Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1703 Another Ending

Hearing this, Lin Youde asked with an unchanged expression.

"So, we officially confronted the four major families afterwards?"

Big Tifa nodded slightly: "Yes, although you were reluctant, the four major families did not want to let you go, so we were forced to confront the four major families."

"In addition to the four major families, there are other dignitaries who also dislike us and think that we, the peasants who have risen from the common people, are not qualified to sit with them."

"Afterwards, in order to fight against the increasingly excessive four major families and other families, you took out another set of "UC series Gundam" related information specifically for the new humans. "

"At the same time, because of the appearance of the UC series Gundam, all UC series machines were released in "Super Robot Wars", and you also met the Red Comet Casval of the Silla Alliance. "

"And in the special copy "Axis Fall", the new human level was raised to the world's strongest LV10 in one fell swoop. "

"And in this copy, I also felt the glory of the new human and awakened the talent of the new human. Ye Ling was jealous for this. "

Lin Youde's heart creaked: "Let me ask, in the game, what year was it when I pushed Axis back?"

Big Tifa replied immediately: "It was 2243 in the old calendar. By the way, our wedding anniversary is 2239. What's wrong?"

Lin Youde's cheek twitched: "I... before I was teleported here, it was 2236 in the Western calendar."

Big Tifa's eyes widened: "What!? 2236? Then how did you..."

Lin Youde waved his hand: "Stop, I'll explain this later, you continue to talk first."

Big Tifa looked at Lin Youde strangely for a while, then muttered.

"It took 10 years to practice in this world, and 3 years to practice in the other world?"

"They are all Youde, why is there such a big difference? "

Lin Youde pretended not to hear, and Big Tifa continued to explain.

"After I awakened and became a new human, I helped you test various machines with Ye Ling."

"But because the three of us are not scientific researchers, except for you occasionally telling the researchers some whimsical ideas, we are all far away from the research institute."

"It was because of this that the seeds of disaster were planted for the researchers to defect to the family."

"Afterwards, the family obtained the data of two types of Gundam through the traitorous researchers, built the machines, and officially went to war with us."

"From then on, it was the beginning of the war."

"The four major families, the three major families in the capital, the Free Federation, the Silla Alliance, the dimensional beasts, the aliens, and various enemies emerged one after another, and one battle after another was carried out. "

"Because our family Youde is getting stronger and stronger, he was forced to be pushed to the forefront. In the name of the strongest, he went to fight against the Marshal of the dimensional beasts and the aliens, the King of Destruction, the apostles and other terrifying existences that ordinary people can't fight. "

"In the end, our Youde annihilated all enemies in Antarctica by self-destruction, and died of exhaustion."

"This is your ending in this world."

Listening to the words of Big Tifa, Lin Youde felt mixed emotions.

"I never thought that just because I didn't choose the original Gundam at the beginning, but chose the Shining Gundam for strength, it would lead to such a result."

"No wonder I in the other world would repeatedly open up countless worlds before finally coming to my world and stopping."

Thinking of this, Lin Youde sighed helplessly.

"Really? Sure enough, you can't save the world by your own strength."

Hasavi, Tifa, and Carlod looked at Lin Youde in confusion, while Zengjia nodded with deep understanding.

"Yes, you can't save the world by your own strength after all."

"No matter how strong you are here, you still exhausted all your strength and died in Antarctica after all."

"If we had stronger power at that time and could help you, perhaps the ending would be different. "

In response, Lin Youde shook his head and said nothing.

In fact, according to what Big Tifa said, adding Zengjia would not change anything.

Because this world has been hopeless since the beginning.

Lin Youde in this world chose to start with Shining Gundam instead of the original Gundam, which destined Lin Youde to meet Big Tifa, then meet Ye Ling, and become a disciple of Domon.

And in this way, Lei Mengmeng, who could have been met, could not be met.

Without meeting Lei Mengmeng, Lin Youde would not have a reason to go to Huludao Base, and he would not be able to save Lei Mengmeng, Li Te, and Du Jianlong.

And without Du Jianlong and Lin Youde's original Gundam, Geta and GGG would have to will be defeated by the dimensional beast.

And without the Demon God, Geta, and GGG, Zhao Zheng, as the head of the human innovation and integration, will be suppressed by the four major families.

Similarly, because of opening the Shining Gundam and training under Domon for ten years, Lin Youde is destined to not be able to go overseas in the second year and save Rita, Jonah, Michelle, Lelouch and others.

Moreover, if he does not go overseas, he will not be able to enter the secret realm and fight side by side with Tiga, and he will not be able to get the meteor technology and Tiga crystal, and he will not be able to go to the Neon Islands to save Ikari Shinji and others.

Similarly, because the time span of opening the original Gundam is too long, it is 10 years late, and Nagisa Sakura and Latoni and others will not be sent to Lin Youde by Hamtaro.

Because it was ten years late, without Lin Youde and Li Te driving two Gundams to break into the GGG initial Dimensional Beast disaster, Ni Xingxing and Nan Ye would probably have died in the attack of Dimensional Beasts.

Similarly, because it was ten years late, the Lin Institute was not established in the first place, and Gu Lincai would not have been sent to the Lin Institute.

It can be said that when Lin Youde came out of Domon's school with his great skills, all the partners and allies that could have been obtained had died.

In such a helpless situation, it was already very powerful that I could defeat the Dimensional Beast Marshal Dragon Snake and the King of Destruction.

After all, there is no BGM field and mental command in this world.

Under the premise of not saving Lei Mengmeng, these two plug-ins will not be found.

In the absence of strong teammates and partners, without BGM field and mental command, relying on a G series Gundam alone to defeat the King of Destruction, Dimensional Beast Marshal Dragon Snake, and maybe even Yuzes.

Apart from other things, just this record alone, even Lin Youde himself has to admire himself here.

"Really too hard..."

"But, in such a world, I can't fight for the future by fighting alone."

Lin Youde's sigh made everyone present silent.

After a long time, Big Tifa asked: "So, what is the situation on your side?"

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