Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1760: Enlightenment! Punch to protect others!

Mizar looked at the Shining Gundam and responded.

"This is respect for you."

"After my investigation during this period of time, I have enough information to judge that although you are not as good as Lord Alcaide, you are also a real threat."

"This is not just because you defeated Magnus by your own strength, but also because of your glorious achievements in this world. We must have enough respect for you as a strong man."

"So, great hero, Lin Youde. I have set up the game. Do you want to go in?"

The Shining Gundam looked at Mizar's body and Mizar added.

"By the way, even if you defeat me now, it's useless."

"I have arranged the mission for Altis and others."

"As long as you dare to attack me, they will immediately kill the earthlings below."

"Don't be petty."

Mizar's words surprised Lin Youde.

"Are you threatening me?"

"I haven't been threatened for a long time."

As if sensing Lin Youde's killing intention, Mizar laughed fearlessly.

"Hehe, this is not a threat, just a warning."

"I know that with your ability, if you want to run, we may not be able to stop you."

"So, we must use some special means to keep you."

"That's why we haven't looked for you during this period of time."

"Although our Shura clan is martial, we will have enough respect for the real strong."

"Strong people like you, if not completely solved once and for all, will only cause endless troubles."

"Although I personally think that it is safest to let Lord Alcaide do it himself."

"But if Lord Alcaide is asked to do everything, there will be endless troubles." , that would only make us look very incompetent. "

"Lin Youde, I have set up the game, please join it."

Listening to Mizar's words, Karod was a little annoyed: "How despicable, you Shura guys, don't you have any martial virtues at all?"

Mizar was puzzled: "Martial virtues? What is that?"

Fulka was ashamed: "I'm sorry, Mr. Lin Youde, Military Advisor Mizar has always acted like this. I didn't think there was anything wrong with it before. But after learning about the culture on Earth, I deeply understand the importance of martial virtues to warriors."

"Mizar's despicable behavior, please allow me to apologize to you."

Mizar's expression was instantly unhappy.

"Despicable? Furka, what are you talking about? Although I don't know what martial virtue is, as the military advisor of the Shura clan, I always put the interests of the Shura clan first."

"No matter whether the means are despicable or not, as long as it can eliminate the biggest threat to the Shura clan, I will not tolerate any means."

"I know that warriors are arrogant, but I am not a warrior, so don't use the warrior's set on me."

"Also, as a member of the Shura clan, you took the initiative to bow to the earthlings. I can't pretend that I didn't see such behavior."

The Shining Gundam raised his hand and attracted Mizar's attention.

"How arrogant, Shura clan's military advisor."

"If you don't even want to lower your head, how can you see higher if you keep looking up?"

"A truly strong person can not only stand on a high place and overlook everything in the world, but also stand in a depression and look up at the sky."

"Only by being in awe of the world can we go further."

"Only by being compassionate to the world can we avoid getting lost in the martial arts."

"Besides, a real man can bend and stretch, know his mistakes and correct them, so that he can become a more perfect person."

Mizar narrowed his eyes and stared at Lin Youde's Shining Gundam: "Are you teaching me how to be a man?"

Lin Youde shook his head: "No, I'm teaching Furka how to be a man. ”

“Before learning martial arts, you must first learn how to be a human being.”

“If you can’t be a good human being, you will only cause chaos and help the tyrants with your brute force, no matter how strong you are.”

“Folka, remember. The reason why I swing my fist is not only to defeat the enemy, but also to protect myself and the people I cherish.”

“Swinging a fist for yourself can certainly make you strong, but that kind of strength has its limits.”

“Swinging a fist to protect others may be very weak at first, but as long as you persist, you will break through your limits sooner or later.”

“Fighting for yourself is fundamentally different from fighting to protect others.”

Lin Youde’s words made Folka feel like he was struck by lightning, and he was stunned.

In his mind, the video and deeds of Lin Youde’s battle in this world in the cradle of the earth flashed quickly.

Those scenes flashed one after another, and Folka had a glimmer of enlightenment in his heart.

“Fighting for yourself and fighting to protect others…”

The next moment, a strong domineering aura erupted from Idabos.

The air wave blown by the domineering aura made Mizar look sideways.

"Is this... a sign of deification? How is it possible? Just because of these nonsense, Idabos will be deified? What a joke?"

Mizar's tone revealed obvious exasperation and disbelief.

On the ground, the Shura tribe members who had surrounded Yazi and others also looked up and exclaimed.

Silver-haired handsome guy Altis frowned: "What's going on?"

Spontaneous handsome guy Arion: "Is that Lin Youde going to attack the military advisor?"

Blonde beauty Maxis: "No, the wind and waves came from Idapos."

Altis narrowed his eyes: "Idapos?"

Arion was shocked: "My goodness, this kid Furka, could it be that he has realized the essence of the Mecha Fist and started to comprehend the Mecha Overlord Fist?"

Maxis was shocked: "How is it possible? Lord Altis didn't teach Furka the Mecha Overlord Fist?"

Altis shook his head: "Indeed not, but..."

Before he finished speaking, a roar came from the back of the machines of several people.

"Have you realized a higher realm? Furka, then fight me to the death!"

"Today, we must decide who is better, Mecha Bombardment Fist!"

On the ground, a green dragon soared into the sky and rushed towards Idapos.

Lin Youde looked down and found that it was Fernando's Valif.

Valif rushed up with the green dragon.

Just as Lin Youde was about to make a move, he heard Furka shout loudly.

"Come on! From today on, I will not punch for myself, but to protect others."

"Fernando, don't try to hurt my friends, let me appreciate your skills."

Idaboth released the Gundam X, and with the powerful domineering turbulence around him, he kicked the rushing Qinglong.

"Mechanic God Punch!"

A white dragon roared out, swooped down at a high speed, and collided with Qinglong.

A huge explosion exploded in the sky...


PS: Damn, I'm still not in good shape today. I always feel that the part where the protagonist teaches Furka and Furka suddenly realizes is not written well.

I thought about it for a long time, but I couldn't think of how to improve it. My brain is completely stuck, so I can only bite the bullet and write according to the outline.

It's uncomfortable.

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