Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1719 All gifts have a price set by God

Folka's question made the expressions of several earthlings present a little subtle.

Lin Youde: "I guess so. In our world, the origin of all disasters is caused by dimensional beasts."

"But after some things happened, dimensional beasts have not been seen for a long time."

Since the Marshal Longshe who saw the dimensional beasts on the moon, the dimensional beasts have indeed become extinct near the Blue Water Planet.

From the results, Longshe did fulfill his duties as the Marshal of the Dimensional Beasts and restrained the dimensional beasts.

But Lin Youde also understood that this was just a suspension agreement between the dimensional beasts and humans.

It temporarily ceased fire because of the relationship between him and the Space-Time Dragon God.

When the matter is over, the dimensional beasts will definitely launch another fierce attack.

At that time, it will definitely be the general offensive led by the Marshal of the Dimensional Beasts, Longshe.

Hathaway: "In our world, dimensional beasts haven't appeared for a long time since my father defeated the Grand Marshal of Dimensional Beasts."

"But every time a dimensional rift appears, dimensional beasts will occasionally fall out of the dimensional rift, so they can't be said to be extinct."

Folka sighed after hearing this: "Is that so? It seems that you earthlings have also been attacked by dimensional beasts."

"Really, what are these dimensional beasts? Why do they launch indiscriminate attacks in various worlds?"

Hathaway shook his head and replied.

"I don't know about this either."

"Maybe my father knows something, but he hasn't told anyone else, so we have no way of knowing."

Little Tifa looked at Lin Youde: "Dad, do you know?"

In an instant, Hathaway, Zenga, Carlod, Folka, and Fiona all focused their attention on Lin Youde.

Lin Youde nodded slightly: "Yes, I know."

Little Tifa's eyes lit up: "Really?"

Lin Youde smiled and rubbed Little Tifa's head: "Of course, your father will not lie casually."

Under the gaze of everyone, Lin Youde told the story about the "Origin of Dimensional Beasts" that he learned from the Dragon God of Time and Space. (See: Chapter 1419 for details)

"That's it. As the negative legacy of the last era, the dimensional beasts need all the living people of this era to take responsibility and face their revenge."

"This is the only thing that the living can do for these dead souls."

"And the current ruler of the dimensional beasts, known as the dimensional beast destroyer, is essentially a group of undead aggregates and cannot communicate at all, so there is no possibility of reconciliation."

"Currently, the only ones who can restrain the dimensional beasts are the high-level generals of the dimensional beasts, such as the marshal of the dimensional beasts, Dragon Snake."

"But even a high-level general like Dragon Snake can only restrain them temporarily and cannot maintain them for a long time."

"It can be predicted that the dimensional beasts will definitely attack again in the future."

"Even if I in this world defeat Dragon Snake, a new dimensional beast marshal will appear in the future to come for revenge."

"Dimensional beasts are such an existence."

"If all dimensional beasts are not eliminated and the souls inside are not freed, everything will not end."

Lin Youde's words stunned everyone present.

Carlod started to complain incoherently.

"No, uncle, are you sure you are not talking about some mythological story?"

"What about the last era, the god of reincarnation, the apostle of God, and the aggregate of the undead."

"What you said is too ridiculous, right? Are you sure it is all true?"

Lin Youde shrugged: "At least this is the news I got from another god who told me everything."

"Whether it is true or not, the destruction of the last era and the resentment of the dimensional beasts towards us living people are real and cannot be faked."

"In addition, Furka also indirectly verified that the dimensional beasts are not simply targeting us, the Blue Water Star or the people on Earth, but take care of all the living without distinction."

"So we can only destroy them in the end, or let them transcend this path."

"Otherwise, we will be the ones to die."

Lin Youde's words made Carlod speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say.

Only Little Tifa muttered, "That's so sad."

Feeling Little Tifa's depression, Lin Youde rubbed Little Tifa's head.

"This is also helpless. We can only choose to bear the sins created by those people in the last era."

"The black box body used in our era, as well as many other things, are all gifts left by the people of the last era, giving us the last hope."

"Since we have accepted the gifts of our ancestors, we must bear the negative legacy of our ancestors. This is considered to be a gain and a loss."

"There is no such thing as a free lunch in this world."

"All the gifts given by God have been marked with a price at the beginning."

Little Tifa nodded slightly and stopped talking.

But Carlod was shocked when he heard it, lowered his head, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Lin Youde glanced at Carlod, and then turned to look at the confused Fiona, and Furka with a face full of brain overload.

Obviously, this huge amount of information is not something they can accept for a while.

So Lin Youde didn't pay much attention to it, but looked at the puzzled mechanical girl in front of him.

After thinking for a while, Lin Youde gave instructions to Hathaway, who was also surprised but sighed.

"Hasavi, since she has lost her memory, let's take care of her first and do a full body check to see what caused her memory loss."

"In addition, according to Furka, the aircraft of the Alec Empire are difficult to capture, and the cockpit is usually damaged due to the explosion of the pilot."

"In this case, the intact cockpit of this Silver Deadpool should be of great value."

"You ask the maintenance team to study and see if they can dig out something valuable."

"Not to mention the battle records, the dimensional distortion field alone is also very valuable."

"Don't worry about whether you can study it thoroughly and copy it."

"As long as you can think of it, If we can remove the dimensional distortion field and install it on Gundam X, it will have great strategic value. "

Hearing this, Hathaway immediately responded: "Okay, Dad. I'll arrange it."

Lin Youde rubbed his shoulders: "Well, that's it, I'll go back to the gravity cabin to continue practicing."

"Every one of the Dimension Overlord fighting skills left by your father is very interesting."

"I need to study it carefully to see if I can reproduce more moves."

"Wait for news from other people in the world over there, and then notify me."

"If there is any place where you need to fight, just let Furka go with you."

"The general level of small fights no longer arouses my interest. "

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