Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1705 The Gundam that Destroys Everything

Lin Youde's reaction made Da Tifa nod angrily, seemingly complaining.

Hathaway scratched his head with black lines on his face.

"Why do you call me a traitor?"

"My name was changed to Hathaway. It seemed to be my father's idea."

Lin Youde's eyelids twitched and he didn't answer. Dadi replied.

"According to your dead father, your rebellious spirit since childhood is very much like a certain unfilial son called Flash in the last era."

"That guy's name is Hathaway. So I gave you this name as a pseudonym, which is also the alias Shining Son."

"Obviously, your father in this parallel world also knows this, so."

Hathaway looked at Lin Youde speechlessly: "Is that so?"

Lin Youde whistled: "Hey, probably, who knows. After all, I don't know how I feel in this world when you change your name."

"Besides these, you haven't told me yet, what is the great destruction?"

"Also, Tifa, why are you like this?"

"Where did Ye Ling go again?"

Lin Youde's words made Da Tifa show a sad expression.

"The so-called great destruction is the three major civil wars triggered after your death."

"The Free Federation seems to have been infiltrated and controlled by alien forces, and has taken the initiative to start a war with us, the United Humanity and the Silla Alliance."

"The Free Federation with the help of aliens is extremely powerful. Even if we, the Human Revolutionary Union, form an alliance with the Silla Alliance, they are no match at all."

"Ye Ling and I were injured in a battle. In order to save me and let me take care of Hathaway and Little Tifa in the future, Ye Ling asked someone to turn me into what I am now."

"Ye Ling, on the other hand, died heroically in that war in order to fulfill her obligations as a soldier and not to embarrass you."

Hearing this, Lin Youde's heart sank.

Although he knew that even he would die in this world, the people around him would probably not be too happy either.

But Lin Youde still felt uncomfortable when he heard that someone he knew was killed in battle.

Da Tifa seemed to feel Lin Youde's emotions and comforted him.

"It doesn't matter. After you die, Ye Ling and I no longer want to live."

"If it weren't for taking care of the children, I would have killed myself and gone to find you and Ye Ling."

"Being able to die fighting for the country is a good thing for Ye Ling."

Lin Youde sighed and said nothing.

It's not like he can't understand this kind of thing. After all, Lei Mengmeng, who had lost her mind before, went to the Huludao base to fulfill her obligations as a soldier.

Ye Ling's family background is similar to that of Lei Mengmeng, so it's not surprising that she would make such a choice.

But knowing this made Lin Youde feel even more uncomfortable.

After Da Tifa comforted Lin Youde, he continued.

"After Ye Ling died in the battle, the situation gradually tilted towards the Free Federation."

"Just when the battle situation was irreversible, Zhao Zheng decided to activate all the remaining aircraft."

"Among them is an organism that destroys everything."

Lin Youde was surprised: "An organism that destroys everything? What is that?"

Big Tifa sighed: "That's a black box Gundam, a Gundam released from the black box."

"That was a Gundam that was found stored in a black box in the "secret realm" that appeared over Antarctica after your death. "

"Because this machine is very special, scientists from the Human Innovation and Integration have used many methods, but they have been unable to analyze it, so this machine has been sealed."

"Because this machine cannot be analyzed, but inside this machine, we found a very familiar weapon of destruction, a nuclear bomb."

"And the nuclear bomb carried by this machine body is not a nuclear bomb in the conventional sense, but an ultra-high compression version of a terrorist nuclear bomb."

"Scientists from the Human Innovation Alliance estimate that this nuclear bomb would be enough to destroy half of the moon, which is very terrifying."

"So this Gundam has been sealed."

"But when the war was about to become irreversible, Zhao Zheng decided to give it a try, sent someone to contact "Machine War", and used the usual privileges of the head of state to forcefully activate the Gundam."

"Originally, we thought that after this Gundam was activated and used that terrifying nuclear bomb, even if we could not defeat the Free Federation and aliens, we could still stop the opponent's offensive and temporarily end the war."

"Who knew that when the Gundam was activated, the pilot went crazy and made the machine go straight towards the enemy out of control."

"At that time, we thought that the aircraft was about to be shot down, causing a horrific nuclear explosion on the spot."

"It turns out we were all wrong."

"That machine was not shot down, nor did it launch a nuclear bomb, but it bloomed with beautiful light."

"When that beautiful light bloomed, all enemies and friends disappeared. It was the god of death that destroyed everything..."

"The machine that symbolized destruction destroyed everything on the surface, rushed to the moon, and finally disappeared mysteriously."

"And the horrific disaster that was destroyed by this machine is what we call the "Great Destruction." "

“All civilization and order have been destroyed in this ‘great destruction’. "

Tifa's words were full of sighs, and a name popped into Lin Youde's mind.


Hathaway looked confused: "Gundam!?"

Da Tifa looked at Lin Youde with a true expression.

"You really know that Zhao Zheng said it a long time ago when he was still alive. If you were still alive, you would definitely know the origin of this Gundam."

"It's a pity that the Gundam appeared after your death, so no one knows the horror of this Gundam."

As she said that, Big Tifa raised her hand and showed the image of this Gundam in front of everyone.

"Gundam, the culprit of "great destruction", the Gundam that destroyed everything."

"Thanks to this Gundam, the war is over."

"Whether it is the people of the Blue Water Star or the aliens, all disappeared under the light of this Gundam..."

"It was also since then that the Blue Water Star lost most of its water after losing its blue color."

"So far, the Blue Water Star has been completely renamed the Earth."

"And we, because of the concealment of the Cradle of the Earth, have escaped by chance."

"Later, because this matter was too outrageous and could not convince the survivors, we publicized it as the final stage of the three major domestic war swords, completely crazy, using nuclear bombs to wash the ground, resulting in the current situation on the surface. "

"For this reason, the survivors hated the three former powers very much, and they also admired you who had defeated many foreign enemies single-handedly."

"For this reason, people spontaneously built a cemetery for you."

"According to your last wish, I also hid a Shining Gundam under the cemetery, waiting for the right person to restart this Gundam, become the protagonist of the new era, lead the people of the new era, and open up a new future."

"As a result, no one could have imagined that the person who activated this Gundam was Youde from another world..."

Lin Youde: "..."

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