Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1761: Joining the Game

The sudden explosion in the sky made Yazi and others who were surrounded below look up in confusion.

Yazi looked around in confusion: "Nani? Nani?"

Haidongjian: "What's going on?"

Majo Ryo: "These inexplicable guys are fighting each other?"

Fujiwara Shinobu: "I don't know, but it feels good for us."

Fan: "Hey, those iron lumps over there, do you know what's going on?"

Temujin 747J: "Sorry, we don't know either. It doesn't look like the troops chasing us are fighting with these guys."

Afamut: "But it seems like someone came in the sky just now."

Finn: "Who cares? Let's think about how to get out. These guys have surrounded us here for a while, and they haven't moved. Are they up to something?"

Amid the discussion of the crowd, Idabos and Valif flew out from both sides of the smoke of the explosion and landed a few dozen meters outside the encirclement.

Valifu took a fighting stance, and Fernando said solemnly: "Furka, it seems that you have learned a lot from that Earthling. You can actually keep up with my movements now."

Idabos also took a fighting stance, but Furka shook his head: "No, Mr. Lin Youde didn't teach me any moves. He just taught me how to be a man and how to practice the basics of martial arts to lay a new foundation for me."

Fernando looked surprised: "What the hell? Teach me how to be a man? Lay a foundation?"

Compared to Fernando's surprise, Yazi and others were even more surprised.

Yazi looked at the others blankly: "Just now, did I hear the three words Lin Youde?"

Hai Dongjian: "It seems that I didn't hear it wrong, he did say that."

Majo Ryo: "Yes, I heard it too."

Fujiwara Shinobu excitedly: "This red guy knows Dr. Lin Youde? So, this guy is one of us?"

Fan lowered his head, his hat brim covering his face: "Can I finally have a full meal..."

Temüjin 747J: "An acquaintance?"

Yuuki Sara: "Yes, he is the commander-in-chief of our army and the strongest invincible existence in the army."

Afamt: "Oh, I'm saved now."

Finn: "Wait, I can understand the strongest, but is invincible too much? This Is there an invincible guy in the world? "

Sima Liang: "It depends on how you understand it. At least in our world, Dr. Lin Youde is almost synonymous with invincibility. I haven't seen him lose yet."

Shikibu Masato: "Yes, no matter what kind of guy it is, as long as Dr. Lin Youde appears, the enemy will be destroyed in an instant."

Finn was amazed: "Tsk tsk tsk, is it true? Is he that powerful?"

Yazi: "Sister Feiyin, when you see Mr. Lin Youde in the future, you will know how powerful he is. He is the strongest that can be recognized by Sister Tessa, and he is definitely the strongest."

Finn wanted to question: "But, you are also..."

Before Huahua finished speaking, a sound of breaking through the air sounded in the sky.

As soon as everyone looked up, they saw a stream of light falling from the sky.


A huge impact broke out in front of everyone's body, blowing away the ordinary Shura miscellaneous soldiers around them on the spot, and only a few Shura generals' bodies did not move.

"Wow, what's going on? Something fell again?"

A familiar voice reached everyone's ears as Finn muttered.

"Calling me something or something is a bit rude, young lady."

Hearing this voice, Yazi exclaimed: "Mr. Lin Youde!"

The dust gradually dissipated, and the back of the Shining Gundam finally appeared in everyone's sight.

"Hey, Yazi, how have you been recently? Have you been bullied? Don't worry and tell me, no matter what, you are Tessa's sister. Tessa's sister is my sister. Whoever dares to bully my sister must be prepared to be beaten by me~!"

The Shining Gundam turned back and gave a thumbs-up gesture, allowing Yazi to sit in the cockpit of the Fierce Bird with peace of mind and let out a long sigh.

"Mr. Lin Youde, it's great to see you again."

As soon as she finished speaking, Yazi reacted and pointed at the bodies of Altis and others angrily.

"It's them. They surrounded us without any reason, and we couldn't go anywhere. They also attacked us."

Fiin looked at the Shining Gundam curiously: "Are you Lin Youde?"

The Shining Gundam nodded and looked at the Centaur Super Shura God of Artis.

"Is it you? Bullying my little sister. A large group of people bullying a child, how shameless."

Faced with Lin Youde's provocation, Artis didn't care, but looked up at the descending Gracia Labos.

"Mishal Military Advisor, it seems that you succeeded?"

Gracia Labos landed on the heads of the crowd, and Mishal said in a deep voice.

"I guess so."

Artis was puzzled: "What, is there something wrong?"

Before Mishal answered, Lin Youde returned first.

"Alright, your military advisor's tricks are nothing more than a clown's acrobatics in my eyes."

"Don't you just want to use our child as a hostage to force me to join the game?"

"Hmph, if that's the case, I'll do as you wish and jump in directly."

As he spoke, Shining Gundam raised his head and looked at Mizar: "Watch out, Shura clan's military advisor."

"In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is nothing but a paper tiger."

As he said this, Lin Youde swung his fist.

"Lushan Shenglongba~!"

A blue dragon was swung out from the right hand of the Shining Gundam, and rushed towards Altis's Centaur Super Shura God Matikut on the spot.

Facing the flying blue dragon, Altis controlled the machine to jump back, dodged it, and swung out a red fist wind to detonate the blue dragon.

The hurricane of the explosion blew away on the spot, and Altis's machine landed a hundred meters away, waving at Arion and Maxis's machines.

"Okay, let's disperse."

"Since the military advisor's goal has been achieved, don't worry about those nameless people."

"Concentrate your strength and prepare to fight the enemy."

Arion and Maxis's machines immediately retreated, came to Altis's machine, and took a fighting stance.

Lin Youde looked at Altis with some surprise.

"You are very sensible. You didn't continue to threaten me with my children."

"You should be the teacher who taught him the Mecha God Fist, Altis, right?"

Altis controlled the machine and took a starting posture.

"Not bad, Mecha God Overlord Fist·Altis, please teach me!"

The Shining Gundam strode forward, and Lin Youde said to Yazi and others: "You guys step back a little, leave this to me."

After that, the Shining Gundam walked to the front of Altis and the other two, and also took a starting posture.

"Eastern Invincible Style·Lin Youde, please teach me!"

The next moment, the two machines turned into two lights, one white and one red, and collided with each other.

Fierce winds and waves roared from the center of the two machines...


PS: The state is not right, it feels a bit strange to write. Let's see if I can adjust it back tomorrow. If not, I have to take a leave and give my brain a holiday.

If I continue to write like this, I always feel that something will go wrong.

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