Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1701 True Jerusalem

Chapter 1701 True Jerusalem

Lin Youde's heart sank at the reaction of the beautiful woman on the screen.

But before Lin Youde could react, the other party shook her head quickly.

"No, you can't be him. Youde has been dead for a long time. Who are you..."

At this moment, Lin Youde felt a brain quantum wave emanating from the brain behind the screen and covering him.

The intensity of this brain quantum wave is very high, almost at the same level as Rita. Although it is not as strong as Lin Youde, it is already very abnormal.

Lin Youde noticed such a powerful brain quantum wave, but because of the other party's reaction just now, Lin Youde did not resist and let the other party cover him with the brain quantum wave.

And Lin Youde himself covered his body with the brain quantum wave to eradicate it.

At the moment when Carlod was completely unaware, Hathaway's expression was horrified, and Tifa tilted her head with confusion.

This situation lasted for about 2 or 3 seconds, and the other party retracted the brain quantum wave.

On the screen, the beautiful woman showed a sad expression, and her pitiful look made Lin Youde's heart tremble.

Lin Youde himself was shocked by his reaction.

'This action hits my heart too hard, right? '

'Who is she? Why is there no such person in my world? '

While Lin Youde was puzzled, Hasawi looked at the screen nervously.


The beautiful woman on the screen shook her head sadly, but soon showed a complex expression that seemed to be crying and laughing.

"So that's what happened. You are him, but you are not him."

"Also... my him, he died a long time ago..."

The beautiful woman's words made Hasawi and Zengjia confused.

Hasawi: "Mom? What do you mean?"

Zengjia: "Is he Youde?"

The beautiful woman did not answer, but looked at Lin Youde and asked.

"Do you know who I am?"

The other party's expression with strong expectations and hope made Lin Youde's scalp numb.

It was obvious that the other party thought that Lin Youde should know her, but Lin Youde didn't.

This situation put Lin Youde in a dilemma.

If he said it directly, he was afraid that the other party would be disappointed. After all, the other party knew him, but he didn't know the other party.

And judging from the other party's words, he seemed to have a very close relationship with her in this world.

If he said he didn't know her directly, it would be a bit tactless.

But if he said he knew her, Lin Youde couldn't say the other party's name. White lies are easily exposed and easily counterproductive.

So Lin Youde was entangled...

But fortunately, soon, Lin Youde didn't have to be entangled.

Because the beautiful woman on the screen stepped back and snapped her fingers, and her home clothes immediately turned into white short-sleeved shirts and black suspender shorts, with black wrist guards on her hands, and her slender thighs were wrapped in two black over-the-knee socks. .

Looking at the woman dressed like this on the screen, Lin Youde couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Fuck, Tifa!"

The moment Lin Youde opened his mouth, the woman on the screen laughed, and the little Tifa beside him tilted her head again. Carlod, like Hathaway and Zengjia, all had confused expressions.

"Sure enough, you still know me."

The big Tifa on the screen laughed, but soon her expression became sad and lost.

"But you couldn't recognize me for so long, is it because I lost in your world?"

This time, let alone Hathaway, even Lin Youde himself couldn't understand.

Looking at the big Tifa on the screen, Lin Youde's head was full of question marks.

'What's going on? Why is Jerusalem here? '

'Are you kidding me? Little Tifa's mother is big Tifa? Jerusalem's mother is also Jerusalem? This joke is not funny at all. '

When Lin Youde was madly complaining in his heart, Hathaway finally couldn't help it.

"Mom, what I said, is he..."

The big Tifa on the screen nodded and shook her head.

"He is indeed Lin Youde, but he is not your father."


For a moment, Lin Youde and Hasawi looked at each other, both of them confused.

Lin Youde: "What the hell? Is this rebellious son really my son?"

Hasawi: "What do you mean he is Lin Youde, but not my father?"

Big Tifa explained: "He is indeed the Youde I know, but he is not from our world."

"If I guess correctly, he should be the Youde who came from other parallel worlds through the dimensional cracks."

"Is that right?"

Amid the confused expressions of everyone in the audience, Lin Youde came back to his senses and nodded.

"Yes, I am Lin Youde from another world."

"So, can you tell me what happened in this world?"

"No, I am more curious about how I and you met in this world."

"Can you tell me all this, Tifa?"

In response, Big Tifa nodded slightly and said, "Yes, but before I answer your question, you have to answer a question for me first."

Lin Youde nodded: "Yes, ask it."

Big Tifa's serious expression revealed a hint of cuteness: "In your world, your wife is not me, right?"

Lin Youde looked embarrassed, but still nodded, and then Big Tifa stomped her feet angrily.

"Damn it! I actually lost to that gorilla Ye Ling?"

"I can't accept this kind of thing!!!"

Lin Youde was stunned: "Ah? Ye Ling?"

Big Tifa turned back in surprise: "Huh? Your wife is not Ye Ling?"

At this moment, Lin Youde was sweating profusely: "This... Ye Ling is indeed my wife. Well, I just... forget it, I'll be honest. In my world, I have more than one wife."

Big Tifa widened her eyes: "What? Could it be... Amano Amari is not missing in your world?"

This time, Lin Youde was even more upset: "This, you'd better not worry about it."

"You should tell me about the things here first."

"I'll tell you about my things slowly after you finish talking about them, how about it?"

Big Tifa put one hand on her plump chest and panted for several times before she calmed down.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry. As long as you don't lose to that gorilla Ye Ling, it's fine. It's not shameful to lose to Ya Zhenli. After all, she is your childhood sweetheart and has many advantages over me."

Lin Youde: "..."

Big Tifa muttered to herself for a while before calming down. She held her face with one hand and looked distressed.

"Well...where should I start?"

"Why not start from the first time we met?"

"We first met in the bar I run in City Z."

"I still remember that you were recommended by the owner of a gym, who was a regular customer of the bar I used to run."

"It seems that you want to find a good martial arts teacher, so you were recommended to me..."

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