Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1733 It’s not a stone statue? Could it be real?

Mizar glanced at the Flash Gundam from a distance, then controlled the machine and turned around to leave.

On the ground, seeing the small dot in the sky gradually disappearing, Lin Youde had no intention of pursuing it.

No way, although the Flash Gundam is very suitable for Lin Youde now and has strong combat effectiveness, its shortcomings of short hands have not been solved at all.

Facing a target thousands of meters away in the sky, Flash Gundam chases it with its head?

If it's Freedom Gundam or Manatee Gundam, you can give it a try.

Flash Gundam? Forget it, although Lin Youde has internal strength, it is not a waste like this.

Ignoring Mizar who was walking away, Lin Youde turned to look at the wreckage of Tugatel and Aleos.

Lin Youde knew these two machines.

This is a special combat robot created by a force whose name Lin Youde has forgotten.

Lin Youde only remembered that he had seen these two machines in the side story "Super Robot Wars OGG".

As for the source, Lin Youde can't remember clearly.

There is no way, who allowed this force to appear in the work "Super Robot Wars OGG" together with the Shura people.

Under the dazzling performance of the Shuras, this force has little sense of existence.

The only thing worthy of praise is the leader of this force, who seems to be a BOSS called Dark Brain. His combat power seems to be very high, and his fighting skills are very high. It seems to be able to compete with Grandite Dragon God.

However, of this force, only Dark Brain is powerful.

The other little minions who are as good as three melons and two dates are not worth mentioning at all.

If Lin Youde had been willing, Tugatel and Aleos would have died without their bodies intact.

The reason why there is still a main trunk intact is the result of Lin Youde's mercy.

The reason for showing mercy is also very simple.

Because after the white wooden horse was hit by the sudden beam of light, Lin Youde asked Hathaway to drive the Corsi Gundam and rush over first with the Flash Gundam.

In the sky, Lin Youde heard the conversation of everyone on the ground, so he showed mercy.

This was definitely not because Lin Youde was merciful because the other party was a girl.

In fact, in front of Lin Youde, it didn't matter whether he was a man or a woman. As long as he was an enemy, he would be killed.

But in Lin Youde's eyes, Tice and Dispenis were not heinous villains. On the contrary, he is the kind of lost lamb that can still be saved.

In fact, these two performed pretty well in "Super Robot Wars OGG".

Especially Dispenis, she was immediately cleared in the later period, jumped over to the protagonist group, and became Raul's harem.

In other words, this is his future wife.

The young couple had a bedside quarrel. As a leader, it was naturally impossible for me to beat the mandarin ducks and really kill the future wife of my subordinate.

Didn’t you hear that even Thies said that he would take action only when the lives of Raul and others were guaranteed?

This is already very measured, and is one of the reasons why Lin Youde is open-minded.

As for why he didn't take action before, but waited until Raul and others couldn't hold on any longer before taking action. Is it a bit like joking with the lives of his subordinates?

Please, Lin Youde was watching from beginning to end, how could something really happen?

What's more, Raul, siblings Chiyue Guangzhu and Chiyue Qiushui are all protagonists and have the halo of protagonists.

Even in the face of absolute despair, you may still die. But if the opponent died casually in this situation, it would be too underestimated for Raul, Chiyue Qiushui, and Lin Youde.

Lin Youde didn't take action before, not for such a superficial reason as showing off.

Lin Youde just hoped that through this not too big crisis, he could force Raoul and Chiyue Qiushui to awaken and use the power of spiritual commands.

After all, he is the protagonist. If he can’t even use mental commands, wouldn’t it be too cheap?

The pressure this time can be used just enough to force him.

But I don’t know if it’s because Thies deliberately held back, or if it’s simply not enough pressure.

Neither Raul nor Chiyue Qiushui was able to use mental commands.

Lin Youde had no choice but to forcefully rescue people.

But Lin Youde couldn't tell others these things.

Although his motives were good, he felt a little out of place when he said it.

So Lin Youde didn't mention this matter at all, but gave instructions to Hathaway and others.

"These two little girls are not dead. After recovering their bodies, we will treat them as prisoners."

"Then, Raul, can you tell me what the situation is here?"

Raul came to his senses and responded.

"No problem, Director. After the explosion of the real Gulanson, we were sucked into the black hole and fell into a town nearby. We were rescued by Roya, a warrior from another dimension."

"Then we became friends with Roya and came here to buy food. We also met the lost Dispenis, one of the girls in the two machines."

"After that, another girl found Dispinis, took her away, and launched a threatening attack on us. Trying to force us to surrender."

Raul's answer made Lin Youde snap his fingers.

"Very good, simple and clear. So, are there any survivors in this village?"

Raoul stepped aside, allowing Lin Youde to see Roland and Ji Air: "Those who have survivors are the best."

Lin Youde: "Well, take them back together. My white wooden horse will be here soon. This village is basically destroyed. Take the survivors to the white wooden horse and settle them down..."

Before Lin Youde finished speaking, he heard Hathaway shouting.

"Dad, look at that."

"Which one?"

Lin Youde turned his head and looked in the direction pointed by Cossi Gundam. Then his pupils shrank and he exclaimed.

"Oh my god, Gundam!?"

Lin Youde's exclamation made Raul and others confused.

"Gundam? What is that?"

Roland turned his head and looked at the huge stone statue with a look of surprise.

"The white giant is...!?"

Ji'er looked confused: "Gundam? What is that?"

Lin Youde looked at the stone statue of the white giant and controlled the machine to jump to the vicinity of the stone statue of the white giant.

Here, Lin Youde saw a group of people who looked like villagers, gathered under the stone statue of the white giant, trembling. .

Lin Youde ignored them and just looked at the stone statue of the white giant.

The Cosi Gundam also landed, and Hasavi asked.

"Dad, what exactly is this stone statue..."

"Why is there a stone statue here?"

Lin Youde was silent for a moment, then looked at Roland not far away with a strange look and replied.

"Rebellious son, do you think this is just a stone statue?"

Hasavi was puzzled: "What else? This is not a stone statue, could it be a real Gundam?"

Lin Youde answered immediately: "Not bad, at least I'm not too stupid, I guessed it right this time."

Hasavi: "...Huh!?"

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