Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1736: The man who rubs Caesar's body

Lin Youde shrugged and looked at the panicked residents in the town.

Apparently the sudden arrival of the white Trojan horse caused some bad memories for the residents.

Fortunately, the residents calmed down a little after seeing that only people came down from Lin Youde's side, no mobile weapons, and no weapons.

After leaving Furka and Alpha behind to look after the house, Lin Youde took the others, led by Azuma Houta, to his home.

Everyone in the town seemed to know Azuma Kota. After seeing Azuma Kota leading the way, the hostile attitude of the residents quickly disappeared.

Fiona, who comes from another world, and little Tifa, who has never seen much of the market, see everything new, looking left and west, like curious babies.

But under the constraints of Lin Youde, he did not leave the team.

"This is it. This is my home."

Lin Youde looked at a courtyard gate that looked like a villa and couldn't help but sigh.

"Your family is quite big."

"Yeah, so come in and sit down."

After Azuma Houta greeted Lin Youde and others to come in, she started shouting.

"Grandpa, we are back, and we have brought back Raul and his friends."

"Oh? Are there guests?"

A bald old man with only a tuft of white hair on his head came out wearing a white coat.

But after the old man came out, as soon as he saw Lin Youde, he showed an expression of disbelief.

" are..."

The old man pointed at Lin Youde, and his expression was speechless for a long time, which made everyone very confused.

Azuma Hoota looked puzzled: "Grandpa?"

Chiyue Guangzhu: "Director, are you familiar with me?"

Lin Youde shook his head: "No, we have never met before."

Chiyue Qiushui: "But it's obvious that Hou Tai's grandfather knows you, Doctor."

Raul looked at Fiona: "Is the doctor also an acquaintance here?"

Fiona shrugged: "I don't know. I have been locked up before, and I don't know much more about this world than you do. The Shura people are not very interested in the current people on earth, and they don't have much useful information. "

Karod looked at Little Tifa, who looked at Hathaway, and Hathaway replied helplessly.

"Old gentleman, do you know my dad?"

Azuma Kisaburo turned his head and glanced at Hathaway, his face even more shocked.

"Are you... Hathaway Y. Lin? You said he is your father? Could it be that he is really Lin Youde?"

Now, everyone understood and replied in unison.

"Yes, he is really Lin Youde."

Lin Youde himself scratched his hair in confusion.

"Old gentleman, do you know me?"

Kisaburo Azuma took a few deep breaths and gradually calmed down before answering.

"Yes, I know you. It shouldn't be said that all the old people of my generation don't know you."

"After all, you were a great hero in the hearts of the children back then. When I was a child, I always followed your example, and that's why I have been working hard and fighting until now."

"When you died in the battle, my friends and I cried for a long time. I still remember that countless people in the school and in the city mourned your death."

"I just didn't expect that you are not dead, and you are still so young. What on earth is this..."

Lin Youde clasped his chin: "I probably understand."

"However, unfortunately, I am not the Lin Youde you know."

"I wonder if Raoul, Qiu Shui, and Guangzhu have mentioned to you before that we are people from another parallel world."

"In another parallel world, our life trajectory is completely different from yours. When we came here, the time was still stuck in 2236."

As soon as these words came out, Azuma Kisaburo completely calmed down.

"I see, is that the parallel world theory? In this case, it makes sense."

"These children were picked up by Mrs. Hou. I haven't communicated with them, so I didn't know your origins before."

"However, since you are Lin Youde, then you should be a great hero."

"After all, Lin Youde is almost equal to a hero."

Facing such praise from an old man over fifty years old, Lin Youde felt a little embarrassed.

Fiona and Raul, the brother and sister who knew about the other world and even came from the other world themselves, had even weirder expressions.

In their world, Lin Youde was not a hero.

However, in order to avoid destroying Azuma Kisaburo's childhood filter, the brother and sister wisely chose to remain silent.

Without Fiona and Raul to cause trouble, Kisaburo Azuma had a very good impression of Lin Youde.

After a brief conversation, Kisaburo Azuma asked curiously.

"So, what's the reason you came here?"

Although he admired Lin Youde, Azuma Kisaburo's judgment did not decline, and he directly saw through that Lin Youde came here for another purpose.

Lin Youde did not hide this.

"Yes, I came here this time to thank you for taking in my partner."

"Second, I hope you can show me Fit Caesar. Don't get me wrong, I'm not coveting Fit Caesar's technology. But in my world, there is a Fit Caesar taken out of the black box, so I want to know, you What’s the difference between the one I got and the one I got?”

"Three, if possible, I hope you can allow Houta to act with us. The alien invaders in this world must defeat their leaders in order to suppress the chaos in this world. If you simply defend like this, you will lose sooner or later."

"Four, I hope Mr. Azuma Kisaburo can also join our team."

Lin Youde's words surprised Azuma Kisaburo.

"What, there is a black box fit Caesar in your world? Could it be that the fit Caesar that Roya lost back then was installed in the black box?"

"You want to study the fit Caesar, of course I won't refuse. However, the fit Caesar is very complicated, can you understand it?"

"As for letting Houta join you, I don't object to this. In fact, after the fit Caesar was broken last time, I realized that it would be almost impossible to continue defending."

"Before, I didn't let Houta go out casually because I was afraid that he would be too impulsive and be defeated by the enemy. Now with your help, it will be much safer."

" Regarding me...please allow me to think about it. "

Lin Youde smiled and replied: "No problem, unlike me in this world who is just a warrior. I am a person who takes care of multiple duties such as pilot, researcher, warrior, commander, etc., so it is absolutely no problem to just take a look at the fit Caesar. "

"In addition, there is a machine on my ship that you are absolutely very interested in. As long as you, Mr. Azuma Kisaburo, are a researcher, you will definitely want to study it. "

Azuma Kisaburo was puzzled: "What machine can make you so confident?"

Lin Youde smiled and replied: "The culprit of the "great destruction", Gundam."

Azuma Kisaburo stood up suddenly: "What! ? The culprit of the "great destruction" is a Gundam? Not a nuclear bomb? "


PS: Thanks to the group friends for reminding me, the wrong part of the previous chapter has been corrected.

The author is old and has a bad memory. He actually confused the X with many weapons, various fighting methods, and even the ability to use the flash palm as an engineering robot.

The weapons are poor and the fighting method is single. The only impression given is that Moonlight Butterfly's A is a dedicated combat robot.

My mistake.

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