Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1756 Carrying Everything

Ever since Angela became Lin Youde's little follower, Lin Youde felt that his quality of life in this doomsday world had skyrocketed.

Don’t get me wrong, Lin Youde didn’t do anything to Angela.

It's not that Lin Youde doesn't want to think about it, in fact, Angela, a beautiful girl with blond hair and twin tails, is voiced by Rie Kugimiya. She has a body, a voice, a cute and tsundere, and few people can do it. Hate.

It was just Lin Youde's previous teasing that made Angela's impression of Lin Youde drop to the freezing point.

Although for the sake of livelihood, she will still be honest and obedient.

But the usual gossip never stops.

Especially when she finished talking, Lin Youde would show an expression of enjoyment, which made Angela label Lin Youde as a pervert.

Although Hathaway was also very concerned about his father's strange behavior, considering his father's image problem, he only dared to ask in private.

After learning that his father didn't just like Angela and was greedy for her body, but because Angela's voice was exactly the same as a voice actor that his father liked before, he liked to hear the truth about Angela's various insults.

Hathaway could only let it go.

Not to mention that Lin Youde is his father. His father likes to listen to beautiful girls scolding people. This hobby is neither immoral nor illegal. He, as a son, cannot point fingers at it.

Just because he had been listening to Angela scolding for a long time, he also vaguely felt that Angela's scolding voice was actually quite pleasant.

After vaguely understanding why his father indulged in Angela's insults, Hathaway didn't care anymore.

In this way, Angela often appeared on the white wooden horse running around, and then followed Lin Youde and kept muttering, and her mouth was full of lines that could not pass the review.

Lin Youde was walking in front of Angela, with a joyful smile on his face, which looked very strange.

Just like that, two days later, at night, Lin Youde and Angela, along with Hathaway, Karod, and little Tifa, sat on the deck of the white wooden horse, blowing in the evening breeze.

"Dad, do you think this world can be saved?"

Hathaway's sudden question confused Angela, who was playing backgammon with little Tifa.

However, Carrod looked at the sky with deep understanding and murmured: "There should be more, right? After all, we are all still alive."

However, Lin Youde sat cross-legged on the deck, looked at the vast sea of ​​sand, and sighed.

"Sir, as a father, I really want to tell you that there is more. But the reality is that there is no such thing."

"It's not that the ecology of this world is hopeless, but your father's and my goal is to destroy all parallel worlds and make my world the only end."

"So, if you want to ask if there is hope for this world, I can only tell you that there is no hope."

"Even if there is, it will be destroyed under my interference."

"This is the path I chose, and no one can stop it."

Lin Youde's words made Angela and Little Tifa on the deck look over.

Hathaway sighed: "Is there really no way to change it?"

Lin Youde shook his head: "No, this is for myself, and also for those of me who have died in other parallel worlds, and for those of me who are not dead yet."

"Only in this way can everyone's sacrifice be not in vain, and only in this way can everyone survive."

"Although from your perspective, you may think this is selfish. After all, it is not my world that is destroyed, but your world."

"But since I have chosen this path, I will not care about other people's eyes and opinions and will continue on firmly."

"Even if everyone in other parallel worlds spurns me, I will not hesitate."

"This is the only choice for me, the original one, to inherit his will and continue on as a living person."

"So, don't think too much. You, Little Tifa, and Kalod will all leave this world with me."

"This is your mother's expectation, and it is also my expectation."

"Since this world is going to be destroyed anyway, then at least we must let you live."

Hathaway lowered his head: "Actually, I know all of this. Before leaving the Cradle of the Earth, Tifa's mother talked to me. I know everything, but I always feel a little guilty in my heart."

"Is it really okay if we are the only ones who survive?"

"And dad, when you leave, you can't take everyone in this world with you, right?"

"What happens to the rest of the world once we're gone?"

Lin Youde shook his head: "To be honest, I don't know either."

"Although in my world, Raul and the others think that I am omnipotent. But in fact, there are many things that I cannot do, and I am helpless in the face of many things."

"Otherwise, there would be no original world. Everyone around me died because of me. I could only join the original species camp and avenge them."

"I am also a human being, and I also have a lot of helpless things. So all I can do is try my best to do everything I can."

"As for the rest, let us leave it to future generations to judge."

Hathaway looked at Lin Youde and the back of his young father, and suddenly found that the smile on his father's face was gone. An inexplicable pressure enveloped the young father.

Carlo Rod looked at the silent father and son, scratched his head, and interjected.

"Actually, I think we don't need to think about it so much, right?"

"Although I don't know much, since the uncle at the beginning said that this is the best choice, then it should be right, isn't it?"

"The uncle at the beginning knows the most and has experienced the most. If there are other ways, he will definitely try them."

"After all, according to the uncle, the uncle at the beginning opened up countless parallel worlds and made countless attempts."

"Our world should have been born in this way."

"Since our world exists because of the uncle at the beginning, now that the uncle at the beginning has left forever, isn't it good for our world to leave with him?"

Little Tifa also nodded slightly and replied: "Our world was born because of the first father and died because of the last father. In fact, it's also good."

Lin Youde looked at Starry sky sighed softly: "Born because of me, died because of me."

"Now, I vaguely understand why the Grand Marshal of Dimensional Beasts, Dragon Snake, said I was a sinner."

"If I live, I am destined to cause the destruction of countless creatures in parallel worlds."

"It is understandable to say that I am a sinner."

Hasavi looked at Lin Youde worriedly, and Lin Youde waved his hand: "Don't worry, these things, I have been prepared since I took over the baton."

"Just like what I said before, even if I am despised by the whole world, I will live with the people around me."

"Because this is the only thing I can do for the dead."

"Otherwise, what are those who have died for?"

"In order to make everyone's death meaningful, I must bear all this."

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