Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1742 The girl being hunted by Su Mo

On a desert loess dune, a round metal sphere rested on the yellow sand.


As the hatch opened, two blond beauties came out.

The first person to come out was a young girl with golden twin tails and a white revealing tights.

As soon as the girl came out, she looked around.

" this where those wanted criminals landed?"

"How can we find wanted criminals in this place full of yellow sand?"

As soon as the girl finished complaining, she heard a blond woman who was very similar to Ji Air but looked more mature and dignified and dressed in a more futuristic style coming out from the back of the cockpit to comfort her softly.

“Be patient, Angela Balzac.”

"As far as I know, those three wanted criminals did not commit any criminal acts in "DEVA". "

"Is there any other secret behind Diwa's emergency dispatch?"

The girl with twin tails named Angela put her hands on her hips, pouted her lips, and replied with a dissatisfied look on her face to the blond woman who came out from behind.

"Deanna Sorel, I brought you down secretly because of the many years we have known each other."

"Although the communication between the earth, the moon and Diva is blocked due to that strange barrier."

"But there is an action recorder in this Arhan."

"Obviously, I still have to put the pursuit of wanted criminals as my first priority. We are not going on vacation this time."

"Also, I haven't asked you before. As the Queen of the Cradle of the Moon, is it really okay for you to come down with me without even bringing a guard?"

"If your male guard in sunglasses finds out, I'm afraid he'll be furious."

Deanna shook her head slightly: "It doesn't matter, I have already told Harry, and you are here, right?"

"With Diwa's third-class security officer following us, we are much more reliable than ordinary guards."

Angela looked helpless: "You are really good at calling people."

"After all, I owed you a lot of favors before, and I have to pay them back this time."

"But...hey hoo~ hey hoo."

Angela complained that it was quite inconvenient to move, or she was not used to taking two steps on the sand dune, which seemed to be quite laborious.

"It's really...this body is really inconvenient. After all, it was a body that was rushed out and was thrown out before it reached maturity. The material world is just trouble."

Deanna looked at Angela and smiled: "Really? I think it's pretty good. Your body is quite cute. It's much cuter than your body in the electronic world."

Angela lowered her face: "Huh? What's better? With such a small body, it's hard to do anything... huh?"

Angela's sudden frown made Deanna, who was standing in front of Arhan's cabin, look puzzled.

"What's wrong, Angela, what's the problem?"

Angela frowned, looked behind Arhan, and asked.

"Deanna, are you sure you came out this time in secret and didn't bring an escort?"

Deanna nodded: "Yes, what's wrong?"

Angela frowned, and just as she was about to speak, her pupils shrank and she quickly pressed the wrist guard.

The next moment, Arhan behind Deanna changed from a spherical state to a human form on the spot, raised his wrist, and blocked Deanna.


The huge explosion, flames and impact knocked the unsuspecting Deanna to the ground. She looked back blankly at the sand dune behind Arhan, where she saw the silver-white machine that looked powerful but had an unusually flat head.

Deanna looked at this machine and was a little dumbfounded.


As soon as Deanna finished speaking, the machine called Soma raised its arm again, and a beam of light shot over again.

Arhan stood in front of Deanna again and blocked the fatal blow for her.


The yellow sand rolled up by the explosion hit Deanna's face.

But before Deanna could spit out the sand she accidentally swallowed, Angela pulled her into Arhan's cockpit.

"Damn it! The special machine of the Queen's Guard is actually attacking the Queen? What kind of cold joke is this? It's really not funny at all."

Angela cursed and controlled the machine to retreat quickly, avoiding the third beam attack.

At this time, Deanna had time to spit out the sand in her mouth, and she consciously sat back on the temporary seat at the edge of the cockpit, and fastened her seat belt.

"Angela, what's going on now?"

Deanna's question made Angela vomit.

"I still want to ask, isn't Somo a special machine for your escort?"

"Why did your escort's special machine attack you?"

"And I didn't realize the existence of this machine at all before."

"What's even more strange is that there is no reaction from this aircraft on Arhan's radar until now."

"Is this some kind of desert ghost?"

"Could it be that we bumped into a ghost?"

Deanna, who had fastened her seat belt, regained her previous dignity and calmness.

"Although I don't know why this Soma suddenly attacked me, I think it is our enemy now."

"Angela, find a way to defeat it."

"Also, Angela, aren't you from the electronic world? You actually believe in the existence of ghosts?"

Angela replied while controlling Arhan to jump and dodge Soma's attack.

"I am from the electronic world, but that doesn't mean I refuse to understand the material world."

"The human soul is composed of various magnetic fields, just like the spiritual body. It's easy to understand this with the spiritual body."

"Also, don't say it so lightly. That's Soma, a terrifying thing equipped with a recession furnace."

"Although it's just a mass-produced recession furnace such as the spiral phase super-vibration meter field recession furnace, it's completely inferior to Turn X's intermittent super-vibration gauge collapse reactor, but it's also a thing that uses the power of a black hole."

"Look at Arhan's arm, even with the latest armor technology from Diva, it can only withstand two hits."

"Now that Arhan's arm is damaged, we have to face this terrifying thing that uses a mass-produced recession furnace. We have no chance of winning."

"We are lucky to be able to escape now."

Diana turned her head and glanced at Arhan's completely twisted left arm on the screen, realizing that Angela was not lying.

Angela's Arhan really couldn't withstand the attack of Soma. Even if it was just the most ordinary beam weapon, after being blessed by the shrinking furnace, the output reached a terrifying level.

Although she didn't know much about robots, it didn't stop Diana from sighing.

"It's worthy of being a dark historical heritage excavated from the ruins. Even Diva's latest technology can't compete with it."

Angela's cheeks trembled wildly. She couldn't help but look back at Diana, who was calm and composed, and complained.

"Isn't this nonsense? If the dark historical heritage you have is not too perverted, do you think those old guys in Diva will talk to you properly?"

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