Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1759: All-out mobilization?

Lin Youde did not intervene in the gossip discussions of the juniors anymore, and enjoyed the tranquility of the night.

It was late at night before Lin Youde took the children back from the deck.

Early the next morning, Lin Youde came to the bridge.

"What's going on? You called me over so early in the morning. Is there something wrong?"

Alpha sat in front of the console and looked back at Lin Youde.

"Captain, a high-energy reaction was detected directly ahead. It seems that someone is fighting."

"Since this direction is the only way we can move forward, I judge that it is up to you to choose whether to continue moving forward."

"The probability of our mission to find friendly forces being involved in this battle is about 60%."

Hathaway, who was following, turned to look at Lin Youde: "Dad, was it Temujin and the others who had a conflict with the Rondebel members?"

"Or are Temujin and the others being chased by others?"

Lin Youde scratched his chin: "Who knows, let's go over and see the situation first."

"As usual, let the white Trojan fly at low altitude, and Alpha will drive the mini-elf Leon, keeping watch on the deck, deploying a dimensional distortion field at any time to protect the mothership."

"You and Carlod will pilot the Corsi Gundam and Gundam

"By the way, let Roland also fly the Gundam and take this opportunity to test fly it and see if it can be operated."

Hathaway responded: "Okay, I will make arrangements right now."

Soon, everyone in the white wooden horse who had just had breakfast became busy.

After everyone was in place, Lin Youde piloted the Flash Gundam, and together with Fulka's Idabosi, they grabbed the Corsi Gundam and Gundam X and flew towards the battle area ahead.

However, since the flight output of the Gundam

Fortunately, Hathaway slowed down and did not let Gundam X and Idabosi be pulled down too far.

A few minutes later, approaching the edge of the battle area, Lin Youde asked Kesi Gundam to take the Flash Gundam to look down from high altitude, and discovered that an uninvited guest was also in the sky.

Following Ida Posi, who was being lifted up by Gundam X, Fulka couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw this machine.

"Gezhiarapos? He is the super Shura god of Mizar's military advisor!"

When Furka discovered the opponent, Mizar, the Shura clan strategist in Gezhiarabos, also discovered the four machines that were also in the sky.

Mizar looked at the Shining Gundam hanging in the sky holding the Corsi Gundam and smiled.

"Here we are finally, the strong man Lin Youde. I knew that if I waited for you here, you would definitely fall into a trap."

Due to communication interference and the distance, Hassawi did not hear Mizar's words at all.

But as a warrior, Lin Youde had amazing hearing. He heard the other party's words clearly and spoke back.

"wait for me here?"

"In other words, you deliberately caused the fighting here to lure me here?"

Mizar smiled and said: "Yes, I have done some research on you during this period and know that you are a truly strong person."

"And you have a strong sense of justice. If you see weak humans being attacked, you will definitely stand up."

"It's not difficult to understand. After all, as a great hero who saves the world, if you don't stand up for your own people, your honor will be trampled on."

"So, after investigating your route, I will wait for you here."

Hearing Mizal's words, Furka, who was already flying to Cosi Gundam with Gundam X inside Idaboth, reminded him.

"Please be careful, Your Excellency Lin Youde."

"Mizar's military division has sufficient arrangements for every battle to ensure that the battle is foolproof."

"Since he chooses to take action against you, he will definitely be fully prepared."

In this regard, Lin Youde simply asked.

"Oh, really, then, Alkaid, the Shura King, came in person?"

Michal chuckled and said, "Haha, I don't need the king himself to deal with you."

Lin Youde and Flash Gundam shook their heads simultaneously: "Looking at it like this, you are still looking down upon."

"You have no chance of winning unless Alcaide comes in person."

"I don't pay any attention to the Shura Fist of your Shura clan."

"Unless you are Alkaid of Mahayana, everyone else is no different from Furka in front of me."

Sweat broke out on Fulka's forehead: "Well, Your Excellency Lin Youde, I have made some progress recently."

Lin Youde replied: "I know, but compared with me, it's still far behind."

This is not Lin Youde pretending, but stating the facts.

Lin Youde is really much better than Furka. Even if he hasn't practiced in the past few days, Furka can't catch up overnight.

Of course, by saying this deliberately now, it actually has the purpose of dispelling the other party's arrogance and morale.

Otherwise, Lin Youde would not say such things just to attack Furka.

"Haha, that's right. Although I also admit that you are a truly strong man. But if you want to challenge our king, you still need to prove your strength."

Mizar's words made Lin Youde reply in a contemptuous tone: "Challenge? Prove one's strength?"

"You Shura clan are really so arrogant. Do you really think you are so strong that you need people all over the world to prove yourself to you and then challenge you?"

"You ignorant frog in the well, your Shura Fist is not worth challenging in my eyes."

"A mere Alkaide is not worth proving myself."

"Get out of here if you know better, otherwise, stay here."

Faced with Lin Youde's provocation, Mizar's eyes flashed with danger, but he did not take action directly, but asked Gracialabos to point down.

"No, Your Excellency will prove it."

"Look, please look down, the people trapped in the encirclement are you Earthlings."

"They are in danger now. As a hero, are you sure you don't want to save them?"

Lin Youde and others looked down and finally saw that they had left the desert and were near a grassland below, surrounded by a group of Shura machines.

After seeing it clearly, Carlod exclaimed: "It's the people Angela mentioned before. I forgot who else was Temujin."

Little Tifa added: "Afamut Za Hata, and Finn Za Net."

Hasavi looked down, a little confused: "Is that a melee-specialized fierce bird? And the demon god Caesar SKL, Duankongwo and... What kind of machine is this?"

Lin Youde replied: "That's a machine from the outer sea, Thursday God's Judgment. I didn't expect Yazi and Fan to be here."

Folka exclaimed: "Is that the super Shura God of Lord Artis, Matikut?"

"And Lord Maxis's Perinis is here too?"

"Even Mr. Arion's Agares is here?"

Hearing Folka's words, Lin Youde looked at Mizar with interest.

"This is a good scene. Are the generals of the Shura tribe going out in full force?"

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