Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1715 (Happy May Day!) The Alex Empire

The strange one-eyed red lights on the heads of many machines in the Alec Empire flashed, immediately putting everyone present on alert.

Lin Youde, who had just finished a fight, looked at the machine called Silver Deadpool.

"It seems like we are being targeted?"

"Hassawi, Furka, do you have any other information?"

"If you do, tell me immediately."

Almost as soon as Lin Youde finished speaking, the four-legged mobile weapon Hound Knight and the two-legged mobile weapon Black Hunter launched their attacks.

The Hound Knight seemed to be carrying physical weapons. Huge cannonballs were shot out from the huge sniper rifle and were shot away by the Flash Gundam driven by Lin Youde.

The Black Hunter is equipped with a beam weapon, and beams of different colors fly towards it, but are easily dodged by the Flash Gundam.

But despite the ease with which Lin Youde dodged the Shining Gundam driven by Lin Youde, it was not so easy for others to deal with it.

Fortunately, Idabosi and Valiver could use their super mobility to block these attacks with the Mecha Fist.

But those Shuras who didn't know how to use Meishen Fist suffered a lot. They were hit by attacks one after another and exploded directly.

On the contrary, Karod and Hathaway were very smart and took off on the spot, taking advantage of their flight to dodge flexibly in the sky and launch their attack again.

The Earth God directly moved his ship-cutting sword forward and blocked many attacks, looking particularly relaxed.

Hathaway: "Dad, it's not that I want to hide anything. It's actually that we know very little about these interdimensional invaders."

Zeng Jia followed: "Yes, these guys suddenly appeared after the "Great Destruction". "

Hathaway echoed: "Yes, and although these guys can talk, they don't communicate with us at all."

"The technology they have is far superior to ours."

"Especially after the "Great Destruction", civilization on the earth was almost cut off, and technology was directly cut off. Let alone development, maintaining the status quo was already trying our best. "

"At present, except for us, the Earth Federation Army has a very difficult time dealing with these invaders from other dimensions."

Fernando interrupted disdainfully: "Isn't this a matter of course? The Alec Empire is a powerful civilization that can compete with our Shura clan."

"If our Shura clan's original planet hadn't been destroyed and there was only one Shura city left, unable to fight for a long time and without supplies, these guys wouldn't be so arrogant."

Fiona, who was tied up in the cockpit of Idabosi and watched all this, had just come to her senses when she heard what Hathaway and Fernando said, and couldn't help but start complaining mode.

"Dad? What do you mean? That Lin Youde actually has a son? Are you kidding me? Can Lin Youde have a son?"

"The destruction of Shura Planet? Didn't you ask for it? In order to fight, you blew up your own planet. How dare you say that?"

Fiona's words made Hathaway and Fernando dissatisfied on the spot.

Hathaway: "What do you mean? Why can't I be Lin Youde's son?"

Fernando: "Shut up, stupid Earth woman, it's not your turn as an outsider to make irresponsible remarks about our Shura clan's affairs."

Seeing that Fiona was still talking back, Fulka controlled the machine to retreat and said to Lin Youde and Zeng Jia.

"Sorry, don't argue with Fiona."

"In addition, Fiona is from your earth and cannot be active in Idaboth for a long time."

"Even if she wears special protective clothing, Fiona can't hold on for long, so I can't fight with all my strength."

"As for the Alec Empire, we don't know much here. We just know that they are people from another world. In the gap between dimensions, they accidentally encountered our Shura clan and a battle broke out."

"Otherwise, we don't know much."

"Because Sir Alkaid said that anyone who dares to challenge the majesty of the Shura clan will be crushed directly without worrying about anything else. So we don't have any more information."

"The only thing we know is that the Alec Empire's technology is very powerful. Almost every machine has a powerful protective shield."

Carlod was confused: "Protective shield?"

Gundam X fired from the air on the spot, and the beam hit a black Hunter and was blocked by a transparent protective cover.

Seeing this protective shield, Lin Youde frowned: "This protective shield is... a dimension distortion field!?"

In Lin Youde's memory, various types of protective shields have corresponding colors.

Only the dimensional distortion field is completely colorless and transparent.

On Aquamarine, there are only a handful of machines with dimensional distortion force fields. Apart from Valcyon controlled by Bian, there are only the Summer Flower Team on the Nadeshiko, and Tessa's exclusive guard in Mithril, the mysterious semi-human body. The attacker is driven by the mechanical girl Rei.

"Could it be that... these guys..."

Lin Youde's muttering to himself made Zeng Jia ask curiously.

"Youde, do you know something?"

Lin Youde replied: "No, I can't be sure. But the bodies of these guys, especially the reconnaissance commander aircraft, are quite similar to a certain aircraft in my memory, especially the tail-like decoration, which makes me The memory is still fresh.”

That's right, Lin Youde finally remembered that in his memory, only the Raider beside Tessa had such a strange structure like a monkey's tail.

And these marines in front of us, called the Yarick Empire, are highly similar to the Raiders driven by Lian, whether in terms of the color of the machine or the strange tail structure.

Moreover, Lian's Raiders also have a special dimensional distortion field, and the technology is very advanced.

It is so advanced that although it is not a black box machine, the dimensional distortion field carried by the Raiders cannot be reproduced and installed on the Sons of Danu.

If it is just a problem of miniaturization, it is actually okay. But it cannot be made into a large-scale one, and the gold content in it is a bit interesting.

You know, there is a whisperer named Tessa in the Sons of Danu, and the technical strength is not weaker than the three major countries.

It was at this time that Lin Youde remembered the broken lines that the Raiders came to support when they were attacked by the dimensional beasts in the Second New Tokyo City, which is now District 11.

“@##¥(Target confirmed)…** # *(Zizizi Dizizi)…\u0026^%(Soldiers)!”

Lin Youde pondered: ‘The Emperor’s Soldier that couldn’t be translated at that time, could it be that the real meaning was the Alexander Empire’s Soldier? ’

‘If so, doesn’t that mean that Lian is from the Alexander Empire? ’


PS: A lot of people are saying that I’m digging holes in the new volume, how can I fill them?

I mean, is there a possibility that I’m not digging holes, but filling them? (Covering face)

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