera, Tifa timidly replied: "Mom."

The black-haired woman on the screen waved her hands happily: "Tifa has grown up again, and she is getting more and more beautiful."

"I am relieved to see that you are not injured."

"Don't run around anymore, Tifa."

"Your brother Hassawi is an adult now and has his own things to do. We can't let him run around for you anymore."

"You are lucky this time. The people of the Earth Federation didn't do anything to you."

"But next time, I guess you won't be so lucky."

Tifa hummed and said nothing.

Hassawi glanced at Tifa and said.

"Mom, I didn't do anything in this operation."

The beautiful woman was puzzled: "Eh? Didn't you, Hassawi, rescue Tifa?"

Hassawi shook his head: "No, mom, most of the credit this time goes to the other two people."

"I have brought these two heroes back."

The beautiful woman clapped her hands: "So that's how it is. You got help from others. Have you added more partners? This is a good thing."

"Come on, let mom see your new partner."

Hassawi and Tifa nodded, made way, and let Lin Youde and Carlod enter the camera's shooting range.

Then, Lin Youde clearly noticed that the pupils of this unusually beautiful and vaguely familiar woman on the screen shrank rapidly, and his expression turned into shock.

"You are... Youde!?"

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