Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1738 Lin Youde refuses to drive a Gundam?

Azuma Kisaburo's words made everyone silent.

Many people didn't understand, so they didn't know what it meant.

Those who understood were shocked by this outrageous fact and couldn't speak.

Only Hathaway, who had seen many big scenes, reacted and looked surprised.

"No wonder the aliens stopped showing up after the great destruction."

"I thought it was because the Earth's environment was destroyed and they were not interested in the Earth, so they stopped coming."

"Now it seems that this is not the case."

"The aliens stopped coming because Gundam's Moonlight Butterfly covered the entire solar system, annihilated all alien fleets, and destroyed the entire solar system."

"The aliens stopped coming because the entire army was annihilated and the solar system was devastated by the Moonlight Butterfly. Because this place is already a barren land and has no value."

Azuma Kisaburo nodded: "Yes, that's the truth."

Raul was puzzled: "But according to this theory, it should take a long time for Gundam to cover the entire solar system with Moonlight Butterfly, right?"

"Will aliens give Gundam such a world? Will aliens not resist?"

In response, Azuma Kisaburo called up another log.

"Yes, of course the aliens will not sit and wait for death."

"According to the log records, a small part of the alien fleet successfully evacuated."

"But the number is not large, because they simply do not have enough time to react."

"Your previous problem does exist. But Gundam has activated another response plan."

Raul was puzzled: "Another response plan?"

Azuma Kisaburo nodded: "Yes, there are a large number of high-density nanomachines prepared in advance inside the Gundam."

"After the destruction program was activated, in order to clean up the entire solar system as quickly as possible, Gundam decomposed its own high-density nanomachines and all organic structures and used them to make moonlight butterflies. ”

“Therefore, the Gundam’s current functions are seriously lacking. According to the log, the Gundam used 90% of its original other functions to achieve the Moonlight Butterfly covering the entire solar system.”

Raul was confused, and Fiona was puzzled: “Take 90% of other functions? Doesn’t that mean that this Gundam is useless? A machine with only 10% of its performance is almost the same as scrap metal, right?”

Azuma Kisaburo shook his head: “This may be the case for ordinary machines. But this Gundam is different. It has a retraction furnace and a special structure called DG cells.”

Lin Youde’s eyelids jumped: “DG cells?”

Azuma Kisaburo nodded: “DG cells are shown as self-repair functions in the log. West, I think it should be a special metal cell with self-repair ability like metal cells. "

"Relying on the particles and converted substances provided by the retreat furnace, relying on nano-machine decomposition, swallowed by DG cells, and then reorganized and repaired."

"Even if the Gundam loses 90% of its functions and other structures, it can rely on this ability to slowly repair itself."

"So, as long as there is enough time, a situation that is a devastating blow to other bodies will be a small scene that can be self-repaired in front of the Gundam."

Hearing this, Lin Youde remembered the situation in the original TV work and shook his head slightly: "The premise is that there must be enough time."

Azuma Kisaburo sighed : "Yes, it takes enough time..."

Akazuki Qiushui was puzzled: "What do you mean?"

Azuma Kisaburo explained: "It means literally. It has been several decades since the release of the Moonlight Butterfly."

"But even if the internal retraction furnace has not stopped working, the nanomachine has been repaired. So far, its function has only been repaired to 18% of the progress."

"At this rate, it will take several centuries for the Gundam to be repaired..."

Lin Youde asked curiously: "So, how many functions of this machine can be used at present?"

Azuma Kisaburo looked it up in detail and frowned.

"Among the remaining 18% of functions, in addition to the functions that support the minimum operation of the body, there are also small-range Moonlight Butterfly, short-distance space jump system, self-repair system, and abdominal cannon."

"Originally, there was a special ultra-high-density nuclear bomb in the chest. But in order to use the Moonlight Butterfly, the nuclear bomb was decomposed and converted into nanomachines, so now there are only a few small missiles in the chest."

"The log also shows that a multi-functional beam rifle, 2 beam swords, two meteor balls, and 1 physical shield have been repaired."

Akazuki Kouju complained: "There are so few weapons. Except for the Moonlight Butterfly and space jump, is this Gundam useless?"

Azuma Kisaburo nodded: "It's a pity, it's true . Except for the Moonlight Butterfly and the short-distance space jump system, this Gundam is currently in a disabled state. "

"And without the blessing of external forces, we probably won't see the complete state of this machine in our lifetime."

Chiyue Qiushui looked at Lin Youde: "Doctor, you said before that this Gundam is a black box machine, right?"

"Then can we use the machine to repair it? I remember that the black box machine was damaged, and it can be repaired by "Mobile Suit Gundam", right?"

In response, Lin Youde shook his head and rejected it: "No. The "Mobile Suit Gundam" in this world has been closed to humans. Unless we are people from parallel worlds, the native residents of this world cannot enter "Mobile Suit Gundam". I have tried it before. "

"And even if Super Robot Wars is still open to humans, it is unrealistic to want to repair the Gundam."

"Don't forget that there is a prerequisite for Super Robot Wars to repair and extract the black box body, that is, to invest in materials that can manufacture this body."

"The internal structure and function of the Gundam are enough to support the Moonlight Butterfly that covers the entire solar system after being completely decomposed. Do you think so many materials can be found on Earth today?"

"It's okay if the body inside the black box is intact, and the materials to be extracted can be much less. But now the interior of the Gundam has been hollowed out. Even if it is disassembled and re-extracted, a huge amount of materials must be invested."

"This is already impossible for the current Earth."

Akazuki Qiushui was disappointed: "So, this perverted Gundam , it's useless?"

"I clearly feel that this Gundam is the strongest Gundam known so far."

"I also want to see the scene of Dr. You, the strongest Gundam pilot, driving the strongest Gundam to fight."

In response, Lin Youde laughed: "Indeed, it can be said to be the strongest Gundam, and it should be very suitable for me to drive it."

Akazuki Qiushui: "Right, right, so..."

Lin Youde: "But, I refuse!"

Akazuki Qiushui was stunned: "Ah? Why? Is it because the Gundam is now disabled?"

Lin Youde shook his head: "Not to mention that the Gundam is almost disabled now, even if it is in its prime, I won't drive it."

Everyone was puzzled: "Why?" *N

Lin Youde simply said two words: "Too ugly!"

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