Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1750 High attack speed means awesomeness

Lin Youde's eyelids jumped: "Big golden balls? Three?"

Hasavi looked at Lin Youde in confusion: "Dad, do you know what machine she is talking about?"

Raul suddenly hit his palm: "Wait a minute, three golden balls, can they move in the dimensional crack? Why do I feel that this machine is very similar to a machine that the director mentioned before."

Chiyue Qiushui: "Well, I also remembered, three golden balls and so on. I remember that the final black dragon in the gossip robot seems to be described in this way."

Chiyue Guangzhu: "Could it be that the black dragon driven by Youluo is wandering in the dimensional crack? But, that's not right, hasn't she been tacitly allowed to not be wanted? Why did she appear in the dimensional crack?"

Raul shook his head: "I don't know, and I think the machine my sister saw is not necessarily the final black dragon."

Chiyue Guangzhu puzzled: "Not a black dragon? What is it?"

The conversation between several people made the others interested.

"Uncle, what kind of machine are you talking about?"

Carrod asked the others what they wanted to ask, and Lin Youde asked Fiona for the specific details.

"Fiona, did anything happen when you saw that machine before? Also, in addition to the three golden balls, are there any other details about that machine? For example, the color."

"Also, where are the golden balls of the machine with three golden balls distributed?"

Fiona recalled and replied.

"I encountered that machine when I was floating in the dimensional rift."

"I remember that when I encountered that machine, it seemed to look at my Exalans, and then suddenly disappeared and left."

"The color of that machine, I remember it was silver-white all over, with one golden ball on the chest and one on each wrist."

Hearing this, Raul suddenly looked at Lin Youde: "Director, the machine my sister is talking about, could it be the one in the Bagua Robot that we have never seen so far?"

Lin Youde nodded: "Ah~! It can't be wrong, three golden balls, silver-white paint, that machine is the strongest machine in the Bagua Robot, Tianzhilei Ma."

Hathavi was puzzled: "Tianzhilei Ma? What is that?"

Lin Youde asked Hathavi: "You don't know Tianzhilei Ma? Then do you know the thing called "T Parts" in the secret plan of the three major countries before the Great Destruction?"

Hathavi frowned: "It seems to have some impression. "

Lin Youde replied: "The so-called T parts are actually the parts of Tianzhi Leima. That machine was dismembered for unknown reasons and stored in various places in the three major countries. "

"But for unknown reasons, even if it was divided, the machine is still in an autonomous startup state, which is very dangerous. "

"The dimensional connection system it carries can draw energy from other parallel worlds, and the energy is endless. "

"Even if it is destroyed, it can directly pull an undestroyed one from the parallel world to replace itself. "

"Such a machine has never appeared in this world?"

The last sentence was not asked to Hathaway, but to Diana.

Diana shook her head: "I'm sorry, there is no record of this machine in the information of the Moon Cradle. I have read the information of the gossip robot, but there is no record of Tianzhi Leima and the Black Dragon of the End that you mentioned. "

Chiyue Qiushui complained: "It seems that the world here is quite different from our world. ”

Red Moonlight Pearl nodded: "Yes, there are two machines using the prototype of Tianzhi Lei Ma on our side. One of them is the Final Black Dragon made using the technology of Tianzhi Lei Ma, and the other is the Impeachment Phoenix that absorbed the parts of Tianzhi Lei Ma. ”

Raul: "The difference between the worlds is sometimes really different. It is worthy of being a parallel world..."

The sighs of the three people also made Diana realize how big the gap between parallel worlds is.

On the contrary, Hathaway had heard Lin Youde talk about the gap between the two worlds before, but his expression was quite calm.

"Then, now has the Tianzhi Lei Ma also appeared in our world?"

Faced with Hathaway's question, Fiona shook her head: "Sorry, I'm not sure about this."

Folka also replied: "In the Shura clan, there has been no report of this machine with three golden balls on it before."

Disbinis also raised her hand and said: "We haven't seen it either. "

Hathavi nodded slightly and looked at Lin Youde, who replied.

"Since Tenzhi Leima has been activated, it means that Kihara Masaki has also revived."

"This is a very crazy scientist with an extremely cruel and radical personality and no morals at all."

"Although I hope that Tenzhi Leima is now driven by Akitsu Masato, according to the current situation, it is more likely to be Kihara Masaki."

"In short, everyone should pay more attention to this machine in the future. Once discovered, retreat immediately and don't fight it easily."

Raul was a little confused: "Director, we are not weak now. If we encounter Tenzhi Leima, do we still have no way to deal with it?"

Lin Youde shook his head: "Tenzhi Leima is different from other gossip robots, and its performance is very terrifying. You can directly understand it as the final black dragon that focuses on space destruction and space attack, and there is no problem at all. "

"Before you can't face the Black Dragon of the End and the normal Guranson alone, don't try it easily."

"At least now your body can't withstand the full force of Tianzhi Lei Ma."

This is not Lin Youde's alarmist talk, but the fact.

Although in Lin Youde's mind, Tianzhi Lei Ma is basically the same level of BOSS machine as Guranson.

But if we really talk about the degree of danger, Tianzhi Lei Ma is still above Guranson and even the real Guranson.


Is Tianzhi Lei Ma more powerful than Guranson and the real Guranson?

In fact, this is not the case. The destructive power of Tianzhi Lei Ma's body is at most equal to Guranson, and there is still a long way to go with the real Guranson and even the new Guranson.

It's just that Tianzhi Lei Ma is strong in that his ultimate move has a very short lead time.

The black hole cannon and retreat cannon of Guranson, the real Guranson and the new Guranson all need a certain amount of time to prepare, and there is a certain lead time.

But Tenzhi Leima doesn't have much pre-swing. He puts his hands on his chest, and the three balls collide, destroying the world on the spot.

In terms of destructive power alone, Tenzhi Leima can't compare with Guranson and True Guranson.

But in terms of body pre-swing, the latter can't compare with the former.

Guranson's ultimate move hasn't been released yet, and Tenzhi Leima has already released it 3 or 4 times.

The difference in pre-swing of the move is so terrible.

I can only say that the high attack speed is awesome, and you can't deny it.

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