Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1713 First Battle! General Shura

Lin Youde's lighthearted teasing made Magnus even more angry.

"You are about to die, and you still don't know it?"

"Earthlings are so stupid that they don't deserve to live."

"Let me, Magnus, bury you."

"Heroic, burst!"

The red flames burst out from Andras and quickly swept up, dyeing the entire tornado, which had become extremely huge, blood red on the spot.

In an instant, a huge red tornado swept towards the Shining Gundam at a faster speed.

"Die, stupid earthling!"

"Giant Spirit God Fist·Hell's Great Whirl!!!"

The terrifying red tornado swept towards the Shining Gundam.

Everyone in the audience focused their attention on the Shining Gundam, which was completely unmoved.

Under the gaze of everyone, the Shining Gundam stood there, motionless.

Lin Youde took a deep breath: "You keep calling me stupid Earthlings. You really have no moral integrity."

"In that case, let me take you to your death."

"Shining Gundam, Super Mode!!!"

A dazzling golden light burst out from the Shining Gundam, and in an instant, the Shining Gundam turned into a little golden man.

At the same time, a golden light flashed on the mecha crystal on Lin Youde's chest.

An exciting BGM instantly overwhelmed the terrifying wind and waves caused by the tornado, echoing in everyone's ears.

[BGM: I have a clear mind and still water - the palm of my hand is like a blazing fire [M-85]]

The sudden sound of this BGM stunned the Shuras who had never heard it before.

Fernando: "What sound?"

Folka: "This music is..."

Fiona: "It's the music I heard in the battle record before!"

Compared to the dumbfounded Shuras, the people on the Cradle of the Earth were a little better, just surprised.

Zenga narrowed his eyes: "Is this... the BGM field?"

Carrod: "What a great music, I feel like I'm going to burn up."

Little Tifa nodded slightly: "Yeah, it's nice."

Hathaway stared at the Shining Gundam: "Using the BGM field means that Dad is serious?"

Amid the discussion, Magnus' voice began to be heard in the violent tornado.

"Playing tricks, do you think this strange music can scare me?"

"Stupid earthlings..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Youde shouted and interrupted him.

"Shut up! Then, look at me!"

Magnus: "What!?"

The Shining Gundam raised his right hand, and a dazzling green light emanated from his right hand.

"Look, my hand is shining and roaring!"

"It's shouting for me to knock you down!"

Magnus roared: "Playing tricks, watch me smash you!!!"

The red tornado began to accelerate, and in the blink of an eye it had rushed to the front of the Shining Gundam.

However, the Shining Gundam was not in a hurry, and clenched Shining's right hand into a fist.

"Here it comes, Dimension Overlord Style·Sure Kill·Shine~~~~Meteor Punch!!!!"

The Shining Gundam suddenly punched forward, which not only dispersed the wind and waves that swept over on the spot, but also made Shining's right arm disappear on the spot, and shot countless fist shadows shining with green light in front of him.

The fists that looked like green meteors, like a Gatling gun at full speed, turned into green bullets and kept bombarding the scarlet tornado.

In an instant, the sound of countless crackling fists breaking the hurricane sounded in everyone's ears.

Under the gaze of everyone, the Shining Gundam, which turned into a little golden man, stood in place, just kept punching, and punched the sky with green meteor punches, and then blocked the red tornado steadily in place.

No matter how the red tornado accelerated, it could not go beyond the limit.

Such a situation made everyone stunned.

Furka and Fernando were especially surprised.

Fernando: "How is it possible!? He actually blocked General Magnus's Hell's Great Whirl with his fists!? Is this really something a human can do?"

Furka: "I don't know. Apart from Lord Alcaide, even Lord Altis can only use other methods to resolve this move."

"Sure enough... Mr. Lin Youde was not just bragging when he said it before."

"He really has the power to rival Lord Alcaide."

Fernando looked back in surprise: "What!?"

Furka was about to reply when he was attracted by Fiona's mumbling, who was also stunned.

"Isn't this too much?"

"What kind of world is this? Why is there a Gundam that can fight like this?"

"Is this really Lin Youde?"

Magnus himself was also shocked by Fiona's mumbling.

"How is it possible? He actually blocked it with his fists? Who the hell are you?"

In response, Lin Youde snorted.

"I've said it before, I'm just an ordinary earthling."

"Besides, isn't it too early to be surprised now?"

Magnus: "What do you mean?"

Lin Youde: "It means that I'm going to get serious."

Magnus: "Huh!?"

Under everyone's gaze, the countless fist shadows in front of the Shining Gundam began to accelerate.

The speed was getting faster and faster, and gradually, it turned into a stream of green light, constantly shuttling and shining in front of him, and kept accelerating.

"Look, I'll defeat you from the front!"

The green light gradually accelerated, and the color gradually turned golden.

"Dimension Overlord Flow Lightning~~~ Light Speed ​​Punch!!!"

Finally, with Lin Youde's roar, the crazy accelerating golden light burst in an instant.

In a way that no one in the audience could see clearly, the huge red tornado was torn into pieces in an instant.

Under the dark sky, countless golden lights were flying in the air...

And Andras, who was originally spinning at high speed, had stopped spinning and floated in the sky.

At this time, the sharp-eyed Furka, Fernando, Zenga and others discovered that on the fat body of Andras, which gradually stopped spinning, there were terrifying pits, densely spread all over the armor of the whole body.

Seeing this scene, Fernando was shocked: "Actually... he was really defeated head-on?"

Furka's eyes lit up: "This is... a real strong man..."

Fiona rubbed her eyes frantically: "Oh my God, am I really not watching a cartoon?"

"This is crazy..."

Fiona's words made Carlod nod in deep thought: "That's why I said that the uncle is so handsome~! It's just like shooting a movie, so handsome. Right, Tifa?"

Little Tifa nodded with shining eyes.

And Hathaway asked in a low voice: "Uncle Zengjia?"

Zengjia: "Same, exactly the same."

Hathaway was puzzled: "What do you mean exactly the same?"

Zengjia replied: "That is... a trick created by Youde on our side. Youde... is indeed the same person, no matter the movements or momentum, they are exactly the same."

Looking at the Shining Gundam that blew up the huge tornado with just a fist, Zengjia's eyes gradually became moist...


PS: No, I feel inexplicably unmotivated recently. Is it because of the outbreak in the first half of the month that my spirit has been drained? Blue Shou...

PS2: Let me explain why the battle in this chapter is not against God Slash Typhoon? Because God Slash Typhoon has been used before, and I don't think it's interesting to use the same move all the time.

In addition, God Slash Typhoon is not as violent and shocking as simply using fists to explode.

So this chapter is arranged like this, that's all.

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