Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1716 Flash Knight Kick!

Lin Youde had made some guesses about Lian's origin before.

But based on the memory Lin Youde had, he couldn't determine the specific origin of Lian.

In addition, Tessa said that she picked up Lian from the beach and had no previous memories, so everything became even more blurry.

I never thought that in a place like this, I would accidentally meet guys who might be Rei's true origins.

This made Lin Youde immediately become interested in this so-called Alec Empire.

“None of the popular works that I am familiar with and the works that are slightly less popular but have a certain popularity do not have such an aircraft. ’

‘This unique monkey tail-like shape is so recognizable that if I see it, I will never forget it. ’

‘So, this Alec Empire should not be a work that has appeared in animation works. ’

‘In addition, Rei’s Raider is so similar to the Arbalest series and M series. ’

'there is only one truth……'

‘This so-called Alec Empire is the villain of the opposing camp created by the glasses factory’s own original protagonist. ’

‘As for whether Rei is the protagonist of a copyright that I haven’t played yet, that remains to be considered. ’

‘But the positioning of Alec Empire should be quite different. ’

Based on the principle that this is a parallel world, what is available in this world will basically be available in my own world.

Lin Youde decided to catch him alive and ask about the specific situation. Fortunately, when I return to my original world in the future, I can prepare for the invasion of the Alec Empire.

Others thought that the people from the Alec Empire only invaded after the "Great Destruction".

But Lin Youde knew that Lian came to Water Blue Star a long time ago.

Although I don’t understand why people from the Alec Empire have never come to Aquamarine and launched a war.

But in this world, now that they are here, the Aqua Blue Star where they will be in the future will definitely be attacked by the Alec Empire.

This kind of main event-like thing should not be missing even in parallel worlds.

After all, the Alec Empire is a technological empire that does not exist in the solar system, and the butterfly of Aquablue Star has no influence there at all.

Therefore, the invasion of the Alec Empire is almost a certain established fact.

Understanding this, Lin Youde instantly became motivated.


Zeng Jia's words brought Lin Youde out of his thoughts.

After a quick glance, I found that almost all of the Shura soldiers' aircraft were destroyed.

On the other hand, not one of the Alec Empire's machines was destroyed, which made Lin Youde understand that he had to take action himself.

The Earth God wanted to protect Idabosi, but Valiver was obviously unwilling to help and was still moving, as if he was planning to escape.

Corsi Gundam and Gundam X were attacking very hard, but it was difficult for their attacks to penetrate the dimension distortion field.

Even if the attack breaks through the dimensional distortion field, it still gives the opponent time to react and dodge, so the effect is not great.

"It's nothing. I'll explain my findings to you later."

"Now, deal with these guys first."

In reply to Zeng Jia, Lin Youde immediately locked onto the reconnaissance commander machine, the Silver Deadpool.

This machine is most similar to Rei's Raider, and as a commander machine, he should know more.

Thinking of this, he immediately waved his hands, causing the Flash Gundam's hands to glow with green light.

"Although I don't know if it's right, let me give it a try."

"Imitation Machine God Fist! Two dragons go to sea!"

Two blue dragon-shaped energy waves flew out of the Flash Gundam's hands on the spot and rushed towards the Alec Empire's Marine Corps.

The dimensional distortion force field that could block Gundam

In one explosion after another, the two dragon-shaped energy waves seemed to rush into an uninhabited land, wandering freely, and in a moment, they destroyed more than a dozen machines. The Marine Corps, which originally only had about 30 units, was halved in an instant.

Seeing such a battle, everyone exclaimed in shock.

Fernando's eyes almost fell out of his head: "How is it possible!? The Mecha-God Fist!? How could he do it? Furka, did you leak the Me-god Fist?"

Furka's face was full of shock: "Imitation of the Machine God Fist? You just imitated it after seeing it a few times? Your Excellency Lin Youde is really scary... Fernando, don't you understand? This is an imitation by Your Excellency Lin Youde himself. I But he didn’t reveal the method of practicing the Meishen Fist.”

Fiona was not so shocked now: "So, how did you get this animation-like special effect? ​​Is it scientific? Dad, stupid brother, I am becoming more and more confused about this world. I do not understand……"

Zeng Jia: "You are truly virtuous. You actually learned the Shura's moves so quickly."

Carlo Rod: "Does this mean we don't have to work anymore? Uncle can handle it all by himself, right?"

Hathaway nodded, and after controlling the Koxi Gundam to stop attacking, he heard Lin Youde's helpless reply.

"It's true... I have to let you and Hathaway retrain together to strengthen your body. What's the point of relying on me every time you go out?"

In the shameful expressions of Karod and Hathaway, the two dragon-shaped energy waves previously shot by the Flash Gundam had gradually collapsed in the various energy attacks after the Alec Empire Marine Corps reacted, leaving only two The blue light flow can no longer identify the dragon shape.

Lin Youde saw this and smacked his lips and said, "After all, it was an imitation. The quality is not good. It is basically uncontrollable after it is fired. This is far from my expectation."

After complaining, the Shining Gundam sent out two blue dragon-shaped energy waves again, but this time, the dragon-shaped energy waves did not rush towards the Marine Corps of the Alex Empire.

Instead, it rushed towards the two blue light streams that were about to collapse, swallowed them, rushed out of the encirclement of the Alex Marine Corps, and began to rotate around the Alex Marine Corps, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

As the red single eye on the head of the reconnaissance commander machine Silver Hunter flashed quickly, a huge hurricane was generated from the center of the two dragon-shaped energy waves.

After a while, the dragon-shaped energy waves began to collapse, turning into blue light streams, forming a huge blue tornado, and rolled all the bodies of the Alex Marine Corps into the sky.

At this time, the Shining Gundam also stared with both feet, and with a loud bang, the ground instantly cracked, and the Shining Gundam soared into the sky and came to the top of the tornado that was almost 500 meters high.

"Let me finish you off in one go!"

The Shining Gundam spun in the air and kicked the blue tornado.

"One-hit kill, Shining~~Knight Kick!!!"

At Lin Youde's loud shout, a beam of white light fell from the sky and pierced the blue tornado on the spot.

At the moment the tornado dissipated, the bodies of the Alec Marine Corps that were scattered in the sky exploded one after another, creating fireworks all over the sky...


PS: Dear friends, at the beginning of this month, there will be double monthly tickets. If you have monthly tickets, please vote now, don't wait until the end of the month!

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