Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1702 Another Beginning

Big Tifa's words made Lin Youde's heart move, as if he thought of something, and interrupted to ask.

"Wait a minute, why do I go to the gym? Have I told you about this?"

"I need to know the cause and effect."

In response, Big Tifa did not hide it and explained it directly.

"Well, I asked about this before, so I know."

"The reason why you go to the gym in this world is that after failing the college entrance examination, you went to "Super Robot Wars" to relax and accidentally got a Gundam."

"But the driving method of that Gundam is different from that of regular MS, so you can't drive it at all."

"So, in order to be able to drive that Gundam, you went to the gym in Z City to exercise and find a good martial arts teacher by the way."

"Then because the owner of the gym is a frequent customer of my bar and knows me, I recommended you to come to my place."

"We also got to know each other again from that time."

These words finally confirmed Lin Youde's guess.

"In other words, the first machine I chose in this world was the Shining Gundam?"

"Then, because the Shining Gundam's fighting style relies entirely on the body, and I had no experience in martial arts before, I couldn't bring out the performance of the Shining Gundam, so I went to find a martial arts teacher?"

"However, you said that you would get to know her again..."

Halfway through his words, Lin Youde suddenly stopped.

Big Tifa put her hands on her hips, looking puzzled: "What's wrong, is there a problem?"

"In your world, you don't know me like this?"

In response, Lin Youde smiled bitterly and asked instead: " were also in the school bus that was blown up by the dimensional beast that year?"

Big Tifa looked suspicious: "You don't know about this? I didn't tell you about it in your world?"

Lin Youde was speechless for a moment, and he couldn't answer her at all. He didn't find her in his own world at all.

In order to prevent this topic from being ignited, Lin Youde immediately changed the subject.

"Then, what happened after we got to know each other again?"

Big Tifa stared at Lin Youde for a long time, and after making Lin Youde a little nervous, she replied faintly.

"Later? Of course, later, I found that you had a good foundation as a LV3 martial artist from "Super Robot Wars", and I felt that it would be a waste for me to teach you with my mediocre skills."

"In order not to disappoint your potential, I took you to my master to practice after observing you for a while."

Lin Youde asked humbly: "Well, who is your master?"

Big Tifa raised her hand, and a man wearing a red turban and a red cloak appeared on the screen.

"Here, this is our teacher, Domon Kashu."

Lin Youde saw the person in the photo and his eyelids jumped.

And Big Tifa continued to explain.

"At first, Teacher Domon was reluctant to teach you, because Teacher Domon founded his own school and was very strict in accepting disciples."

"But after Ye Ling, Future and I interceded, Teacher Domon finally agreed."

"So, you will no longer go to school, but practice martial arts with Teacher Domon, and you are only allowed to go home once a year."

"For this reason, Amano Amari and your parents once opposed your martial arts training, saying that you should focus on your studies."

"But after you insisted again and again, and brought Amano Amari and your parents to Teacher Domon, and witnessed Teacher Domon jump hundreds of meters, catch bullets with bare hands, and punch through the armor of the engineering MS, they no longer objected."

"I still remember the confused and shocked expressions of your parents and Amano Amari."

Looking at the smile on Big Tifa's face, Lin Youde couldn't help but smile.

There is no way, because his parents and Amano Amari are ordinary people.

Suddenly seeing the skills of a martial artist like Domon, of course, will shatter your worldview.

"Of course, part of this is that your parents think that you can't go to a good university with your grades back then."

"Instead of letting you spend your life in mediocrity, it's better to let you learn martial arts with Teacher Domon. At least when you encounter dimensional beasts, you can use your martial arts to protect Amano Amari."

"Unfortunately, no one expected that Amano Amari would mysteriously disappear, and you were depressed for a long time because of this."

Hearing that Amano Amari in this world also disappeared, Lin Youde couldn't help but feel depressed.

"It seems that Amari's disappearance is not an accident."

Big Tifa was surprised: "Huh? Could it be that Amano Amari in your world is also missing?"

Lin Youde nodded: "Well, if nothing unexpected happens, the school where Amari is should be targeted by someone in the magic world. So Amari was summoned in this world."

When Lin Youde said this, everyone was shocked.

Carlo was stunned: "What? Magic world? Uncle, does magic really exist?"

Hathaway and Tifa looked at the screen, and Hathaway asked: "Mom, does magic really exist?"

Big Tifa also looked at Lin Youde with some surprise: "Was Amano Amari summoned by the magic world? It seems that you have investigated more details than our Youde."

"Although I know the existence of the magic world for some reasons."

"But I have never been there, and neither has our Youde."

Lin Youde waved his hand: "Well, I haven't been to the magic world either, I just know about it."

"For some special reasons, I couldn't go to the magic world, so I didn't find any trace of Yamare in my world."

"Alas, don't say these depressing words, these are a bit far from us, let's not talk about it for now, you continue."

Big Tifa nodded and continued: "After Amano Yamare disappeared, you practiced harder."

"So, you practiced with Teacher Domon for ten years."

"Because of Amano Yamare's disappearance, your parents urged you to get married again and again, so Ye Ling and I quarreled. In the end, after a long time, We both decided to marry you at the same time."

"Then, with the help of the power of the Ye Ling family, you took out the Shining Gundam technology obtained from "Super Robot Wars" and delivered it to the Ye family for construction."

"In this way, the first Gundam specially prepared for warriors was born."

"Because there are many warriors in the Human Innovation Integration, they can adapt to the Shining Gundam type of machine, so the Ye family was summoned by the head of the Human Innovation Integration."

"After that, we helped the head of the Human Innovation Integration, Zhao Zheng, stabilize the situation by promoting the Shining Gundam and other fighting Gundams on a large scale."

"For this, we received a lot of financial and technical help, and we officially entered the political arena..."

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