Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1704 The Origin of Hasavi and Tifa

Da Tifa's question made Lin Youde sweat profusely.

After knowing the history of this world, Lin Youde felt ashamed of Tifa.

Because he has never met Big Tifa in his own world.

But there are some things that are useless if you don’t say them. Even if you want to hide it, you can't.

Therefore, Lin Youde could only bite the bullet and give a rough introduction to what happened in his world.

After listening to this, several people present were all stunned.

What BGM field, spiritual command, black box body evolution, fighting against the senior commander of the original species, leading the team to kill several generals of the dimensional beasts, fighting all the way to Mars, Jupiter, and even Pluto, and then coming back, with Steel Eden and Kai God and the real Gulanson fight to the death.

Everything, even if Lin Youde was as concise as possible, was enough to stun everyone present with the huge amount of information.

If we say that apart from Tifa, Hathaway and Zengjia had some suspicions that Lin Youde was lying.

Now they completely believe it.

There was no way, what Lin Youde said contained too much information, was too outrageous, and was so outrageous that it didn't look like he was making it up.

Lin Youde's super-accelerated 10 years of training with Dongfang Bubai in the world of "Machine War" finally made everyone understand why Lin Youde's current ability is so outrageous.

But even so, except for Big Tifa and Little Tifa, the other three men were also overwhelmed by the huge amount of information.

But Xiaodi just blinked and asked, "Why didn't mom show up?"

Da Tifa also had an angry expression: "Youde, am I not in your world?"

Lin Youde was sweating profusely and complained in his heart: 'Sure enough, even Tifa's focus is always so strange? ’

Helpless, Lin Youde could only say frankly: "There is no way, although I know you Tifa through some channels."

"But I don't know where you are at all, and I don't know that you know me."

"In addition, since I entered "Machine War", I have never been idle for a day, and I have no time to go out to find you."

Seeing that Tifa was a little angry, Lin Youde immediately raised his hands in the air: "But don't worry, when I return to my original world, I will definitely find you personally."

"You are my wife, I will not let you go!"

After hearing Lin Youde's assurance, Da Tifa calmed down a little.

Seeing that Da Tifa's expression softened a little, Lin Youde asked curiously.

"Tifa, since Hathaway and little Tifa are my daughters, why do they call them such Western names?"

"Also, what's going on with little Tifa's mental power?"

In response to Lin Youde's question, Hathaway came back to his senses and explained before Tifa could speak.

"That's what my mother meant."

Lin Youde was confused: "Your mother?"

Lin Youde looked at Big Tifa, who shook his head: "Hasavi is the child of you and Ye Ling, and Little Tifa is the child of you and me."

After Lin Youde said something, Hathaway explained: "Because my father is fighting everywhere, I basically don't have much time to spend with him."

"My father died in the war when I was very young."

"After my father died in the war, the world did not usher in peace. A "great destruction" turned the world into a desolate apocalyptic world. "

"In order to avoid the "big destruction" and to avoid some people who want to use my identity as the son of a hero to cause trouble, my mother changed my name from Lin Youwei to Hathaway Y. Lin. "

"And I entered the hibernation chamber for hibernation when I was very young. I occasionally woke up a few times, but it was only in the past few years that I really started to become active."

"As for Tifa..."

Big Tifa said: "Let me explain this."

Lin Youde looked at Big Tifa, who explained: "Because you and I are both new humans, the child we gave birth to, Little Tifa, has had super mental power since he was a child."

"But I don't know if it's because her mental power is too strong. Her body has been very fragile since she was born."

"It happened that you were fighting outside at that time, not with me."

"At that time, a medical expert named "Youzes" found me and said that he was very interested in "Tifa" and could cure her physical problems. "

"I tried many methods, but couldn't make little Tifa recover. Instead, her body became weaker day by day, so I had no choice but to give little Tifa to her."

"It was only after you came back that I found out that this man named Youzes is an alien."

"For this reason, you rushed to the Cradle of the Earth, which was secretly built by Juzes, and destroyed the "Ideal Man" plan that Juzes researched, and rescued little Tifa. "

"Although I don't know what research Yozes did on little Tifa, her body has indeed recovered a lot."

"But after being rescued by you, little Tifa's mental state has been very unstable, and her powerful mental power will go berserk from time to time."

"Each rampage puts a huge strain on her body and causes a lot of damage."

"Then you learned the reason from "Machine War", saying that the body was too weak to match the strong mental power, which led to the imbalance and rampage."

"There is no other way. We can only put little Tifa, who is only 2 years old, into the hibernation chamber, and use the long sleep to let her body grow slowly to adapt to her mental power."

"Now little Tifa's spiritual power is so pure that it is fatally attractive to new humans. This is also what happened after she was rescued from Juzes."

"At first we thought it was just because she was young and didn't understand anything, that's why she was like this."

"But later, I gradually understood that this was probably the work of Youzes. As for what he did, I don't know because he has been killed by you."

Da Tifa's explanation made Lin Youde finally understand some of the reasons, but at the same time, more doubts came at any time.

"What is the "great destruction" this traitor is talking about? "

"Why is little Tifa's name the same as yours? Isn't it weird that mother and daughter have the same name?"

Lin Youde didn't say it was okay, but when he said that, Da Tifa became angry.

"You still have the nerve to ask?"

"Isn't it your own decision to go your own way?"

Lin Youde was surprised: "Me?"

Da Tifa nodded angrily and replied: "Not bad."

"Originally, little Tifa only had a nickname, Meimei."

"But after she was rescued by you from Youzes, you said that her spiritual power was too pure, and she looked very much like a new human named Tifa in the last era."

"So, in order to commemorate her, you named the child Tifa despite my objections, which caused me to be teased by Ye Ling for a long time."

Lin Youde was silent for a long time before replying: "It does seem like something I would do..."

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