Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1714 (4K) The Secret of Dimension Overlord Style! Eight Swords Flash!!!

Chapter 1714 (4K) Dimension Overlord Style·Secret! Eight Swords Flash!!!

The feat of Shining Gundam smashing the tornado with a punch shocked everyone who saw this scene.

Especially Zeng Jia, after seeing this scene, he immediately understood Lin Youde's intention.

Not using the Invincible East Style, but using the Dimension Overlord Style, is to prove that if Lin Youde in this world is still alive, he can do the same thing.

Although in this era, there are many invaders from other dimensions and powerful enemies around.

But he, Lin Youde, is no weaker than others.

In order to prove this, Lin Youde used the Dimension Overlord Style.

Zeng Jia understood this and was moved.

But not everyone can understand Lin Youde's intention.

Or, some people are standing on the opposite side and can't understand it at all.

For example, in the shock of everyone, Magnus, who was also shocked, came to his senses and was furious.

"Damn you! Don't underestimate me!"

"I am the General of Heavy Shock, as Mizar calls him! I'm not that easy to be defeated!"

"With this level of injury, I'll be healed in a matter of minutes!"

"Powerful, burst!!!"

As Magnus roared, red flames burst out from Andras.

The scars on Andras' body were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye under the red flames.

Seeing this, Lin Youde taught Furka, who had retreated far away, in a relaxed tone.

"Furka, remember, never learn such stupid actions in the future."

"To save face, it is a very stupid behavior to spend a lot of energy to repair the surface armor of the body in battle."

Lin Youde's words made Magnus furious and he completely exploded.

"You stupid earthling, how dare you call me, Lord Magnus, stupid!?"

"Today, I must kill you!!!"

Andras, who had recovered, opened his arms and opened his chest armor completely, revealing the huge muzzle on his chest or belly, allowing the internal gun barrel to expand outward.

"Oh oh oh oh oh!!!"

Amid Magnus's roar, golden energy began to gather in the gun barrel on Andras' belly.

"Go to hell and repent! Stupid earthling!"

"Giant Vibration Cannon, fire!!!"

A huge golden beam of light 50 meters thick burst out from Andras' belly and flew towards the Shining Gundam...

Looking at the huge beam of light flying over, Lin Youde chuckled.

"Heh, are you angry?"

"What a fool, the Shuras are all simple-minded."

"At this time, if you just dodge a little, your energy will be completely wasted."

"But you will definitely not accept this."

"Okay, I will let you know who is really stupid!"

Under everyone's gaze, the Shining Gundam did not dodge, but put his hands together and put them at his waist. The center of his hands was also gathering golden light.

"Hasavi, Furka, and Carod, remember, don't stand on the left in the future!"

Hasavi, Furka, and Carod: "Ah!?"*3

Amid the three confused responses, the Shining Gundam pushed his hands forward, and a golden dragon roared out.

"Dimension Overlord Flow Super Dragon Flash!!!"

Lin Youde shouted loudly, and the golden dragon-shaped energy wave flew out and hit Andras's giant spirit vibration cannon head-on.

The two golden beams collided in mid-air and were briefly deadlocked.

Magnus: "What!?"

Lin Youde: "Break it!"

The golden dragon-shaped energy wave suddenly thickened in mid-air, pushing the giant vibration cannon back on the spot.

"No, this can't be..."

Before he finished speaking, the giant vibration cannon was pushed back by the super dragon flash.


A huge explosion exploded on Andras. A black smoke screen hundreds of meters in size enveloped Andras...


"I haven't lost yet!!!"

The violent red flames exploded from Andras, blowing away the surrounding black smoke on the spot.

The body was full of signs of scorching, and the completely twisted barrel on the belly was recovering quickly under the red flames.

After a while, Andras returned to an uninjured state.

"Did you see it? Stupid earthling! You can't defeat this general alone!"

Andras's strong recovery ability and Magnus's shouting made Carlod confused.

"Is this guy immortal? How to fight such a guy?"

Hathaway replied: "It's very simple, just blow him up with an attack that exceeds his ability to repair himself."

Lin Youde replied: "Yes, nothing in this world is immortal."

"The reason you feel that something is immortal is because your damage has not exceeded the limit of its self-repair."

"For such a guy, either use an attack that exceeds his ability to recover to wear him down."

"Or, blow up his core in one go and solve the problem once and for all."

Lin Youde's words brought everyone's attention back to the Shining Gundam.

As everyone watched, the Shining Gundam drew out its beam sword.

"Today I will show you how to fight such a dung beetle!"

As Lin Youde spoke, everyone was surprised to find that the Shining Gundam flashed with golden light, and the ground beneath their feet shattered. Pieces of gravel seemed to lose the constraints of gravity and began to fly upside down.

At the same time, the golden light of the Shining Gundam disappeared quickly, and in less than a moment, it returned to its original color.

However, before everyone could ask questions, a golden halo appeared behind the Shining Gundam.

At the moment when this golden halo appeared, the Shining Gundam body also began to be free from the constraints of gravity, and it was suspended like anti-gravity, hanging in the air.

"This is..."

Before Hasawi could finish his words, he saw the second halo appear behind the Shining Gundam, suspended a little behind the first halo, and the size was just one circle larger than the first halo.

And after the second halo appeared, the third halo also appeared behind the second halo and wrapped around it.

Each halo just wrapped around the previous halo, and was thicker.

At the same time, the beam sword in the hands of the Shining Gundam also changed from the original regular round stick shape to a real long sword, as if it had solid corners and sharp blades.

Not only that, the sharp-eyed Hathaway, Furka, Zenga and others also found that several black English letters appeared in the center of the beam sword.


At the moment Hathaway read out these English words, the three light wheels behind the Shining Gundam rippled with faint golden ripples one by one, pushing the Shining Gundam forward slowly.

Every time the golden ripples on each light wheel rippled, the Shining Gundam moved faster in the air.

In less than a moment, under a series of ripples, the Shining Gundam moved faster and faster. Almost in the blink of an eye, it brought out a series of sonic booms and rushed towards Andras at lightning speed.

And this speed was also accelerating during the movement, gradually leaving an afterimage in the air...

"Watch out! Dimension Overlord Style, Secret! Eight Swords..."

Under Lin Youde's loud shout, the Shining Gundam finally accelerated to a certain limit, turning into a golden light, leaving only three golden light wheels flying forward in the air.

The next moment, under everyone's gaze, a golden light passed through Andras on the spot.

In an instant, eight pink lights appeared on Andras's body, cutting off Andras's limbs and head on the spot, and cutting the huge belly into an inverted triangle with only the core part left.

At the moment when Andras was split and dismembered, the three golden light wheels came late, passing through Andras's inverted triangle core, stopped 300 meters behind it, and re-suspended together.

At this time, the figure of the Shining Gundam gradually appeared and was captured by everyone's naked eyes.

However, at this time, Fernando was horrified to find that behind the three golden wheels was the Shining Gundam.

Shining Gundam was holding a pink beam sword, and was facing Andras from behind.


The next second, a golden light flashed, and Shining Gundam and three light wheels disappeared instantly, as if teleporting, and appeared out of thin air 300 meters in front of Andras.

At this time, with the passionate BGM playing, Lin Youde's voice just reached everyone's ears.

A huge crack appeared from the center of the remaining inverted triangle core area of ​​Andras, dividing the core area into two.

"A, Er, Kai, Lord De..."

In Magnus's last whisper, arcs flashed violently on all the dismembered parts of Andras, and finally connected in series, causing a huge explosion and setting off a violent hurricane.

The violent hurricane blew everything around.

However, everyone's eyes at this moment were fixed on the sky, and the three light wheels gradually disappeared, gently fell from the sky, stood on the ground, and casually swung his hand, put away the beam sword, and faced the exploding Shining Gundam.

This scene made everyone stunned.

After a long time, when the smoke of the explosion dissipated and no fragments of Andras could be seen, the nervous Carlod was the first to cheer.

"Wow! Uncle, you are so handsome!!!"

Carlod's exclamation made everyone come back to their senses.

The Shuras were the first to panic.

"General Magnus... was defeated?"

"Impossible, how could General Magnus be defeated?"

"Nightmare, this must be a dream. How could General Magnus be defeated by the earthlings? This must be a nightmare..."

"Captain Fernando, what should we do?"

Fernando also looked horrified: "General Magnus actually... lost, and so easily? It's unbelievable that the earthlings are so powerful?"

Furka, who came back to his senses, glanced at Fiona in the cockpit, who was stunned and completely dazed, smiled, and said to Fernando.

"Fernando, it's just as you see it."

"This Lord Lin Youde is as strong as Lord Alkaide."

"So, go back."

"I want to follow Lord Lin Youde and use my eyes to see the world."

"I, won't go back with you."

Folka's words made everyone look at Valifor.

Hathaway asked without hesitation: "Dad, do you really want to let this guy go back?"

The Shining Gundam turned his head to look at Valif, and the gaze at that moment made Fernando sweat profusely.

But fortunately, soon, Lin Youde's next sentence made him slightly relieved.

"Since Furka said so, let him go. After all, someone has to take a message to Alcaide. If it's an ordinary Shura, I'm afraid Alcaide may not reply. Besides..."


Hathaway looked at the Shining Gundam in confusion. Before Lin Youde replied, the voice of Little Tifa suddenly came out.

"Someone is coming."

"Huh? Huh!? This gravity wave..."

Hathaway suddenly looked at the main screen of the Cosi Gundam, and a series of pop-up windows made him widen his eyes.

Afterwards, the Shining Gundam turned slightly and looked at the place where Andras exploded before.

There, the space began to distort...

Everyone heard the words and controlled the body to look over.

In less than 2 seconds, the space that was only slightly distorted was completely distorted.

A space crack of more than 200 meters appeared on the spot.

One after another, gray metal bodies fell from the space crack and landed on the ground.

These bodies have gray-black paint, and the scarlet single eye on their heads turned left and right twice, and finally fixed on the Shining Gundam.

Looking at these bodies that either stand on four legs and hold long cannons.

Or stand on two legs and hold large guns.

Or there are no guns, only two humanoid bodies that are armed like physical swords and are attached to the waist.

Looking at these bodies that are generally only 20 to 30 meters high, Lin Youde is very confused.

"What is this? I thought the dimensional beasts were going to come out, why are these strange guys?"

In Lin Youde's puzzled expression, Hathaway replied with a serious expression.

"Dad, these are invaders from another dimension."

Furka reminded with a serious expression.

"Be careful, it's the Hound Knight (four-legged), Black Hunter (two-legged), and the reconnaissance commander machine Silver Deadpool (humanoid) of the Alec Empire."

Folka's words made Lin Youde full of questions.

"Alec Empire? What is that?"

Hathavi was also puzzled: "Alec Empire? Is it the country where these alien invaders belong?"

Folka nodded: "Yes, the Alec Empire is a country with special space transfer technology like our Shura City."

"We, the Shura clan, have encountered these guys more than once during our journey in the interdimensional gap, and each time we have been hit hard."

"These guys have similar technology to you earthlings, but they are undoubtedly more advanced and tricky."

"And these guys are numerous and very difficult to deal with."

"But fortunately this time, the other side seems to be a marine regiment."

"It's not a flying unit, so it's not difficult for us to deal with it."

Folka's words made the red eyes on the head of the only humanoid machine, Silver Deadpool, move on the spot and look at Idabos.

A mechanical female voice came out from this machine.

"The abnormality is confirmed, and it is determined to be a battle between Shura God and the residents of the earth."

"Data upload... Completed."

"Now start the capture mission."

In an instant, the heads of all the transferred machines bloomed with a strange red light...


PS: For the reading experience, today's update is two-in-one, so it is a single update.

It's the end of the month, so there will be no outbreak. The author will ensure full attendance first.

The last day, dears, please give some votes~!

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