Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1755 Yes, that's the taste, so authentic

"I see. Thank you for your teaching. If I didn't already have a teacher, I would have taken you as my disciple."

Faced with Furka's thanks, Lin Youde waved his hand casually.

"Just be casual. These are just some very rough theoretical knowledge. You don't need to take me as your disciple."

"And you said it yourself. You have a teacher. Your teacher must also hope that you will surpass him in the Mecha God Fist, rather than learn other schools from me and surpass him."

Furka nodded heavily: "Well, I understand. I will definitely practice the Mecha God Fist to a higher level, the Mecha God Overlord Fist."

As Lin Youde nodded in approval, Furka continued to ask.

"So the golden light behind the Shining Gundam is also your way of exercising control?"

Lin Youde nodded and admitted: "Yes, you have seen me use the Shining Gundam to enter the super mode before."

"That is another burst technique different from your domineering burst, and the energy consumption is also very huge."

"So, I was thinking, is there a way to get some speed or power in the super mode while minimizing energy consumption."

"And here only the thruster part turns golden in the super mode, which is one of my attempts."

"Get the powerful propulsion of the super mode without entering the full super mode."

Fulka was curious: "So, did you succeed?"

Lin Youde's expression was a little subtle: "Half and half."

Fulka was puzzled: "Ah ? "

Lin Youde shrugged: "This is my first attempt, and many parts are not mature yet."

"Although I have achieved partial super-mode, the energy consumption of such a single part of the super-mode is not small. Although it is not as terrifying as the overall super-mode, it is not the effect of extreme energy utilization that I expected."

"So whether it is partial super-mode or the green energy flame, we need to continue to study it."

"In my imagination, I can use a small part of the energy to achieve the speed and strength of the super mode in a short period of time in the battle. And I can use the energy flames on my shoulders and calves to spray, gain the ability to move and turn in the air, and thus solve the problem that the Shining Gundam cannot fight in the air."

Listening to Lin Youde's explanation, Furka was amazed.

He never thought that Lin Youde's idea was so wild.

And the disadvantages of the Shining Gundam are also possessed by his Idabos.

If he can also do what Lin Youde said, then his Idabos's combat effectiveness will be greatly improved, and he will gain the ability to move freely in the air.

This made Idabosi find a new direction for his efforts instantly, and he asked Lin Youde for advice.

Lin Youde did not refuse Fulka's desire to learn these things from him, and taught him all the skills and principles.

Of course, Lin Youde did not teach the super mode burst mode.

It's not that Lin Youde is keeping it to himself, but the Mecha Fist itself has a similar domineering burst mode. Fulka is too naive. If he really teaches him the super mode, he might practice the Mecha Fist in a wrong way.

So Lin Youde only taught him some skills and principles, and let him explore the rest on his own.

Lin Youde believes that with Fulka's talent and the protagonist template, he can definitely find a way that belongs to him.

As Dongfang Bubai said, a true warrior must walk out his own way before he can be considered a master.

Otherwise, no matter how strong he is, he is just repeating the way of others and becoming a replica of others' martial arts, which is meaningless.

Dongfang Bubai asked Lin Youde in this way, and Lin Youde also asked Fulka in this way.

There are no apprentices for the time being, but if there are in the future, Lin Youde will also ask his apprentices to do the same.

This is one of the cores of the inheritance spirit of Dongfang Bubai Liu.

Although Dongfang Bubai Liu was founded by Dongfang Bubai, any disciple of Dongfang Bubai Liu must walk his own path and live out his true self. No one is a copy of anyone else, but he can do it himself.

In this way, under Lin Youde's careful teaching, Furka quickly went back to practice.

He even temporarily occupied the gravity cabin dedicated to Lin Youde, causing Lin Youde to be unable to practice in the gravity cabin for the time being.

Fortunately, Lin Youde didn't care, because he also needed to combine work and rest.

As for Lin Youde's way of combining work and rest...

"Here, boss, this is the dinner you asked for."

Angela put on a stern face and brought the plate to Lin Youde.

"Actually, you can call me dog cultivator Jinsama."

Lin Youde tried to correct her, and Angela's forehead veins popped up and raised her trembling little fist.

"You, do you really think I'm a fool who doesn't know anything?"

"What you just said, is the meaning of master in Neon language?"

"Yes, I am working for you now, but that doesn't mean I want to be your maid."

"You dead pervert, don't even think about doing those evil things to me, I won't give in!"

Angela scolded Lin Youde very dissatisfiedly. Those who didn't know would think that Lin Youde was a subordinate and she was the boss.

But Lin Youde didn't care about it, but enjoyed it very much.

'Yes, yes, that's the taste, so authentic. If there are a few more words of Urusai, it will be bliss~! '

As a senior patient with Kugimiya syndrome, there is nothing more exciting than listening to Kugimiya Rie's voice insulting.

But Angela didn't know this.

She just saw that after being insulted by her, Lin Youde not only did not get angry, but also showed a happy expression of enjoyment.

This strange reaction gave Angela goose bumps, and she subconsciously took a step back and looked at Hasawi in the restaurant.

"Hey, Hasawi, is there something wrong with your dad? Why is his reaction so strange?"

Seeing Angela pointing at her head and speaking rudely to her father.

Hasawi originally wanted to refute a few words, but Lin Youde's happy expression made him feel strange and embarrassed.

So Hasawi had no choice but to pretend that he didn't hear it and left the restaurant with the plate.

Now, only Lin Youde and Angela were left in the restaurant.

Looking at Lin Youde who still maintained an expression of enjoyment, Angela stamped her feet angrily.

"Mo! Mo! Really, why are the guys on the ground so weird? Is there no normal person here?"

Angela's cute look of stamping her feet in anger made Lin Youde come back to his senses and raise a finger. .

"Do it again, I didn't see it all just now, do it again, I want to record it!"

Angela's facial muscles twitched slightly.

"...Go to hell, you pervert!!!"


PS: I haven't had much inspiration these two days, and my state is not online, so I'll just write a little daily life.

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