Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1737: Moonlight Butterfly destroyed the solar system?

"It's unbelievable that there is such a machine..."

"This mechanical structure... this energy transmission device... is simply incredible..."

"This is... nanomachines? It's so small..."

Kisaburo Azuma was lying on the computer next to Gundam, operating the computer quickly, exclaiming again and again.

Lin Youde crossed his arms and asked cheerfully: "How is it? I didn't lie to you, did I?"

"I told you, you will be interested in this machine."

Three days ago, Lin Youde's speech shocked Azuma Kisaburo.

But as a rigorous scientist, he did not believe that a mere Gundam could cause a disaster that would cause almost complete damage to the entire planet's environment.

In order to slap Lin Youde in the face, Azuma Kisaburo followed Lin Youde on the white wooden horse.

After seeing the Gundam sealed in the stone statue, he even expressed doubts.

How could a mere 20-meter-high Gundam do the horrific things that Lin Youde said before?

However, after several days of unblocking, the Gundam was successfully unblocked and placed on the floor of the Gnaku. The cockpit was opened and connected to the central control computer. After retrieving the data in the central control computer, Azuma Kisaburo's three views Shattered.

And this was the third consecutive exclamation just now.

Under Lin Youde's question, Azuma Kisaburo leaned on the chair and took a deep breath for a long time before calming down his excitement.

"That's right, you didn't lie to me. This Gundam is really incredible."

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed that such an outrageous Gundam existed in the world."

Azuma Kota asked curiously as she stood beside her grandfather without knowing why.

"Grandpa, is this Gundam really the culprit causing the "great destruction"? "

"Is this Gundam really strong?"

Azuma Kisaburo rubbed his grandson's head and looked at the lying Gundam with a shocked expression.

"Yes, what Mr. Lin Youde said before is all true. It was not the nuclear bomb that caused the "big destruction", but this Gundam. "

"This Gundam has an armament called the "Moonlight Butterfly". It relies on a special nozzle on its back to release massive amounts of nanomachines to form gorgeous butterfly light wings, which can degrade all organic matter. "

"The reason why the environment on earth is so bad today is because this Gundam used Moonlight Butterfly."

"And after my research, I discovered something even more shocking."

Because today is the day that Gundam is released and Kisaburo Azuma studies Gundam. So basically everyone in the White Trojan was present. Regardless of whether you understand or not, you have to come and support me.

Even the noisy herdsmen were looking at Kisaburo Azuma attentively.

As the most famous mechanical master in the nearby town, Azuma Kisaburo is still very prestigious.

After seeing that there was really a robot in the white giant, the herdsmen did not dare to cause trouble even if they wanted to.

Under the leadership of their eldest lady, Ji Air, the herdsmen are now very quiet.

Roland looked at Azuma Kisaburo curiously.

"Grandpa Kisaburo, what exactly did you discover?"

Kisaburo Azuma saw everyone waiting for his explanation, so he took a deep breath and replied.

"The Moonlight Butterfly released by Gundam not only destroyed the environment of the earth, but also destroyed the environment of the entire solar system."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked.


Raoul was confused: "Are you ridiculous? The range of the Moonlight Butterfly can cover the entire solar system?"

Fiona kept shaking her head: "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. Everyone who has gone to school knows how big the solar system is. If you want to make nanomachines cover the entire solar system, you have to melt all the organic matter in the entire solar system and spread it out. It’s definitely not enough.”

Chiyue Qiushui nodded: "Yes, the moonlight butterfly covering the entire planet is already very outrageous. Covering the entire solar system with moonlight butterflies? Grandpa Kisaburo, are you sure you are not talking about the Book of Heaven?"

Carod looked at Hathaway: "Hathaway, what do you think?"

Hathaway shook his head: "I don't know. Although I think this is unlikely, Mr. Kisaburo seems to be serious."

Chiyue Guangzhu looked at Lin Youde: "Director, is this kind of thing really possible?"

Lin Youde nodded and replied: "This is completely possible."


Everyone looked back at Lin Youde in shock, except Azuma Kisaburo with admiration on his face.

"As expected of you, could it be said that you had guessed it before?"

In response, Lin Youde smiled and did not explain.

Although the memory of watching Gundam is so long ago that it is a bit blurry, Lin Youde still often sees the combat settings of Battle Chef in the forum.

Therefore, Lin Youde clearly remembered that in the TV plot, Gundam's Moonlight Butterfly once covered the entire solar system and destroyed all human civilization in the solar system.

Although Lin Youde himself can't remember whether there is such a description, but the post bar brother said there is, then it should be there. After all, what they said is reasonable and well-founded, and it doesn't seem to be false.

So Lin Youde chose to believe it, and came to Kisaburo Azuma's side and looked at the screen.

"Is this the log of the last Moonlight Butterfly deployment recorded in the Gundam central control computer?"

Azuma Kisaburo nodded: "Yes, after the Gundam deploys the Moonlight Butterfly, its range directly locks the entire solar system."

"Although I don't know why this is happening, it is indeed recorded in the log."

Everyone was puzzled: "Is it really true?"

Carrod raised his hand: "Uncle, uncle!"

Lin Youde raised his hand: "Speak."

Carrod asked curiously: "Uncle, although I have never been to school and don't know much. But didn't everyone just say that it is impossible to cover the entire solar system with moonlight butterflies? Then how did this result come about?"

Lin Youde did not answer, but looked at Kisaburo Agatsuma. Kisaburo Agatsuma nodded, quickly tapped the keyboard, and called up a Gundam structure diagram.

"Well, the truth is here."

Lin Youde looked at it carefully, and his scalp was a little numb: "Reduction furnace?"

Kisaburo Agatsuma nodded: "Yes, it is a reduction furnace. In theory, it is more terrible than a black hole engine. It is a science fiction engine that only exists in theory."

"Originally, I thought that this thing only exists in theory."

"I didn't expect that I would see the real thing in my lifetime."

"And this reduction furnace is so small, which is even more incredible."

In Lin Youde's silence, Kisaburo Agatsuma looked at Raul and others.

"You were right before. Even if we melted all the organic matter in the solar system to make nanomachines, it would be impossible to make the nanomachines cover the entire solar system."

"But with the recession furnace, the situation is different."

"This machine can rely on the energy provided by the recession furnace to cool the particles into organic matter, and then rely on the nanomachines to decompose and re-create new nanomachines."

"This can be repeated. As long as the recession furnace does not stop operating and is given enough time, the moonlight butterfly composed of nanomachines can cover the entire solar system."

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