Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1758 Only children make choices, adults naturally want everything!

Lying on the deck and enjoying the wind, Lin Youde felt more relaxed than ever.

Everyone also enjoyed the tranquility quietly.

However, after a while, Carlod suddenly asked Lin Youde a question.

"Uncle, why does the eldest lady on the farm look so similar to the Moon Queen?"

"It's not just a simple resemblance, right? It feels like twins."

"Is there any relationship between them? Do you know?"

In response, Lin Youde shrugged and replied.

"I'm sorry, I can't respond to my high expectations."

"I really don't know if there is any special relationship between the two of them."

This time I really told the truth.

As I said before, when Lin Youde watched the original TV animation, he opened it in three formats. Non-combat scenes aren't very attention-grabbing at all.

Lin Youde didn't know whether the relationship between Ji Air and Deanna was mentioned in the original work.

Lin Youde only vaguely remembered that the two people ended up with their identities reversed.

Roland followed the Moon Queen and used Ji Air's identity to become an ordinary rich young lady on the earth, get married and have children.

Ji Air, on the other hand, went to the moon, lived under the identity of the queen, and governed the moon. It seemed that she even got involved with the original queen's guards.

This is the ending of the two people in the original work.

Moreover, the exchange of identities between the two did not happen at the end, but had already been exchanged in the early or middle part of the plot.

Although only a few people knew about the exchange of identities between the two, the differences in their personalities, habits, and auras led to a series of events.

But these things are impossible to happen now.

Because now Deanna is being hunted, which is completely different from the situation in the original book when she came down from the moon and took guards with her.

Someone is going to kill her now. If Ji Air dares to exchange identities with her, he will definitely die without knowing how.

Moreover, the current situation of the earth and the moon is not comparable to the original work.

As a farm girl, Ji Air will never be able to deal with a bunch of old guys on the moon.

In fact, this is also the case in the original work, which leads to the gradual loss of the majesty of the Moon Queen and makes some ambitious people start to make moves.

In this world, changes in external forces have caused some careerists to act more radically, to the point of assassinating the Queen.

Lin Youde couldn't explain these differences.

Carlo Rod was a little disappointed after hearing Lin Youde say that he didn't know either.

Angela looked at Carlod warily.

"What, you have a crush on Deanna?"

As soon as Angela said this, Carlod felt that little Tifa next to him looked at him with a sharper look.

Although he was not a new human being, the vigilance and keen sense of danger that he had gained from living in the slums for many years still made him shake his head immediately.

"No, the ranch lady and the queen are both beautiful, but they are not my type."

"Being with that kind of person will definitely lead to trouble."

"I'm just curious as to why a person on earth and a person on the moon are so similar."

After these words were spoken, Little Tifa's eyes returned to their usual calmness.

Hathaway glanced at his sister vaguely and agreed.

"Indeed, I have been curious too. The identity gap between the two of them is too big, but they are as similar as twins."

"It would be too far-fetched to say that there is no secret here and it is just a coincidence."

Lin Youde replied with an indifferent expression: "People are similar, things are the same. The world is so big, and it's not a big deal if two very similar people accidentally appear."

"But since you are curious, I won't stop you."

"You just need to investigate slowly by yourselves. Anyway, Ji Air and Deanna have nowhere to go now, so they will stay on the ship for the time being."

"Although I think the fastest way is to ask them to do a DNA test to see if they are related by blood, and then ask Ji Air's parents, which is the fastest way."

"But unfortunately, these two methods are currently unworkable."

Hathaway nodded: "Well, currently there is no equipment or personnel for DNA identification on the White Trojan. If you want to do this, you have to go back to the Cradle of the Earth."

"As for Ji Air's parents, they didn't tell Ji Air where they went when they went out. It's unrealistic to search for them."

Carlo Rod scratched his head: "So, we can only wait."

Hathaway shrugged: "Yeah, that's all we can do. Anyway, for us, this is just a little gossip after dinner, so we don't need to take it too seriously."

"The one who really needs to worry now is Roland."

Carlod was confused: "Eh? Why? What is Roland worried about?"

Hathaway smiled and said: "Of course I have to worry about how to take care of two people who look exactly the same."

"Don't tell me, you can't see that Roland has special feelings for Ji Air."

"Roland is just a servant, and Ji Air, a young lady, may not dare to express his inner feelings."

"But if the target is Deanna, the queen in distress, then that may not necessarily be the case."

Carlod was confused: "Eh? Really? But, Roland is just a servant, why should he pursue Queen Diana?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Carlod noticed that little Tifa was looking at him silently.

He was stunned for a moment, then suddenly reacted, slapped his forehead, and looked at Lin Youde in shock.

"Uncle, is it for this purpose that you gave the Gundam to Roland?"

Lin Youde rolled his eyes: "Just take it as it is."

Carold scratched his head and thought: "If that's the case, then maybe Roland really has a chance?"

"After all, uncle also said that the strength of the Gundam can destroy civilization."

"If Roland drives the Gundam to protect Queen Diana, then maybe it will really work?"

"But what if Miss Ji'er also falls in love with Roland because of this?"

"After all, Roland has the opportunity to pursue Queen Diana with the Gundam given by uncle, so wouldn't it be more likely to pursue Miss Ji'er?"

Lin Youde did not answer the question raised by Carold.

Because in Lin Youde's view, this is not a big deal.

Not to mention the human innovation and integration before the Great Destruction, how could monogamy still exist in this kind of apocalyptic world?

Talking about law in the apocalyptic world? Lin Youde found it funny.

Not to mention that Diana is still the queen, as long as she agrees, who dares to object?

If you have any objections, do you dare to tell Roland, who pilots Gundam?

Without Turn X, who dares to face Roland, the pilot of Gundam, among the lunar residents?

So, there was no objection to this question from the beginning.

Only children make choices, and adults naturally want everything~!

Of course, there are risks in wanting everything, after all, Roland is not a martial artist like Lin Youde, and his body does not look strong.

If he is squeezed dry by the eldest lady and the queen, it would probably be very dangerous...

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