Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1757 Will Win

Angela listened to Lin Youde's words and habitually spat.

"Tsk, you said so much just to keep yourself alive."

Hathaway frowned, but Lin Youde laughed.

"Yes, no matter how nice it sounds, all of this is just a struggle to survive."

"In the future, there will be extremely terrifying enemies waiting for me, I must survive."

"So, Angela is right, I just want to keep myself alive."

"But, what's wrong with this? The desire to survive is one of the most primitive instincts of human beings. In order to survive, no matter what the enemy is, I will crush it."

"Then, after all the parallel worlds are finally united, what will be waiting for me there, I am also very much looking forward to it."

Lin Youde's words made Hathaway silent for a while, and asked curiously.

"Dad, you said that there are terrible enemies waiting in the distant future. Do you mean that you already know which enemies there will be?"

Lin Youde nodded slightly: "A little bit, although I am not sure, but there are indeed a few big guys who are waiting for me."

Hathaway asked: "Is it very strong?"

Lin Youde replied: "Very strong."

Carrod was curious: "Stronger than Gundam and Turn X?"

Lin Youde chuckled: "In front of those monsters, Gundam and Turn X are simply helpless little kids, not worth mentioning at all."

Carrod was amazed: "Is it so terrible?"

Angela was also shocked: "You are kidding? Can't Gundam and Turn X open Moonlight Butterfly? What kind of monster can make Gundam and Turn X become helpless little kids in front of them?"

Lin Youde smiled and shook his head slightly: "Some things are better not to know."

Hathaway and little Tifa are new humans, and they can feel that their father is not lying.

In the future, there are really monsters that are many times stronger than Gundam and Turn X waiting.

But even in the face of such monsters, their father still did not lose his fighting spirit.

Hasavi could not help asking: "Dad, can we win against those monsters?"

Lin Youde smiled and said: "Don't worry, we will win."

"Rather, we must win. Otherwise, we will not survive."

Carod scratched his head: "Yes, if we don't defeat the future enemies, we will die."

"But uncle, isn't it too far-fetched to think about these things now?"

Lin Youde lay on the deck, looking at the night sky.

"Yeah, it's a bit too far."

"Our top priority now is to find all the members of Londe Bell and then find a way to leave this world."

"Before that, other things can be put off for a while."

Carod looked at Hasavi in ​​confusion: "Brother Hasavi, so when can we reach the scheduled Tado Village?"

Hasavi: "Probably tomorrow. According to previous observation records, a meteor fell in the direction of Tado Village."

"There should be traces of Londe Bell members there."

Angela's expression was a little strange: "If we continue in the current direction, we might be able to meet the three aliens who escaped from Diva and merged with the robots."

Carod turned around: "Is it the guy called Temujin that the uncle mentioned before?"

Angela nodded: "Yes, those guys are very dangerous, it's best to be prepared for battle."

Lin Youde looked up and looked at Angela's white thighs at the end of his vision, and gave a thumbs up.

"Don't worry, I've always been prepared for the battle. Don't think I haven't practiced these days, but in fact, I've also been making a lot of preparations."

Angela curled her lips: "You're kidding, you pervert, who would believe me?"

Hasavi looked at Lin Youde with a smile on his face and sighed helplessly.

"Dad, pay attention to your image. It's okay that mom and the others are not here now. What if you find mom and the others later? Are you sure you won't get beaten?"

Lin Youde's expression froze, but soon returned to normal.

"Don't worry, kid, your dad has a way to solve it."

"And don't you see your dad's current physical strength? Whether it's your biological mother or your other nominal mothers, it's very difficult to break my defense without cold weapons or hot weapons."

Little Tifa tilted her head: "So, dad, have you been beaten by other mothers in the original world?"

Lin Youde's expression froze, and he waved his hand quickly: "Go away, don't talk nonsense. Your dad and your mothers have a good relationship, so there will be no domestic violence."

Little Tifa tilted her head: "Although dad doesn't seem to be lying, why do I feel that dad seems a little guilty?"

Lin Youde's heart trembled, and he quickly withdrew the new human sense completely, isolating little Tifa's perception.

"Really, you don't learn good things, but only bad things. Before we even met, you've already learned to spy on your father's mind just like your sister Rita."

"Whose daughter would spy on her father's mind for no reason?"

"It seems that family education needs to be strengthened."

Hathavi looked at Lin Youde in surprise: "Rita? Is that the girl who was born at LV9 as a new human being that you mentioned before? Dad, is there really someone who is born at LV9?"

Lin Youde held his head with both hands and rested it behind his head.

"Isn't Little Tifa a ready-made example?"

"There is Little Tifa here, and there is a similar Rita in my world. What's so strange about that?"

"Besides, Rita has similar predictive abilities like Little Tifa. It's just that she doesn't use it very well."

Carod was also shocked: "No way, can she predict the future like Tifa? Uncle, can all the born LV9 new humans predict the future? Isn't this too outrageous?"

Lin Youde shrugged: "Who knows, I have a born S-level X-Round over there."

"The two sides of human evolution and degeneration In all directions, when they reach a certain level, some special abilities similar to superpowers will appear. "

"Therefore, some people say that humans have unlimited possibilities."

"New humans and X-Round are the two directions of human progress and retreat. But this does not mean that humans only have these two choices."

"Exploring more possibilities is the greatest shining point of human beings."

"It is because of this that humans have become the masters of the starry sky."

"Although we can't do this now, we will definitely be able to do it in the future."

Lin Youde said this with a firm and confident tone.

In other worlds, he might not dare to say this.

But in the world of mecha wars, humans must be the protagonists of all stories.

Therefore, in the world of mecha wars, it is almost inevitable that humans dominate the universe.

Feeling Lin Youde's confidence, everyone on the deck looked up at the starry sky, revealing some yearning.

Even Angela, who has been living in the Diva world, couldn't help but look up, looking at the night sky, and sighed.

"The universe... huh. I really hope I can go and see it one day."

Lin Youde whispered: "Don't worry, there will be a chance~!"


PS: I'm in a bad state, so uncomfortable...

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