Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1726 The King of the Shura Clan

"Specialized Type Ultra Special Soldier II·Revised?"

Looking at this familiar mass-produced machine, Lin Youde felt mixed emotions for a while.

It is clearly the future era, but humans are still using old machines like Ultra Special Soldier for innovation and integration.

It is not that Ultra Special Soldier is not good. In fact, as the subsequent mass-produced machine of the Undead series, Ultra Special Soldier has very high upper and lower limits.

It is just that such a machine has been used for decades and has not changed much. I don’t know whether to say that this model has strong plasticity or that the technology of human innovation and integration is blocked, which needs to be sad.

The G series fighting type Gundam brought by the Shining Gundam is a machine that only warriors can control.

Even if such a machine is mass-produced, it is impossible to be as widespread as Ultra Special Soldier.

After all, the number of conventional pilots is definitely greater than that of warriors.

Warriors are different from conventional pilots. They can go to the battlefield after one or two years of training.

Warriors cannot become successful without seven or eight years of hard work.

"Really... a machine has been passed down for three generations, and the machine remains even though the person is gone."

In the confusion of Hathaway's face full of question marks, Lin Youde waved his hand and boarded the transport plane.

"Hathaway, is there any news about the whereabouts of the members of Londo Bell?"

Hathaway hurriedly followed and replied.

"There has been no news recently, but according to what you said, Dad. The golden meteors that fell from the sky before should be you and other members of Londo Bell."

"Mom calculated the direction based on the angle of the meteors falling."

"We should be able to find some clues if we follow the designated direction."

"And most of the members of the Londo Bell troops you mentioned, Dad, are non-mass-produced special-purpose machines, and they are very recognizable."

"So we should be able to find some information if we go to the villages where people gather to inquire."

Hearing this, Lin Youde patted Hathaway's shoulder with relief: "Thank you for your hard work."

If possible, Lin Youde really wanted to let go of his new human telepathy and directly search for the whereabouts of the Londo Bell members.

With Lin Youde's current ability, he can shrink his telepathy, even if it goes around the earth.

However, due to the "Great Destruction" and the previous war, the souls of the dead are wandering everywhere on this earth.

This is why, before Lin Youde met Carlod and Hathaway, he tried to release his telepathy and was hit by negative emotions.

The number of people who died on this earth is not comparable to Julius 7 in the C.E world.

If it weren't for the fact that this world's self seemed to have left behind a method to shrink the telepathy, I'm afraid that the new humans in this world would have gone crazy long ago.

'Perhaps, it is precisely because of this extreme environment that pure new humans like Little Tifa were born. '

'This is probably the so-called "coming out of the mud without being stained, washing the lotus without being a demon"? '

At Lin Youde's call, everyone boarded a battleship that Lin Youde was very familiar with, the White Trojan.

Yes, in this era, the White Trojan still exists, but it has become an armed transport ship.

Moreover, before the destruction of this world civilization, artificial intelligence developed well. Now the white wooden horse can use voice to command simple flight work, and does not need too many maintenance personnel.

In this way, Lin Youde and others sat on the white wooden horse and set sail from the cradle of the earth, heading towards the direction where the meteor fell before.


Xura City·Practice Room

Fernando was besieged by a group of people.

Fernando fought against a hundred people alone and fought frantically.

Moreover, Fernando was wearing various protective gear that restricted his movements, and it looked particularly strenuous when he was moving.

In another room separated by a glass, a man wearing red armor and a terrifying scar on his left face was standing here with his arms folded, staring at Fernando's practice.

Next to him stood a handsome man with long silver hair.

"Lord Alcaide, is it too radical to let Fernando practice the Overlord Fist?"

"Although Fernando has the qualifications, his Mecha Fist is not yet perfect. If he practices the Overlord Fist directly, I'm afraid..."

Before the silver-haired handsome guy finished speaking, the king of the Shura clan, Alcaide Nash, replied with a stern face.

"It doesn't matter. Fernando and Furka are both children you have chosen. They are children with the potential to practice the Overlord Fist. Otherwise, you wouldn't teach them the Mecha Fist."

"Now, Furka has run to the stupid earthlings."

"And that stupid earthling dared to say that Furka would replace me in the future."

"Although earthlings have always been stupid. But to be so stupid, even I have to be more serious."

"Altis, do you understand what I mean?"

Altis, the general of Shura, nicknamed General Flash, nodded helplessly.

"You want to prove to that Earthman that Furka doesn't need you to take action at all, and only needs Fernando to deal with it, right?"

Alkaide folded his arms: "Yes, although the Earthman is stupid, his ability is not fake."

"I have read the battle records brought back by Fernando. He and Furka lost unjustly."

"He is a real strong man. Although his brain is a little problematic, his strength is unquestionable."

"Since Furka was taught by him, Fernando must also follow suit."

"Let me see who is stronger, my Overlord Fist or his Dongfang Bubai style."

Altis was sweating on his forehead.

"King, I am not questioning your policy."

"It's just that this kid Fernando may not be able to exert all the power of the Overlord Fist."

"If, I mean if, he loses in the subsequent duel with Furka. Then you..."

Alcaide glanced at Aldis and snorted coldly.

"I understand what you mean. Don't worry, I won't care about fights between children."

"He and Furka are close to each other. It's normal for whoever wins and who loses to win."

"It's great if he wins. If he loses, it means that on the same basis, that stupid earthling's Dongfang Bubai style is indeed unique."

"At that time, I will personally capture Fulka and the Earthling, and use their Eastern Undefeatable style boxing techniques to further expand and improve the Overlord Fist."

"The Overlord Fist is not afraid of challenges, but it is not so arrogant that it is invincible."

"I am looking forward to fighting against a truly strong person."

Altis hurriedly bent down: "In that case, how about letting me take Fernando to test it?"

"If Fernando is no match for Furka, I will take action personally. There is no need for you, the king, to do it myself."

Alcaide glanced at Altis, turned and left, leaving only one sentence.

"It's up to you, but before that, remember to knock down the white star for me."

"Those foreigners are becoming more and more an eyesore."

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