Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1732 Times have changed? It doesn’t matter, just change back!

Lin Youde's sudden appearance with the Flash Gundam was unexpected by everyone present.

This sudden support made Tis stunned for a moment, but soon her momentum began to become stronger.

"So what if it's me?"

"It's just one person coming to support, what's the big deal?"

"Do you think you alone can change anything?"

Tis's three consecutive shouts made Lin Youde laugh out loud. Raul, Chiyue Qiushui and Chiyue Guangzhu looked at Tugatel with pity.

It's a pity that Thies couldn't see the expressions of the three people at all, and he had no idea what he was about to face.

"Hehehe, I just like a little girl like you who doesn't know the heights of the world."

"But now that you admit it, things will become much simpler."

"For anyone who dares to bully the members of "Londe Bell", we will retaliate with tooth for tooth, eye for eye, and then pay back a hundred times! "

"Besides, who said I'm the only one here?"

Almost as soon as Lin Youde finished speaking, in the midst of Tis's surprised expression, a high-speed flying sound came from the sky.

Everyone looked up, and a white meteor flashed past. A white Corsi Gundam made a graceful arc from the sky, flew to the sky above the Flash Gundam, and stopped.

At the same time, at the top of the broken mountain behind the Shining Gundam, several aircrafts passed through the top of the mountain and flew to the side of the white Corsi Gundam.


Not only that, a red Shura God Idabosi was released from the hands of Gundam X and Mini Fairy Leon, and landed next to the Flash Gundam.

Looking at the sudden increase in the number of machines, Tis's face finally changed a little.

"There is actually support, even God Shura?"

"Have you earthlings united with the Shuras?"

In response, Lin Youde smiled slightly and replied.

"You don't need to worry about these."

"Because you soon won't have the time or energy to pay attention to this."

"Little girl, you said before that I alone can't change anything, right?"

Tis gritted his teeth and insisted on replying.

"Yes, that's what I said."

"It's just a Shura God. It's nothing in front of us."

"Uncle, you don't think that just a Shura God can scare us? Do you really think that we are scared?"

Lin Youde laughed happily.

"Hahaha, I don't know if you are too scared. But I hope you can continue to be so unruly."

"Otherwise, it would be boring."

Thies frowned: "What do you mean?"

Under everyone's gaze, Flash Gundam began to step forward alone, walking towards Tugatel and the giant metal doll step by step.

Although it was just one machine moving forward alone, a strong sense of oppression enveloped Thies's heart, causing Thies and Dispenis to start sweating on their foreheads.

This sudden sense of oppression made Dispenis instinctively feel bad: "Dis!?"

Thies also felt the same sense of oppression, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead, but he refused to back down: "Don't be scared, this is just a bluff."

"In terms of quantity, our side has the advantage!"

After the words fell, a large number of drones abandoned Exalance and the Soul Sword and began to gather around Tugatel, forming a thick human wall of drones.

"Uncle, don't be too arrogant."

"You alone can't do anything."

"The era of going it alone is over!"

"All attack!"

Tis tried to shout loudly, almost roaring as if to embolden himself. All drones started firing.

A barrage of pink beam machine guns flew towards the Flash Gundam.

Seeing that scene, Roja couldn't help but feel his heart tremble, and asked: "Do we really not need to go up and help?"

Just as Raul was about to answer, he heard a familiar female voice coming from above his head, making him freeze.

"Don't worry, we don't need to get involved in such a small scene at all. He can solve it by himself, right, Hathaway?"

Hathaway replied calmly: "Well, this kind of small scene will not trouble dad."

A huge question mark appeared on the foreheads of Chiyue Qiushui and Chiyue Guangzhu at the same time: "Dad?"*2

Raul suddenly raised his head, looked at the special-equipped Extreme Soldier II Kai, and exclaimed: "Fiona?"

The specially-equipped Extreme Soldier II Kai did not move, but Fiona's voice came over: "Have you finally found me? Raul, it seems that you are living well."

Raul asked excitedly: "Fiona, why are you here? Are you still with the director, ah no, Dr. Lin Youde?"

Fiona replied slowly: "We will talk about these things later when we have time. Look, Dr. Lin Youde is about to take action."

After Fiona's reminder, everyone's eyes refocused on the Flash Gundam.

Faced with the overwhelming green beam machine gun, the Flash Gundam didn't dodge or dodge. It didn't even raise its hands and just stood there.

The silence of Flash Gundam made everyone puzzled.

But soon, Lin Youde's voice answered everyone's doubts. .

"Speaking of which, it seems that I have never been in the BGM field on a regular basis."

"I haven't gotten the BGM field of Flash Gundam. Can I open it? Give it a try."

Almost as soon as Lin Youde finished speaking, the golden light of the combat crystal flashed around Lin Youde's neck in the cockpit of the Flash Gundam.

Suddenly, an exciting BGM blasted in the sky.

[BGM: Burning the upper part of the story ~ Avoiding the destiny]

Under the playing of BGM, the sky-wide pink barrages hit the Flash Gundam, splashing pink light foam in the sky, which looked extremely spectacular.

But this scene is nothing more than spectacular.

The pink barrage did not have any impact on the Flash Gundam, and could not even break through its defenses.

Although Thies was surprised by this, he could understand it.

After all, Exalance and Soul Sword had previously used the BGM field to resist drone attacks and withstood them.

Flash Gundam is in the BGM field, so it's normal to be able to handle it.

But the next scene, let alone Thies, even Hathaway, Raul and other people who had been with Lin Youde for a long time could not understand it.

Because, in the eyes of everyone.

The Flash Gundam, which was being baptized by pink barrages, was baptized by pink barrage beams all over the sky. It raised its hands above its head, making a gesture like a white crane spreading its wings.

The Flash Gundam pushed lightly with his legs, allowing the machine to soar to about 50 meters, and floated briefly into the air.

Then, after Lin Youde said "Drink~!!!", golden lightning appeared around the Flash Gundam, wrapping it up and causing the entire machine to float directly into the air without jumping down again.

At the same time, Lin Youde's voice sounded again.

"Little girl, you just said that you can't do anything by yourself. The era of fighting alone is over. Is that what you said?"

Thies was stunned by the sight of the Flash Gundam emitting golden lightning, and nodded in confusion.

"Ah, yes, that's right."

Lin Youde and Flash Gundam's movements were completely synchronized, and they nodded slightly.

"Very well, then, I will tell you now..."

"If one person cannot change the situation of the war, it's not that times have changed, but that person is not strong enough."

"The real strong man can change the situation of the war alone!"

"It doesn't matter if times have changed, just change it back again!"

"Oh oh oh oh!!!"

Amidst Lin Youde's loud shouts, the Flash Gundam did not activate the super mode, but it still burst out with golden light.

The golden light turned into a lightning form, and several large Chinese characters were formed around the Shining Gundam.

"Super·Overlord·Movie Bomb!!!"

Amidst Lin Youde's loud shouts, less than 3 seconds after the formation of the seven golden characters composed of lightning, they turned into golden flames and enveloped the Flash Gundam.

Shining Gundam was shrouded in golden flames, and its body spun in mid-air, wrapping the golden flames around its body and turning into a golden tornado, wrapping its body, leaving only the head of Shining Gundam.

And the flashing Gundam's head quickly turned into Lin Youde's head amidst the astonished expressions of countless people.

And the more the golden flame tornado rotates, the bigger the flame wave becomes.

In less than 2 or 3 seconds, a flame tornado with a diameter of hundreds of meters appeared behind Lin Youde with a huge head.

"Little girl, times have changed back! It's a new era, and I, the remnant of the old era, am back!!!!"

Amidst Lin Youde's loud shouts, the giant Lin Youde's head, with a huge golden flame tornado behind him and a huge roar of wind and waves, rushed straight towards Tugatel, Aleos and many drones.

The speed was so fast that Thies, who was in a state of shock, had no time to react before he saw the giant Lin Youde's head hit the wall of drones with a huge tornado of golden flames.

The large number of drones were scattered in an instant as if they were made of paper, and were involved in the tornado of golden flames, torn to pieces and exploded...

In a series of explosions, the golden tornado rushed over...

And the giant Lin Youde's head passed between Tugatel and Eleos, as well as over the giant doll.

Then, the golden wind and waves enveloped Tugatel, Aleos, and the metal doll, and got involved.

"What the hell is this?!"

"It's so scary, oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

As Thies and Dispenis screamed, Tugatel and Aleos exploded in the huge tornado...

With the violent wind and waves, this super overlord movie bomb just left a huge ravine more than 2000 meters long and more than 200 meters wide on the ground before it stopped near the ruins of the disappeared farm and turned into a machine again. The normal flash reaches up to the sky and falls lightly to the ground.

In mid-air, only two Tugatel and Aleos, which were so broken that they were missing arms and legs, with only the torso still intact, fell from the sky and fell to the ground with two bangs.

The huge golden puppet from before was completely out of human shape. Its arms were arms, legs were legs, head was head, and body was body. They were scattered in different places. The miserable situation was unbearable to look at.

On this messy land, Flash Gundam stood at the end and turned around slowly.

As the rising sun slowly rises, golden sunlight scatters on the body of the Shining Gundam, making the Shining Gundam look like an invincible white god of war.

Looking at this extremely impactful scene, everyone at the scene was stunned.

Ji Air, who was even held steady by the stunned state and never let go, looked at the Flash Gundam and murmured with shock on his face.

"Is this...the white giant god that has come to life...?"

Ji Air's words made Roland, who was stunned, come back to his senses and turned to look at another part of the mountain range, a stone statue with a huge U-shaped beard.

"White... giant god..."

The murmurs of Ji Air and Roland brought the shocked people back to their senses, and they all exclaimed.

Carlo Rod: "Wow!!! This is so cool! Uncle, can you teach me this move? It's so cool, I want to learn it!"

Little Tifa clapped her hands and applauded: "It's amazing, daddy is really amazing."

Chiyue Qiushui and Chiyue Guangzhu said in unison: "Doctor! What is the principle of your move? Why do you feel that you are getting more and more abnormal...Wait a minute, dad?"*2

Raul scratched his head: "Are they newly adopted like Fleet and Jonah? Doctor, are there more and more children in your family?"

Fiona laughed and said, "That's not necessarily true, bro."

Raul was confused: "What do you mean?"

Fiona: "I won't tell you~! I'm anxious to kill you."

During the brainwashing of the two brothers and sisters, the warrior Roya looked at the broken Tugatel and Aleos with the same shock: "This is the real warrior. If there are such warriors in my world, how could we lose……"

Idabosi looked back at the warrior Roja and replied: "A warrior from another dimension, Roja? You don't have to think about it. Your Excellency Lin Youde is special. Your world lacks a living environment for warriors, so it is impossible for such a powerful person to appear. of warriors.”

"Your Excellency Lin Youde is a truly powerful person who transcends dimensions..."

After hearing this, Luo Ya was silent for a moment, then murmured: "The times have changed, should we change it back..."

"This is probably what is called, a truly strong person can change the times..."

Under everyone's gaze, the rising sun slowly rose into the sky, ushering in the rising sun...

The morning sun shines on the Flash Gundam, and those who watch it cannot bear to look away.

The Shining Gundam, who was being watched by everyone, crossed his arms, raised his head, and looked towards a certain sky.

In the direction where the Shining Gundam is looking, a dinosaur-like Shura God Geshia Lapos, which looks like a dinosaur but has drills hanging on its legs, is suspended in the sky, silently watching the Shining Gundam.

In the cockpit, a purple-haired man, the strategist of the Shura clan, Mizar Tovar, said to himself: "Lin Youde, the hero who saves the world, and Lin Youde, the shame of mankind who destroys the world. Which one is the real one? What about you? It’s really interesting…”


PS: Today is also a two-in-one, too lazy to separate chapters. Shan Geng Bao Quan Qin, touched...

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