Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1718 Is this vulgar? Playing with amnesia?

Lin Youde's explanation made Fiona's eyes widen and she shook her head woodenly.

"You said you are not Lin Youde from my world, so why do you know so much?"

Lin Youde scratched his hair helplessly again.

"For some reasons, I had some contact with my self in your world and learned some things."

"So I basically know what happened in your world."

"I even took in a group of people from your world, such as your brother, Raul, and Mizuho."

Fiona was overjoyed when she heard this: "Really? My brother and the others are okay?"

"Then where are my brother and the others now? Are they okay?"

In response, Lin Youde's expression was a little subtle: "Well... they are... probably, okay now."

Fiona's joy froze: "What do you mean?"

Lin Youde shrugged: "For some reasons, we were involved in an accident and separated."

"I came to this world I haven't seen them since they came to this world."

"Although I think that with Raul's luck, they will definitely survive."

"But I'm not sure whether they came to this world like me."

"I'm also new to this world and know very little about many situations."

Fiona was even more confused: "This world?"

Hathavi came over: "Yes, this world is the world nearly 100 years after your world."

"Unlike the world where the native species crisis broke out and where your father just arrived in 2236, this world is a doomsday world in the near future for you."

Hathavi's explanation made Fiona and Furka roughly understand the current situation.

While the two were still digesting this sudden amount of information, Hathavi looked at Lin Youde.

"Dad, the cockpit of the commander's plane is open, and there is indeed someone inside, but..."

Lin Youde was puzzled: "But what? Don't keep us in suspense, just tell us directly."

Hathavi replied with a complicated expression: "The pilot inside is a mechanically modified person, and she is a girl."

"Of course, this is not the point. The point is... she seems to have lost her memory."

Lin Youde was stunned: "No way? Such a clichéd plot of amnesia at this time? Isn't this too unromantic?"

"It's not a third-rate soap opera. Can amnesia happen casually?"

Hathavi looked helpless: "This is the situation."

"That girl is in a situation where she doesn't know anything."

"I can feel that she doesn't seem to be lying. She is panicked and confused."

Lin Youde frowned: "Is it really such a coincidence? Take someone to see."

Hathavi: "Well, see for yourself."

Under the guidance of Hasavi, Lin Youde soon saw a girl whose body was covered with metal in most places.

The limbs were mostly human skin, and most of the rest were mechanical structures. Lin Youde was also surprised by the strange high heels that were obviously not suitable for ordinary humans to wear.

"Is this... a human? Are you sure it's not a mecha girl!?"

Hathaway looked puzzled: "Dad, what is a mecha girl?"

Lin Youde patted Hasaway on the shoulder: "Mecha girls are a kind of masterpiece that only exists in science fiction works."

"You don't understand now, it doesn't matter. When I have time in the future, I will give you a good science popularization of what mecha girls are."


Lin Youde used the new human's mental induction to scan and confirmed that the girl in front of him had only two emotions besides panic and confusion.

Lin Youde came to the mecha girl standing under the silver Deadpool body and looking around, and took a look.

'This tail... is exactly the same as Lian's. '

'And the degree of mechanical modification is even more exaggerated than Lian. '

'It seems that the previous guess was correct. Lian is also a pioneer from the Alec Empire. ’

Just as Lin Youde was examining the mechanical girl, Furka and Fiona also came over and saw the mechanical girl.

Fiona was shocked: "No way, this is a human?"

Folka frowned: "A body replaced by a machine? Are all the people of the Alec Empire like this?"

Lin Youde asked without turning his head: "Folka, have you, the Shura clan, never met people from the Alec Empire before?"

Folka replied: "No, the Alec Empire adopts a zero-prisoner policy. Once the body is captured, the self-destruction program will be activated."

"Even if the body can be preserved by chance, the pilot will activate something like a subspace distortion bomb in the cabin, twisting and tearing the pilot's body into pieces and stuffing it into the turbulence of the subspace, and it can't be found at all."

"Our Shura clan's military advisor, Lord Mizar, even speculated whether there are really pilots in the bodies of the Alec Empire."

"So, this is also the first time I have seen people from the Alec Empire."

Carod was curious: "Then how do you know these guys are from the Alec Empire?"

"All from what they said?"

Folka shook his head: "That's not the case. The existence of the Alec Empire was told to us by our king, Lord Alkaide."

"Lord Alcaide seems to know about the Alex Empire, but he didn't tell us about it. He just told us that such a force exists and told us not to show mercy when we fight."

"Lord Alcaide said that the guys in the Alex Empire are just some stupid and pitiful guys. They are not worth contacting at all, not even worth destroying."

"So far, all our battles with the Alex Empire have been initiated by the other side."

Lin Youde looked back in surprise: "This is strange."

"Aren't you the Shura clan the most aggressive and fond of conquering everywhere?"

"A clan whose own planet was destroyed by years of war will one day be attacked by others instead of attacking others?"

"The sun is rising from the west?"

Fulka smiled bitterly and said, "Your Excellency knows a lot about our Shura clan."

"Yes, our Shura clan is indeed like this."

"If Lord Alkaide hadn't said that these guys are a bunch of lunatics who will self-destruct if they can't win, and are not worth destroying at all, we wouldn't have ignored them."

"Anyway, even if these guys are left alone, they will fight with the dimensional beasts and then destroy each other."

Hathavi was surprised: "Dimensional beasts? You also know about dimensional beasts?"

Fulka nodded: "Yes, dimensional beasts often appear in the gaps between dimensions and launch indiscriminate attacks on all living beings. Our Shura clan is not immune. What's wrong? Has your Earth also been attacked by dimensional beasts?"

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