Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1712: Furious General Shura

Fulka's words made Lin Youde look at the big fat Shura God Andras with a slightly curious look.

"Just this machine, its combat effectiveness is still higher than that of Idabosi?"

"Fulka, you really underestimate Idaboth's potential."

"In my eyes, Idabosi is a machine with the same performance as King Shura's machine that always maintains a deified state."

Lin Youde's speech made even Furka stunned.

But Andrasri's pilot, an ugly man with a sausage mouth, Magnus Aldo, sneered with dissatisfaction.

"Can Idaboth be compared to Lord Alkaid's Extrem?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Lord Alkaid's Extim is not a Shura god in the conventional sense."

"That is the Demon Overlord God King who is superior to the Shura God!"

"It's impossible to compare it to Idabosi."

Lin Youde didn't pay attention to Magnus' words at all. Instead, he controlled the Flash Gundam and patted Idabosi's arm.

"Ignore this fool, no one knows Idabosi's potential better than me."

"Practice hard, and one day you can surpass Shura King Alkaid."

Lin Youde thought so highly of him that Fulka was flattered.

After being defeated by the Flash Gundam from the front, the pride in Fulka's heart had already dissipated.

The power of Lin Youde and the Flash Gundam made Fulka understand what a real strong man is.

It was precisely because he understood this that he became curious about the way people live on earth.

Now, being spoken so highly of by Lin Youde in front of his superior, General Shura, Fulka was shocked.

"Your Excellency Lin Youde, you are ridiculous. I can't even rate you as a general, and there is no comparison with Sir Alkaid."

Furka's humility made Lin Youde nodded and praised.

"Very good, I already know how to be humble. This is a good start."

Lin Youde's praise made Furka smile bitterly and made Magnus furious.

"Stupid Earthling, it seems you are hopelessly stupid."

"In that case, let me, Magnus, take care of you."

Lin Youde heard this, waved his hand, asked Idabosi to step aside, and then waved towards Andras.

"If you say a thousand words and ten thousand words, don't you still need to see the real chapter in hand?"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and let's do it. Your Shura clan is a nation with well-developed limbs and simple minds. I have known this for a long time."

"I didn't have high expectations for you in the first place."

"In the entire Shura clan, apart from Alkaid, only Furka can make me look up to him."

"Others? Haha."

Lin Youde's contempt made Magnus furious.

"How dare you look down on me so much?"

"Today, I will let you understand how powerful General Shura is!"

The armor on Andras's arms opened high, and flames erupted from the numerous propulsion nozzles on both arms, causing this extremely heavy-looking machine to begin to rise.

"Watch the move, the giant spirit charges!"

Driven by the yellow flames, the huge Andras began to accelerate and rushed towards the Flash Gundam.

In response, the Flash Gundam just moved sideways lightly and dodged.

Lin Youde mocked: "Your accuracy is too bad, isn't it?"

As soon as Lin Youde finished speaking, Fulka reminded: "Be careful! Lord Magnus's attack has just begun."

Lin Youde raised his eyebrows slightly, turned around, and saw Andras, who had just passed by the Flash Gundam, spinning on the spot in mid-air. His two huge arms opened, the nozzle turned, and began to spin, and the speed became faster and faster. .

Magnus: "Djinn Spin!"

Andras rotated faster and faster, gradually turning into a red and white top spinning in place, setting off a huge whirlwind around him.

Magnus: "Charge again!"

With that violent and huge whirlwind, Andras suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the Flash Gundam again. .

However, the Flash Gundam just took a step back and dodged lightly.

But before Lin Youde could speak again, Lin Youde discovered that the huge top that had just rushed in front of the Flash Gundam actually circled back again.

Although Lin Youde once again controlled the Flash Gundam to avoid it, the red and white top transformed into Andras would immediately chase him back, and the speed of rotation and movement would become faster and faster.

At this time, Lin Youde finally saw some clues: "It's a bit interesting. It can actually ignore the centrifugal force, maintain its center of gravity under such high-speed rotation, and rely on the hurricane formed by the high-speed rotation of the body to attack."

"The Shura clan is really full of weird things, and there are still people with such strange talents."

After another charge was dodged by the Flash Gundam, Andras spun several times in mid-air, speeding up again.

The surrounding hurricanes continued to accelerate, and the wind and waves began to rise, stirring up the clouds in the sky.

An obvious tornado began to gradually form with Andras as the center.

It was at this time that Fernando controlled the machine to retreat continuously and provoked.

"Fulka, didn't that Earthling say you are very powerful?"

"How about it? Do you have the ability to receive Lord Magnus' attack forcefully?"

Folka smiled bitterly and said, "Of course this is impossible. The Shura Fist that General Magnus practiced is unique. It can overcome the dizziness caused by high-speed rotation and control the attack."

"Lord Altis said that the best way to take this move is to violently interrupt it before it is fully formed."

"But now, the wind of this move has been fully formed, and it is impossible to break it head-on."

"So far, no one except Lord Altis and Lord Alkaide has been able to break this move head-on."

As Folka spoke, the tornado formed by Andras's continuous rotation began to grow rapidly, and the terrifying suction it formed began to drag the surrounding machines towards the tornado uncontrollably.

The Gundam X and Cosi Gundam, which were still flying in the sky before, have already landed and stood on both sides of the Earth God, relying on the Earth God to resist the terrifying suction of the tornado.

Even Idabos and Valif, with their hands across their bodies, resisted this terrifying wind.

Only the Shining Gundam stood in place, as if unaffected, looking up at the huge tornado.

Looking at the huge tornado that had gradually dyed the entire sky black, Lin Youde teased leisurely.

"What a big battle. Although I want to let you, isn't your attack pre-swing a little too big?"

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