Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1763 Red Ashura

Chapter 1763 Red Ashura

"Can't figure it out?"

Lin Youde's question made Altis even more silent.

On the contrary, Mizar, the Ashura military advisor, suddenly asked.

"Sir Lin Youde, you don't want Furka to defeat Fernando with the Mecha Fist and then challenge Lord Alkaide?"

Lin Youde smiled slightly: "Finally someone understands? It's not easy."


Amid the exclamations of the three Ashura generals and Fernando, Lin Youde answered calmly.

"I've said before that in my opinion, Furka has the potential to far surpass Alcaide. If it's Furka, he will be able to defeat Alcaide sooner or later and become a truly powerful man."

"I asked Fernando to bring this back to you before, and I know you will definitely not accept it."

"If I teach Furka the boxing of the Invincible Oriental Style, even if he wins, you will say that it's just that Furka is more suitable for the boxing of the Invincible Oriental Style."

"So, I don't plan to accept him as a disciple, let alone teach him the boxing of the Invincible Oriental Style."

"I just taught him some basic points on how to train the foundation when practicing martial arts."

"I want him to use the Mecha God Fist that everyone of you can use to defeat Alcaide, so that he knows that Furka is the one who can truly surpass him."

"As for which one is stronger, the Mecha God Overlord Fist or the Invincible Oriental Style, I will communicate with Alcaide in person later to let him know that the Mecha God Overlord Fist is not worth mentioning in front of our Invincible Oriental Style."

Lin Youde's sworn answer silenced the people of the Shura clan.

No one had ever thought that Lin Youde actually thought this way.

Altis even replied: "But, Furka can't even beat Fernando now, how can he challenge Lord Alcaide."

"The gap between the Mecha Fist and the Mecha Overlord Fist is not so easy to bridge."

Lin Youde chuckled: "Haha, that's why I say that you Shura clan practice the fierce fist all day long and your brains are damaged."

"The Mecha Overlord Fist is an advanced fist of the Mecha Fist, so there is a gap between the two, that's right."

"But who says that the Mecha Fist must be inferior to the Mecha Overlord Fist?"

"Practicing martial arts, learning the essence of martial arts, integrating them, and creating the most suitable fist for oneself is the real martial arts."

"The Mecha Overlord Fist is one of the advanced fists of the Mecha Fist, but it will definitely not be the only end of the Mecha Fist."

"Furka has a good talent. As long as he is given some time, I believe he can create his own Mecha Fist."

Lin Youde's words sounded very plain, but the domineering aura contained in them shocked everyone in the Shura clan.

Especially Furka, he and Idabos turned back in astonishment and looked at Lin Youde's Shining Gundam.

"Sir, you actually have such expectations of me, I..."

The Shining Gundam raised his hand, and Lin Youde interrupted: "Don't worry, you are very talented, your mind is flexible, and you know how to adapt. This is destined to make you unsuitable for the extremely fierce Mecha God Overlord Fist."

"The new Mecha God Fist that combines hardness and softness is more suitable for you."

"You may not have found the way yet, and you don't quite understand how to make your own Mecha God Fist."

"But you just need to calm down and think about what I did when I fought with you. And the earth culture you have learned during this time, and your own views on the future of the Shura clan."

"Calm down and think about all these things clearly, I believe you can definitely find a new way for your Mecha God Fist."

Furka was stunned. Lin Youde's high expectations of him made him a little flattered.

But Mizar interrupted impatiently.

"That's a good point, but now he can't even beat Fernando, there's no future for him."

"He openly took the captives and escaped, joining the Earthlings. Furka has committed a serious crime and will be taken back for execution."

"Fernando, kill him!"

Valifer's domineering aura burst out like a hurricane, and his momentum has reached a certain peak.

"Furka, look, Military Advisor Mizar has said so, so you can only die here, or be defeated and taken back by me."

Furka looked at Valifer again, but Idaboth's domineering aura could no longer be further enhanced.

Altis stared at the Shining Gundam, and Lin Youde smiled.

"Oh, indeed, if we are defeated here, it will be meaningless."

"I don't like to do things like forcing others to grow."

"But you have been with me for a while. Although you are not a disciple of our Dongfang Bubai School, you are still a friend of mine, Lin Youde."

"In that case, I will teach you a trick, Furka."

In the eyes of everyone, as Mizar's machine slightly raised its hand to tell Fernando not to attack, Lin Youde taught Furka.

"Furka, fighting only by yourself and fighting only by the machine can only play to your own limit or the limit of the machine."

"If you want to break through the limits of both, you must integrate yourself with the machine."

"Remember, don't treat the machine as your tool, but as your partner, as your other half."

"The machine has its own soul. Believe in yourself and believe in your machine."

"When you believe in it wholeheartedly, it will respond to you."

People who were not members of Londo Bell did not understand Lin Youde's words at all.

But Yazi and others who were members of Londo Bell had understood.

Yazi asked curiously: "Is that red guy the black box machine?"

In the sky, in the descending Cosi Gunda, Hasavi whispered: "Yes."

Yazi nodded slightly: "I understand."

Then, while others did not understand, Furka closed his eyes and carefully experienced the state of Idabos under the full burst of domineering power.

At the same time, Lin Youde continued.

"Believe in yourself, believe in the machine, you don't want to lose, you don't want to stop here, right?"

"Tell your Idabos your thoughts, tell Idabos your belief that you want to win."

"Idabos has its own soul. Only when you tell it your true thoughts will it respond to you."

Under Lin Youde's instruction, Furka, who had closed his eyes, opened his eyes and shouted loudly.

"That's right, I won't stop here, and I won't be taken back. I want to live, I want to win, and I want to let everyone in the Shura tribe know that fighting is not the only future for us."

"We can live in peace like the people on Earth!"

"Fighting is not all we have, we can still have a new future."

"Idabos, lend me your power, let's go on together and witness the new future of the Shura tribe!"

At Furka's loud shout, Idabos's forehead glowed with blue light, emitting a dazzling blue light.

At the same time, Idabos's blue eyes burst into dazzling light.

Amid the explosion of three lights, an exciting BGM sounded in the sky.

[BGM: Red Ashura - Yumura Wataru]

"What is that?"

In Mizar's surprised exclamation, Idabos's domineering aura gushed out like a white fountain.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!!!!"

At Furka's loud shout, dots of blue fluorescence appeared around Idapos, and gathered on Idapos from all directions, turning into a blue flame that rose twice and disappeared out of thin air...

This is the special effect of the mental command · spirit.

Under the amplification of this mental command, the white domineering aura on Idapos expanded again, completely overshadowing Valive.

"How, how is it possible?"

Seeing that Furka had surpassed himself so easily and overshadowed his own domineering aura, the always proud Fernando simply couldn't accept it.

"No, this is not true, I don't believe it!"

"How could the gap between the Mecha God Overlord Fist be so easily surpassed by the Mecha God Fist? Don't try to fool me."

Valive kicked his right foot, and the ground under his feet shattered. Valive turned into a blue light and rushed towards Idapos.

"True Domination Mecha God Punch!!!"

The blue light on Valivor's body streaked away a huge blue dragon on the spot and rushed forward...

Lin Youde said lightly: "Go, Furka, go and defeat him."

Furka nodded: "Understood!"

Idabos also kicked with his right foot, and the ground under his feet instantly turned into debris, and the entire machine body turned into white light and rushed out...

"Mecha God Punch~!"

The white light on Idabos's body flew out first, turning into a white dragon and crashing into the blue dragon that Valivor had transformed into. They collided on the spot and a huge explosion occurred.


Idabos turned in the air and kicked the center of the explosion.


The huge impact storm dispersed the smoke of the explosion on the spot, and at the same time, with a huge roar, the blue Valivor was kicked out like a cannonball.


With a loud bang, Valivor hit the ground and instantly smashed out a huge meteorite crater.

However, Idabos landed lightly on the ground without any injury.

Looking at this extremely obvious contrast, everyone knew that the winner had been decided.

Although they were both Shura Gods, the gap between the two was too big...

With the blessing of the BGM field, even if Idabos only used the ordinary Mecha Fist, he could easily defeat Valif who used the Mecha Overlord Fist.

Now, no one doubted what Lin Youde said before, that Furka could challenge Altis.

Because Furka now seemed to have this strength.

In the collective silence of the Shuras, Furka controlled Idabos, raised his hands, and said excitedly.

"Is this... the real power of Idabos?"

Lin Youde smiled and nodded: "Yes, this is the power that can be burst out after the integration of man and machine, called the power of the BGM field."


PS: I still feel that it is not good, but it is not good to take two consecutive days off, so I wrote some for the time being, and everyone can just read it.

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