Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1740 Gundam's Arrangement

Carloder's sigh made people who were not familiar with the value of Gundam X look at Gundam X in awe.

Lin Youde just smiled and said nothing more.

In other works, Lin Youde is not sure what level Gundam X is.

But in the world of "Super Robot Wars", if there is any Gundam that can break through Gundam's defense, it is only Gundam X.

Even a Gundam has to treat a moonlight cannon with caution.

This is the gold content of the most powerful single-player map cannon in the Gundam series.

It was so powerful that even the Gundam, known as the most ferocious and powerful, had to lower its bearded head.

Of course, this was before the theatrical version of Gundam 00 came out.

After the theatrical version of Gundam 00 appeared, it’s hard to say who is more powerful, the Moonlight Cannon of Gundam X or the Star-Severing Sword of Gundam 00Q.

After all, it is impossible for these two to fight, and there is no way to compare them intuitively.

Azuma Kisaburo showed a sigh of relief.

"Yes, Gundam X is indeed very powerful."

"But even with Gundam X, there is no way to directly destroy the Gundam, but to damage it."

"The defense system composed of nanomachines is incredibly strong."

"I'm afraid it will be much more difficult to dismantle such a machine than expected."

"With the staff and equipment we currently have, it's just not possible."

Lin Youde knew that Azuma Kisaburo was speaking to himself, so he responded.

"I know, that's why I said I'd take down the enemies of this world before dismantling it."

"Before that, let's find someone to pilot this machine."

Hathaway looked at Lin Youde curiously.

"Dad, who are you going to let pilot this Gundam?"

"Not to mention anything else about this Gundam, the short-distance jump system and the Moonlight Butterfly are a very big weapon."

"Not everyone can control such a thing, right?"

Lin Youde didn't answer and asked: "What, you want to try?"

Hathaway glanced at the Gundam and twitched his cheeks: "Well... let's forget it. I think my Corsi Gundam is fine for now, so I don't need to consider changing it for the time being."

Lin Youde looked at Carrod, who glanced at Little Tifa who was looking at him and immediately shook his head.

"No, no, I think X is pretty good too. That kind of bearded, bald machine doesn't suit my taste."

Karod is not able to be with Tifa because of his performance or looks, but because he drives Gundam X. Lin Youde sees through this kind of thing without saying anything.

Recently, the relationship between Karod and Little Tifa has been gradually warming up. It’s not like he doesn’t know about it, so there is no need to embarrass his cheap son-in-law.

Lin Youde looked at the others, who all shook their heads.

Red Moon Light Pearl: "Our Soul Sword is very good."

Chiyue Qiushui: "Yes, we are used to the Soul Sword, but if we switch to other machines, we are not used to it."

Raul also shook his head: "I also think my Exalance is pretty good."

Fiona wanted to try it, but when she saw the weird shape of the Gundam and looked at several other handsome Gundams, she shook her head after some mental struggle.

"Forget it. I'll get my Exalance back someday. I also have a special machine."

Seeing that several people had given up, Azuma scratched her head.

"Everyone has given up, so who will pilot this machine? It can't be me, right? Roja and I still have to pilot the Suitable Caesar."

Azuma Kisaburo nodded: "Yes, this ship has all the parts. As long as you give me 2 days, it can be repaired by Caesar."

"The Fitted Caesar is a special machine built specifically for it based on the information provided by Roja. If it doesn't drive, no one else can drive it."

Lin Youde nodded slightly: "Well, if that's the case, then we can only find a new driver and train him."

Lin Youde pretended to look around among a group of curious and confused herdsmen, and finally pointed at Roland.

"Who is that over there? Yes, it's you. Come here."

Roland came over doubtfully: "Sir, what do you want from me?"

Lin Youde looked Roland up and down and patted Roland on the shoulder.

"From today on, the Gundam will be driven by you."


Lin Youde asked amidst the screams.

"What, you don't want to?"

Roland shook his head in fear: "No, just, Your Excellency, why did you choose me? I have never driven a robot before."

In response, Lin Youde replied with a smile.

"First, you and Raul are friends. A friend of my partner is naturally a friend of mine. Although I don't like nepotism when it comes to selecting pilots, you are indeed the most pleasing to me. "

"Secondly, I am very satisfied with your courage to protect the girl from the attack by those two little girls without fear of death. A qualified pilot will not be able to do it if his mentality is not up to standard. You comply with this.”

"Thirdly, you are a villager in the pasture and a person who believes in the white giant god. Gundam became your god during his sleep. It is naturally most appropriate for the god's control to be handed over to you, the believers of Gundam."

"Finally~! My intuition tells me that you can control Gundam."

Roland was confused: "Intuition?"

Compared to Roland's confusion, the others looked calm.

Everyone knows that Lin Youde is a new human, and the strongest new human.

In the face of the unreasonable intuition of the strongest new human, sometimes relying on intuition is more effective than relying on other things.

So, with unanimous approval and no objection, Roland became the pilot of the Gundam.

In fact, Hathaway secretly asked Lin Youde later. What if Roland escapes by driving the Gundam?

To this, Lin Youde's answer was also very simple.

"If you can control Miss Ji'er, you won't have to worry about this problem."

"You are also a new human, you should be able to sense that Roland has special feelings for Ji'er."

"It is a complex emotion between admiration and respect."

"There may not be true love between Roland and Ji'er, but as long as we have Ji'er, Roland will not run away."

"Besides, can't you install a remote-controlled bomb under the cockpit of the Gundam?"

"If Roland really wants to run, just detonate it directly."

"Anyway, with the strength of the Gundam, a mere bomb can't destroy its cockpit."

Hearing his father's thoughtful arrangement, Hathaway couldn't help but sigh that the old ones are still the best.

In terms of experience, he is still far behind his father...

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