Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1754: It's all about human relationships

Lin Youde didn't know much about the retreat furnace before.

Lin Youde only knew that the retreat furnace was an upgraded version of the black hole engine. Much more powerful than the black hole engine.

But Lin Youde didn't have a clear idea of ​​how powerful it was.

Now after being explained in detail by Kisaburo Azuma, he finally understood some of the differences.

If we say that a conventional black hole engine only uses the power of a black hole.

The retreat furnace is the worst, and it has to use the power of two black holes to be considered qualified.

Not to mention that there seem to be many branches and evolutionary trees in the retreat furnace, and the upper limit is much higher than that of the black hole engine.

In other words, if the technology of the black hole engine improves to a certain level, it will directly transform into the technology of the shrinkage furnace?

Since his own knowledge has not reached this level, Lin Youde can only make wild guesses on his own, and dare not say anything casually in front of a real scientific research expert like Kisaburo Azuma, lest he show his cowardice.

"So, can Soma's shrinkage furnace be transplanted to other machines?"

Azuma Kisaburo nodded slightly: "Yes, this retraction furnace seems to be a modular product and can be directly disassembled for transplantation."

"Just, Dr. Lin Youde, which machine do you plan to install this retraction furnace on?"

"Currently, does any machine need to use a retraction furnace to provide energy?"

This question from Azuma Kisaburo really confused Lin Youde.

Currently, he does not have any machine body suitable for loading a retraction furnace.

Although the retraction furnace is powerful, it still needs a suitable body.

If the machine body cannot withstand the ultra-high power output, even if a retraction furnace is installed, it will only be equivalent to a semi-perpetual energy source.

The energy is indeed endless, but the body's output has an upper limit. If the body cannot withstand high-intensity output for a long time, it will cause the weapons and body to be overloaded and explode.

Therefore, the retraction furnace must be adapted to a high-strength machine body in order to achieve maximum effectiveness.

However, Lin Youde currently does not have such a machine in his hands.

"This... dismantle it first and store it."

"It is true that we currently do not have a machine body suitable for loading a retraction furnace, but this does not mean that there will not be one in the future."

"Prepare it first, and install it immediately when the machine body is in place to minimize the time for reinstallation."

Azuma Kisaburo nodded slightly: "Okay, then I will make arrangements first."

After leaving Kisaburo Azuma in a unhappy mood, Furka looked for the door.

"Your Excellency Lin Youde, do you have time to chat?"

"Oh, Fulka, of course. What's the matter? Is there anything wrong?"

Furka: "That's right, Your Excellency."

"When I watched the video of your battle with the Lunar Man before, I noticed something strange."

"Although I know that your body can shine and emit golden fighting spirit."

"But the green flames that only appear on the shoulders and calves, and the golden light that only appears on the thrusters, are..."

Fulka held the tablet and played the battle scene of Lin Youde driving the Flash Gundam and killing Soma with one blow.

Lin Youde smiled slightly and explained.

"Oh, you said this, this is actually very simple."

"Didn't I use a Super Overlord movie bomb before?"

"This green flame comes from the Super Overlord movie bomb."

"It's just different from the Super Overlord movie bomb that spreads energy flames and forms a tornado to cause damage to the enemy."

"This is my small attempt to control the energy flame as much as possible to see how far it can be controlled without affecting the battle."

A flash of light flashed in Fulka's eyes: "You mean... you are trying to freely control the flame converted from energy."

"Once successful, that means that during battle, in these places where energy flames can appear, more energy can appear at any time, causing damage to the enemy?"

"If this move is successful, then in the battle with you, your attacks will be impossible to defend against, right?"

"But, this requires extreme control to achieve, right?"

In response, Lin Youde smiled and replied: "Yes, so I am also exploring. Simply releasing energy is not a strong person."

"A truly strong person can accurately control any energy without leaking it."

"In this way, energy consumption can be minimized and the energy utilization of the attack can be maximized during battle."

"It can be said that the only way to become a qualified strong person is to use the control of energy to the point of perfection."

This is not bragging, this is indeed one of the training steps arranged by Dongfang Bubai for Lin Youde.

A LV7 martial artist has several times more inner strength than a LV6 martial arts champion.

But in contrast, light has powerful energy, and it is impossible to control it properly.

And if you want to make the external moves into the shape you want, act according to your own ideas, and exercise control, it is necessary.

Without ultimate control, how can you transform energy into what you want?

If you can't do this, you won't be able to hit the earth-shattering fist that contains the power of the King of Hearts.

Without ultimate control, it is impossible to control the energy at will like a floating cannon, which means that it cannot meet the conditions for use of the Twelve Aces Big Wheel.

The real gap between a LV7 martial artist and a LV8 martial arts master, in addition to the simple energy level gap, the most important thing is actually the control of energy.

Fulka obviously didn't understand this before. Now that Lin Youde told him this knowledge, he quickly took out his small notebook and carefully recorded it.

Lin Youde was very pleased to see Fulka, who was so eager to learn, and explained to him some basic martial arts theories he learned from Dongfang Bubai.

Don't underestimate this basic martial arts theory. As the saying goes, a tall building rises from the ground. If the foundation is not solid, everything is a castle in the air and may collapse at any time.

Fulka's strength is good, but the practice of the mechanical fist is too fierce and too rough, which is obviously far from the martial arts foundation left by Dongfang Bubai.

Fulka is the new king of the Shura clan that Lin Youde is optimistic about, and Lin Youde doesn't mind teaching him some basic knowledge of martial arts.

Making the world of martial arts more exciting is also one of Dongfang Bubai's long-cherished wishes.

As long as the core secrets and inheritance of Dongfang Bubai Style are not leaked casually, he is willing to support other things that can improve the overall strength of martial arts.

There is no way, who made Dongfang Bubai invincible for too long.

No one understands the loneliness of invincibility better than him.

But obviously, Lin Youde can't reach this point.

The reason why he did this and said this was purely to cover up that he made the green flame, just to show off.

Such embarrassing things must not be said, and must be covered up.

No matter whether Fulka understands it or not, after enjoying the benefits of Lin Youde, even if he understands it, he has to pretend not to understand it.

Fulka should also understand some of the ways of the world.

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