Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1717 A rare female protagonist in mecha wars

The Shining Gundam used a Shining Knight Kick to blast all the Marine Corps of the Alec Empire, and countless fireworks exploded in the sky.

The gorgeous appearance caused Little Tifa to applaud continuously.

"So beautiful~!"

Carod nodded in deep thought: "Indeed."

Unlike Carod and Little Tifa, whose focus was obviously biased in Gundam X, Hathaway immediately noticed the only machine that had not been shattered and fell from the sky full of fireworks.

"Is that... the reconnaissance commander machine of the Alec Empire?"

The Shining Gundam, which landed lightly on the ground, turned around, looked in the direction where the Silver Deadpool fell, and waved.

"That's right. The strength of that commander's machine is obviously not comparable to those marine corps."

"But after my attack, it is estimated that it is also seriously injured."

"Hathavi, Carlo, you and Zenga go over and capture the commander's machine."

"It's time for us to interrogate this Alec Empire."

Carlo: "Understood~!"

Hathavi responded on the spot: "Okay, Uncle Zenga."

Zenga: "Let's go~!"

Cosi Gundam, Gundam X, and Earth God took off and rushed to the direction where Silver Deadpool fell.

The Shining Gundam looked in the direction where Valif was before. At this moment, there was no one there.

"Fernando has left."

Seeing that the battle was over, Furka drove back in Idabos.

Lin Youde replied lightly.

"He is sensible. Don't worry about him. We'll go back together after we've settled this for the time being."

Lin Youde had no intention of rejecting Furka at all. Seeing this, Furka could only smile bitterly and follow the Shining Gundam that had turned around and left.

Because Fulka didn't dare to disobey Lin Youde at all. If he was unhappy, Lin Youde could beat him up.

On the other hand, Fulka was also very interested in Lin Youde. This was not only because of Lin Youde's strength, but also because of Lin Youde's strange familiarity with the Shura clan.

Although the Shura clan didn't have much contact with the earthlings, Lin Youde knew the Shura clan very well.

Such a strange situation also made Fulka happy to follow Lin Youde and find out the situation.

Fiona had no objection to Fulka's decision.

So, after dealing with a general of the Shura clan and a group of land forces of the Alec Empire, Lin Youde and others returned to the Cradle of the Earth.

Since the Shining Gundam and Idaboth walked, the Cosi Gundam, Gundam X, and the Earth God flew, so when Lin Youde and Fulka entered the Cradle of the Earth, Hasavi and others had already returned first.

Lin Youde, Furka and Fiona got off the machine. Fiona straightened her clothes a little and screamed when she saw Lin Youde's face.

"It's really Lin Youde!?"

Lin Youde didn't care about Fiona's surprise.

"Yes, I am Lin Youde, but not the Lin Youde you know. Instead, you..."

Fiona's familiar clothes and her poor heart made Lin Youde's eyelids jump.

"You... can't be Raul's sister?"

Lin Youde's question made Fiona's heart tighten.

"You know my brother? No, you caught my brother too?"

Hearing this, Lin Youde was basically sure that the Fiona in front of him was none other than the heroine of "Super Robot Wars R".

He didn't recognize her before because "Super Robot Wars R" had no voice, and Lin Youde had never heard Fiona's voice.

Later, the protagonists of "Super Robot Wars R" joined the world of "Super Robot Wars OG", but Lin Youde used them less and basically never heard of them.

So Lin Youde didn't recognize them at first.

But the moment he saw the real person, Lin Youde recognized them instantly.

There was no way, because the copyrighted heroine in front of him was one of the few heroines in the "Super Robot Wars" series who couldn't shake R.

Since ancient times, mecha wars have shaken R a lot, and the more beautiful women shake, the higher the damage they deal.

This is also the reason why Lin Youde liked the "Super Robot Wars" series before.

It was from "Super Robot Wars" that Lin Youde understood that big is good.

And Fiona's almost unshakable mind made Lin Youde give up after playing "Super Robot Wars R" for a while.

Well, this is also related to the fact that "Super Robot Wars R" was only translated into Chinese for a dozen episodes in the early days.

Therefore, Lin Youde still has some memories of Fiona.

In an instant, Lin Youde thought of many things in his mind.

That is to say, Fiona is not a new human, and she can't read minds.

Otherwise, if she knew all these messed up things in Lin Youde's mind, she would definitely be angry and fight with Lin Youde.

Unfortunately... ah, no, fortunately, Fiona didn't know all this.

So she was staring at Lin Youde nervously at this moment, and couldn't help asking.

"You really have surrendered to the shame of mankind of the native species, Lin Youde?"

Fiona's words made Lin Youde come back to his senses from his thoughts, and he said with a black face full of disgust.

"What do you mean by shame of mankind?"

"If you didn't force me into a dead end, would I go to the native species?"

"Don't make it seem like I have no responsibility at all."

Lin Youde's answer scared Fiona so much that she shrank behind Furka.

"Sure enough, I knew you were the monster!"

"We have all left our own world, but you are still haunting us."

"We don't seem to have offended you, right? Why are you so persistent and chasing us?"

Fiona's words made Furka look at Lin Youde in confusion.

It also made Carlod, who came over with little Tifa, look confused.

"What's going on?"

Lin Youde waved his hand: "Nothing, this stupid girl, she thought I was me from another world."

Carlod looked puzzled: "You thought I was the uncle from another world?"

Little Tifa whispered: "It's what Dad said a few days ago, the dad from the original world who was transformed into a native species."

Carlod hit his palm: "Oh~! That's what it means!"

Carlod looked like he understood it immediately, but Furka and Fiona were confused.

Amid the confused and confused expressions of the two, Lin Youde scratched his head and explained roughly.

"In Fiona's world, the one who destroyed the world was indeed me, but it was another me."

"I came from another parallel world. In my world, the time has just come to 2236."

"In other words, the native species destroying the world that happened in Fiona's world has never happened in my world."

"Do you understand what I mean?"


PS: I was a little busy today, so tired that I didn't want to move at all, and I wasn't in a good state. This update was hard-earned, so everyone should just bear with it.

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