Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1749 Angela's Pursuit

Lin Youde thought about it and finally shook his head secretly.

I can't remember it at all.

Lin Youde did watch the TV series of Gundam, but it's almost the same as not watching it.


The reason is that this movie is too literary, and the character style and art style are too Americanized, which Lin Youde doesn't like at all.

It happened that Lin Youde was preparing for the driver's license test at that time.

So Lin Youde opened three windows, one window to play Three Kingdoms, one window to hang various teaching videos of Subject 1, and the last window to hang the TV animation of Gundam.

With three things in one mind, Lin Youde basically has no impression of the other pictures except for a few battle scenes.

Now thinking back, it's easier to ask Lin Youde who the generals used in Three Kingdoms and whether he won or lost the game than to ask him how much plot he still remembers.

It is precisely because of this situation that Lin Youde gave up his memories.

"I know a little about Turn X. Turn X has a special reaction to Turn A (), which is normal. I know something about it."

"That's why I don't plan to dismantle the Gundam for the time being. I'm keeping it so that I can prepare for Turn X on the moon to suddenly attack me. I have a countermeasure to deal with Turn X's Moonlight Butterfly."

Diana looked at Lin Youde in surprise: "What? Dismantle the Gundam?"

Lin Youde waved his hand without further explanation, and looked at Angela.

"I have a general understanding of your situation."

"As for the situation on the moon, we can think about how to deal with it after we go to space."

"Now, I am more curious about what you said before, the pursuit of wanted criminals."

"What kind of guy can become a wanted criminal in your Diwa and escape?"

"Based on your experience this time, I have reason to suspect that the three wanted criminals were not deliberately arranged by Diwa to cooperate with Kim Jinkaram to assassinate Queen Diana."

"After all, this timing is a bit too coincidental."

It's no wonder that Lin Youde is so suspicious, it's really too coincidental.

Moreover, as the heroine of "Paradise Pursuit", Angela's landing time on Earth is completely different from the original.

Although this world is a world of mecha wars, the plot is very different from the original.

But there must be a reason for such a complete deviation from the original.

The plot of Paradise Pursuit is about a robot AI on Earth invading Diwa and being discovered by Diwa, so a wanted order was issued, and Angela was sent from the electronic world to the real world Earth to hunt down.

But after some investigation, Angela found that this robot was just becoming too human, and wanted to build a rocket to go to the universe to explore the sea of ​​stars.

After understanding the other party's purpose, Diva still wanted to kill this robot. Because this robot invaded Diva, it was regarded as a threat by Diva's senior management. It was also a typical case of provoking Diva's authority, and it must be killed to scare the monkeys.

After the heroine and the original earthling uncle male protagonist knew about it, they rose up to resist and fought a battle with the pursuers sent by Diva. In the end, it was decided that the robot would represent humans and go to the universe.

In the end, there were obviously earthlings in this story, but only a robot could represent humans to go to the universe and see the sea of ​​stars.

I have to say that this is a very black humor story, and it is also a very sad story.

Humans have stopped moving forward, are self-contained, and indulge in the electronic world, waiting for the day when resources are exhausted and they really die.

Instead, the robot awakened itself, had real courage and curiosity, and went to the universe to explore the unknown.

Lin Youde really disliked this kind of plot, so even if Paradise Chase was added to the world of Robot Wars, Lin Youde only liked Angela's small butt and tights.

But even if Lin Youde disliked it, the original plot was not changed too much after it was incorporated into the world of Robot Wars.

The original story was basically restored to 80%~90% in Robot Wars.

It basically followed the original story.

Now the beginning has deviated so much, there must be a reason, right?

It can't be because Diva came from another world, there is no informant on Earth, and there are other threats lurking around, so the plot went crazy, right?

When Lin Youde's thoughts were running wild, Angela shook her head and replied.

"I don't know if there is a conspiracy or not."

"But it is true that Diwali was troubled by those three strange guys."

"We met those three wanted criminals by chance when we were transferring in the dimensional rift."

"They seemed to have just gone through a big battle and were dying. They were in a very bad state."

"They had very special technology, so they were captured by Diwa. I was a member of the capture team at that time, so I know a little bit."

"But I don't know what they encountered after they were captured."

"I only know that I was sent out as a member of the capture team to re-perform the capture mission."

Hearing this, Lin Youde became interested.

"Oh? Met in the dimensional rift? What are the names of those three guys? Do you have a specific image of you chasing them?"

Angela nodded slightly: "Yes."

Angela pressed the green star hair ornament on the double ponytail on her head.

Soon, a picture was projected on the star hair ornament. On the screen, two white and blue machines and a pink machine were constantly rotating in the virtual projection.

Looking at these three machines, Lin Youde's eyelids jumped.

"It's them?"

Everyone turned to look at Lin Youde, and Angela also looked at Lin Youde in surprise.

"Do you know them?"

Lin Youde nodded and responded.

"Well, I know some of their information for some reasons."

"They come from a world very similar to Diva. They can project their spiritual consciousness onto the body and become special combat units with mechanical bodies."

"Among these three aircraft, the one with blue and white colors and a spear weapon is called Temujin 747J. It is the captain's aircraft."

"This fat-looking machine is called Afamut Zahata. It is an avant-garde machine."

"This pink machine looks like it's driven by a girl. Its spiritual source is indeed a girl. But I don't know the name. The machine's name is Finn Za Knight."

"They come from the same world and are members of the same combat team."

"And they have not weak combat power, and they do have the ability to sail across the world."

"You were able to meet them in the dimensional rift. You probably encountered them by chance when they were transferring after a battle with some kind of enemy."

Lin Youde's explanation surprised everyone.

Carloder: "Real or fake? Project the spirit onto the body and control the body with consciousness? Are such technologies available?"

Xiao Difa looked at Lin Youde curiously: "If they do this and cannot go back across the world, what will happen to their bodies? Will they die?"

Lin Youde shook his head: "I don't know about this, but he shouldn't really die. He may be in a state of suspended animation? Or a dormant state?"

"After all, the world they live in has the technology to project spirits onto the body and the technology to fight across worlds."

"Therefore, if the cross-world battle fails, or if the spirit consciousness cannot return after being captured, there should be plans in place."

"But these things are not what we need to consider."

Hathaway nodded: "Indeed, we can't even take care of ourselves now, so there is no need to think so much about them."

Chiyue Guangzhu raised a question that everyone was interested in.

"What are the combat capabilities of these guys? Can they be compared with Gundam?"

In this regard, Lin Youde frowned slightly and thought.

"It's really hard to say. I just know their information. I don't know how much combat power they have now."

"Whether Turn X and Gundam's Moonlight Butterfly can be defended will be the key to deciding the battle."

"Without considering the factors of Moonlight Butterfly, I personally think that Turn X and Gundam will not be able to win against them individually."

Chiyue Qiushui was surprised: "Really or not? Doctor, didn't you say that Turn X and Gundam are very powerful? Why can't you defeat three wanted criminals?"

Lin Youde rolled his eyes: "Who made the current Turn X and Gundam disabled?"

"One has a repair level of 8%, and the other has a repair level of 18%. Calling them disabled is a compliment. They are both lying in the ICU with only half a breath left."

"In this state, if they stand without defense, Gundam X's moonlight cannon can blast them. Not to mention these strange machines from the world of cross-world combat capabilities."

"Or do you think that a civilization that can fight across worlds and project its spirit onto the body to fight at will has a very low level of technology?"

Chiyue Qiushui thought for a moment and couldn't help but gasped: "That seems to be the case..."

Lin Youde helplessly educated: "Remember, in the future, when facing this kind of unknown enemy with unknown capabilities and unclear details, you must be careful 120 times."

"Even if the opponent looks weak on the surface, you must be vigilant."

"After all, you don't know whether those guys are disabled like the current Turn X and Gundam."

"What if the opponent is only weak now but becomes strong after repair and can easily crush you. And then because of your previous contempt, he lets the tiger go back to the mountain and then kills you in turn. If he dies, he will meet the martyrs, not to mention that they are from my fleet. I can’t afford to lose that person.”

Chiyue Qiushui had a look of resentment on his face, which made Angela confused.

"Are they powerful? Why don't I feel it?"

Lin Youde asked: "Is there a possibility that when they were captured by you, they had already exhausted their energy and strength, so they were caught by you?"

"If the top management of Diwa did not let them go deliberately, then if a group of guys who were able to escape and run away after being captured by you are very weak, does that mean that you, Diwa, are even weaker?"

"After all, being able to escape from a place of critical care by a very weak guy doesn't make you even more incompetent, isn't it?"

Lin Youde's question made Angela afraid to answer it.

Seeing that everyone was afraid to reply because of what his father said, Hathaway asked.

"Dad, according to your perception, are these guys threats? Or partners that can be won over?"

Lin Youde replied: "The world they are in is a world with a high degree of order. And the form of their troops is also similar to the criminal police and special police on Earth before, who fought to maintain justice and order."

"So, if you meet them later, try not to cause conflicts, and focus on peace talks."

These suggestions come from the cognition in the plot of "Super Robot Wars α: Galaxy's End".

Lin Youde vaguely remembers that these guys are from the world of "Computer Fighter" and are indeed people from an organization similar to the police.

Although these people are a little cynical, there is absolutely no problem with being inclined to order.

In the plot of "Super Robot Wars α: Galaxy's End", they also gave up going home and stayed on Earth to help humans resist the threat of space monsters, and only went home after everything was over.

This kind of guy who can fight for his friends and partners regardless of life and death is naturally worth fighting for.

But then again, the world of Computer Fighter should be similar to a virtual reality world.

If Temujin and his men were shot down in this world, would it have an impact on them in the original world?

This point seems to have not been mentioned in the mecha wars, and Lin Youde is not clear about it.

It would be better to treat it as a permanent transformation, and it would be better to treat it as a type of Iron Man that cannot be transformed and removed.

"Okay, I understand. Then, do we continue with the previous goal? Or?"

Hasavi's question made Lin Youde think for a while, and then looked at Angela.

"Do you have any specific way to hunt Temujin and others?"

Angela replied: "Yes, but not much."

"There are trackers reserved on their bodies just in case."

"It's just that the interference on the ground now cannot be detected if the distance is too far, so you need to get close to a certain distance."

Hasavi: "Then what is this specific distance?"

Angela didn't say it, but Lin Youde understood it immediately. .

It must be that even she herself didn't know.

It is estimated that the top leaders of Diva have put Angela and Diana together and summarized them as must-die targets.

So she didn't tell her in detail at all.

Or maybe the distance was too close, so close that Angela was embarrassed to say it.

No matter which one it was, the tracker Angela mentioned was the same as if it didn't exist.

Lin Youde shook his head and ignored it.

Instead, Fiona suddenly thought of something and asked Lin Youde carefully.

"Um, Doctor, do you know a lot of information about strange machines?"

Lin Youde raised his eyebrows slightly: "Why, do you have anything to ask?"

Fiona nodded slightly: "Well, I evacuated with my brother before, because when the time flow engine was involved in the space-time crack, I saw a strange machine in the space-time crack, so I wanted to ask you if you know anything."

Lin Youde was curious: "Strange machine? What's it like, what are its characteristics?"

Fiona tilted her head: "Characteristics? It has three big golden balls on it, does it count?"


PS: Since I took a little leave today, some people had an inexplicable climax, so here I explain why the update is so late today.

I couldn't get motivated for no reason today. I don't know if it's because I took the medicine to suppress urticaria for too long. I always felt inexplicably sleepy and weak, so I kept procrastinating until the evening and planned to write at night.

But my mother came back at night and said that her waist was very painful, so I thought about taking my mother to massage, because her previous sisters had gone, and I saw that she also wanted to try it, but she couldn't bear to spend money. So I said I would take her to try it. It happened to be 520 today, so I would treat it as filial piety.

But I don't know if some people thought wrongly and thought that there was something wrong with my taking a leave today, and I got excited for no reason.

I was very confused. I usually update normally during festivals without taking a leave, and even updated on the night of New Year's Eve, but no one said thank you for your hard work or praised me.

On the contrary, I took a leave today because of 520, an inexplicable holiday that I never celebrated, and someone came out to talk nonsense.

I was surprised. Do I have to choose the day to take a leave? So as long as it's a holiday, I can't take a leave?

Today's update is finished late, no chapters, 4K single update

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