Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1741 Two meteors falling from the moon

After arranging the Gundam, Lin Youde took advantage of the rare free time to study the fit of Caesar and Gundam with Azuma Kisaburo.

The range issue was all handed over to Alpha.

As for the treatment of Tis and Disbinis, Lin Youde asked Hathaway to find two remote-controlled bombs for them to wear, and then let them follow Raul and Fiona.

Raul and Disbinis had an ambiguous relationship, and arranging them together would also make it easier for Disbinis to turn from darkness to light and completely switch to his side.

This was the arrangement in the original book, and Lin Youde did not dare to worry that Raul would not be able to handle his destined wife.

However, Tis made Lin Youde a little worried.

Tis was not bad by nature, and was even a little cute.

But unlike Disbinis who turned the tables for love and friendship, without these two emotional constraints, the female ghost-like Tis chose to be the enemy of the protagonist in the final battle to protect her mother who created her, and then was defeated by the protagonist group.

In the end, she died because of the explosion of her body, or was swallowed by the Dark Brain that was successfully summoned.

Lin Youde can no longer remember the specific situation, anyway, the final outcome was that she did not survive.

She had room to whitewash, but she died. It has to be said that it is a pity.

It just so happens that Tis and Disbinis are now locked up together. Lin Youde thinks that maybe he can let Raul or Fiona do some ideological work, or sacrifice their chastity to capture this female ghost.

Anyway, the Human Innovation Integration allows polygamy, and Raul will not suffer any loss if he has another female ghost harem.

If it really doesn't work, let Fiona sacrifice her chastity and have a lesbian relationship with Tis, which is actually OK.

Anyway, it's not Lin Youde who suffers, and Lin Youde doesn't care.

I just don't know if Fiona will agree.

Considering the parties' own wishes, Lin Youde did not force interference, but just arranged them together.

As for whether Tis can be cleansed and join our camp, it depends on the ability of Raul and Fiona.

Anyway, the opportunity has been given. If Tis can't grasp it, Lin Youde can do nothing.

It's not his harem, Lin Youde. He has done his best to do this.

In this way, except for some herdsmen who are willing to stay and serve as crew members in the white wooden horse, all others were placed in Asakusa Town. Only a few people, like Ji Ai'er, chose to stay on the ship.

As for Ji Ai'er's staying, Lin Youde was a little surprised, but he thought it was reasonable.

Unlike the original book, she still has many family members alive.

In this world, many herdsmen died because of the intimidation and attack by the Shuras and the female ghost Tis.

Although his relatives went out for some reasons and escaped.

But now that her relatives were not around, she had no one else who could help her. So she decided to stay with Roland, who had been protecting her before, for the time being.

As for whether to get off the boat after finding her family who had gone out, she had not yet considered it.

In the previous attack caused by Tis, although Ji Ai'er's family did not die, the ranch was her family's property.

Tis's attack destroyed her family's property, and some people did die.

It is impossible to say that Ji Ai'er has no opinion on Tis.

It's just that Ji Ai'er, as a young lady with no power, is no match for a special creature like Tis.

Even if she doesn't use any weapons and only uses her hands, Ji Ai'er will be easily pinned down by Tis.

In order to avenge the destroyed property and the dead villagers, Ji Ai'er has been trying to find ways to work hard.

Lin Youde did not stop this.

He had told Hathaway before that revenge is one of a person's most basic rights and obligations.

Therefore, as long as Ji Ai'er does not affect the safety of others, she will acquiesce to Ji Ai's revenge on Tis.

After all, it is only natural that a person must pay for his life. It is her own responsibility to bear the sins that Tis has committed.

As for whether Ji'er can succeed in revenge and whether Tis can survive, that is not what Lin Youde needs to consider.

As a leader, he gave the two a chance. As for whether they can finally grasp it, it depends on their own ability.

After handing over the task of watching over the two to the siblings Chiyue Guangzhu and Chiyue Qiushui, Lin Youde continued to study the fit of Caesar and Gundam.

The white wooden horse headed towards another direction that the Cradle of the Earth had observed before, which might be the location of the members of Londo Bell.

In this way, a few days later, Hathaway found Lin Youde.

"Dad, Alpha observed that it seems that there are two more meteors falling from the direction of the moon to where we are going next."

"Huh? Two meteors? Or from the moon?"

Lin Youde, who was busy, raised his head and looked at Hathaway. Hathaway took out a tablet and played the screen for Lin Youde to see.

"Yes, there are two meteors, and they are moving one after the other."

"Because the environment was damaged, the optical camera of the white Trojan horse could not take a clear picture. But I guess it should be two bodies."

Lin Youde played the picture and pulled the progress bar. After watching it several times, Lin Youde was puzzled: "This is only a few seconds of picture, how do you determine that these two meteors fell from the moon?"

"Simply calculate the angle?"

Hasavi shook his head: "No, it was my sister who said that. Not long ago, she suddenly looked up at the sky and said someone was coming."

"I didn't understand what it meant, so I asked Alpha to look for the white Trojan detection record and found this."

Lin Youde's expression became a little serious: "Did Little Tifa say that? If so, then it should have come down from the moon."

"Ilui's barrier interfered with the perception of all of us. Only Little Tifa was not affected. She can connect to the microwave transmitter on the moon and should not make a wrong judgment."

Hasavi nodded: "I think so too. And the direction where these two meteors fell is exactly where we are going to Swan Town later."

"Dad, you said , Could these two meteors be sent by the people on the moon to capture the members of Londo Bell? "

"The connection between the Moon Cradle and the Earth Cradle has been cut off for many years. We have almost never had any contact with each other."

"Without your relationship, the members of Londo Bell would not be treated kindly by the people of the Moon Cradle."

Lin Youde pondered for a moment and replied: "The situation is unclear now, so it is not appropriate to make a judgment casually."

"But what you said can be taken into consideration."

"Notify everyone to prepare for battle. If it is really the people on the moon who are chasing Londo Bell."

"Then it is necessary to kill the chicken to scare the monkey."

"My Londo Bell is not easy to bully."

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