Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1727 Communication between father and son

In the white wooden horse, Lin Youde rarely practiced in the gravity chamber. Instead, he sat on the captain's seat and chatted with Hathaway.

It's not that Lin Youde doesn't want to race against time to practice hard, it's actually that Lin Youde finds that even with the enhancement of the perfect adjuster and the dual assistance of the powerful regeneration ability of the native species, his body can't bear it.

Just when he had adapted to 85 times gravity and felt that his strength had been completely stabilized as a martial artist and he could charge towards the ultimate martial artist state, Lin Youde discovered that his body's recovery power could not keep up.

Lin Youde is someone who has watched "Dragon Ball" and received personal instruction from Dongfang Bubai.

So Lin Youde immediately understood that he had stressed his body too much in a short period of time and needed to let his body rest for a while.

Practicing hard can easily overwhelm your body, and it's not surprising that you may suffer internal injuries if you don't do it right.

It is precisely because of this understanding that Lin Youde is sitting here, taking a break between work and rest, and having father-son communication with Hathaway's son in the parallel world.

Well, it’s a true father-son exchange.

At the beginning, Hathaway told many things about himself from childhood to adulthood, and asked Lin Youde questions about many things that he could not figure out.

Lin Youde didn't put on airs or pretend to be cool. Lin Youde answered Hathaway's confusion as much as possible. As for some things that Lin Youde didn't know about, Lin Youde also told him that he didn't know about it now.

Although Lin Youde is Hathaway's father in terms of identity, Lin Youde is only in his twenties now, even though he has decades of experience in his previous life. In this doomsday world, Lin Youde cannot answer many questions.

For example, Hathaway once asked Lin Youde some questions similar to the tram problem.

The trolley problem has always been a huge problem in human history, and it is certainly impossible for Lin Youde to answer it.

Thanks to Lin Youde's younger appearance now, after answering that he didn't know what to do, Lin Youde further gave some more emotional answers.

For example, choose those you like, or those you know personally, your relatives and friends.

After all, human nature is selfish, and it is always right to give priority to your own relatives and friends.

As for the moral judgment?

Lin Youde didn't care about that kind of thing.

Although Lin Youde has always felt that as a three-good young man in the new era, it is the best thing to work hard for the country and the people as much as possible.

But if he really puts his relatives, friends and people he doesn't know on the scale, then he still won't have any hesitation.

Otherwise, Lin Youde in the other world would not do anything to destroy the world.

Morality is important, but not letting yourself regret is even more important.

Lin Youde saw this very clearly.

Lin Youde even told Hathaway, Carlod, Da Tifa, and Fiona everything about the other world, and then warned Hathaway not to make the same mistake again.

If something like this really happens, don't hesitate to take revenge directly.

These words made Fiona's expression a little tense.

"Lin Youde...Doctor, is this too extreme?"

As a person who escaped from the other side of the world, Fiona couldn't accept Lin Youde's statement.

But Lin Youde replied righteously.

"Extreme? What kind of extreme is this?"

“What we human beings have believed in since ancient times is “revenge when there is an enemy, and revenge when there is a grudge.” "

"The ancients even said, "How can we repay kindness with kindness?" "

"Hasavi, remember, don't pay attention to the nonsense that the Holy Mother said, "Even if revenge is successful, what will you get?" "

"Remember, revenge can at least provide you with self-comfort. Warn the spirits of relatives and friends that even if they are spurned by countless people, they will go all the way to the end. This is what a surviving person should do. It is a matter of course."

"At most, when seeking revenge, we should keep our grudges clear and avoid hurting innocent people as much as possible. Being able to do this and have a clear conscience is enough."

"If you don't take revenge, even if the whole world forgives you, the dead person will not forgive you. Even if the whole world thinks you are a hero, your father and I will think that you are not worthy of being a human being at all."

"As my son, you should keep your grudges clear."

"We don't have to take the initiative to shoot, but if someone dares to shoot at us, we must be aware and prepared that we will shoot him to death and ensure that he dies completely."

"This is just like your father and me in another parallel world. Even if the whole world accuses me, I will take revenge!"

"Whoever dares to stop me from revenge is my enemy. There is no need for mercy towards the enemy. Because the ancients also said that kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself."

"You guys, do you understand?"

Fiona rationally felt that Lin Youde's statement was wrong. But emotionally, she also felt that there seemed to be no problem in avenging her relatives and friends.

But when she thought of what happened in her own world, she became a little entangled again.

Should she stand on the side of personal matters? Or should we stand on the side of justice?

Fiona was confused and silent.

But Hathaway, who has lived in the apocalypse for many years, did not have any difficulty understanding this, and he nodded in response very simply.


Carlod replied without any psychological burden: "Isn't this natural? Others are going to kill us, why should we reason with the enemy?"

"If others don't let us live, then we have no choice but to send them to death. After all, we still have to live."

Lin Youde patted Carlod on the shoulder.

"Yes, you are a teachable boy."

Folka on the side was entangled.

"Lin Youde...Sir, doesn't your Earth culture advocate peace? Why are you so radical? Why do I feel that you seem to be more inclined to our Shura clan?"

In response, Lin Youde replied unhappily.

"We Earthlings are fundamentally different from you, the Shura clan."

"Let's not talk about the culture of Western countries for now. At least in our Eastern culture, advocating peace and not being afraid to fight are two different things."

"Peace is not something that can be said with just a mouth. Real peace is achieved through struggles of blood and tears."

"Remember, Furka, you can learn the peace culture of Earth, but you cannot lose the Shura clan's fighting spirit."

"The Shura clan's courage to fight is commendable. But giving up everything else for the sake of fighting is the problem."

"So you..."


A huge explosion not far away interrupted Lin Youde's words and made everyone look over.

Hasavi: "Alpha, what's going on?"

Alpha, who was sitting on the console, turned around: "Report, there is a battle ahead, the explosion point is right in front of us, and it is expected to arrive in 5 minutes..."

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