Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1764 Deification! The duel between Red and Blue, the battle between the twin Shura gods! (8K

"BGM field, so this is the power of the BGM field?"

Feeling the power of Idapos at this moment, Furka was shocked.

Altis, Mizar and others were also shocked.

Mizar narrowed his eyes and stared at Idapos: "So, this power that plays strange music is called BGM field? It is indeed appropriate, but this power increase..."

Altis's expression was also a little solemn: "Strength, speed, and domineering, almost all-round improvement, visually estimated that the improvement is at least 50% to 70%, defense is not known for the time being, but it is best to estimate that it will be better to have the same level of improvement."

Arion screamed: "Uh~! Idapos actually has this kind of power? We didn't know it all along. Should we say that he is worthy of being the Shura God snatched back from the earth, it is really special."

Mathis frowned: "I don't know if Valifer can withstand the attack of that level just now."

Altis looked in the direction of the huge meteorite crater smashed by Valifer and said seriously.

"Don't underestimate Fernando. He was chosen by Valivor after all. He's not that fragile."

"Although Fernando is arrogant and looks down on others, he works just as hard as Furka."

"And his greatest strength is his unwillingness to admit defeat to anyone."

Almost as soon as Altis finished speaking, a roar sounded in the crater.


Instantly, dust flew up, and a blue figure flew out of the dust and landed on the ground again.

Although he was kneeling on one knee and supporting the ground with his fists, the whole body looked scarred.

But Valivor was still intact and looked like he could fight again.

Seeing Valivor like this, Yazi couldn't help but be amazed.

"No way, the attack just now didn't break it? This guy is too stubborn, isn't he?"

Fin, who is also a woman, nodded and said, "Yes, it's already like this, do we have to continue? Isn't the outcome already obvious?"

Temujin 747J shook his head, "No, it's not that simple."

Afamut replied, "Well, he doesn't seem to be ready to give up."

Fujiwara Shinobu also had a serious expression: "Sword, you feel it."

Haido Ken also had a serious expression: "Ah~! This guy hasn't given up yet, hasn't admitted defeat yet. Of course, I also felt his murderous aura that made my skin sting."

Majo Ryo: "What a stubborn guy."

Amid the discussion of the crowd, Valifu supported the ground with one hand and stood up shakily.

"I, I haven't lost yet!"

"Don't think you can defeat me like this, Furka."

Furka looked solemn: "Fernando, are you sure you want to continue fighting?"

"You should have felt how powerful the BGM field taught by Mr. Lin Youde is."

"You have no chance of winning now."

Fernando gritted his teeth and controlled Valifo to raise his fist, and his domineering aura was rampant again.

"It's because you have this strange thing that I don't accept it!"

"You are just relying on what others give you. I will not admit defeat to you who use this kind of external object."

Hearing this, Lin Youde's eyebrows twitched and he suddenly spoke.

"Fernando, since you are so unconvinced, then just do the same thing as I taught Furka just now."

"Idabos and Valif are the twin Shura gods. What Idabos can do, Valif can naturally do as well."

"BGM field is a capability that every black box machine has. Whether it can be brought into play and to what extent it can be brought into play depends on personal ability."

"Let me see if you are qualified to be Furka's rival."

Lin Youde's words made Fernando's forehead veins bulge, but he did not go crazy or curse. Instead, he took a deep breath and calmed down in a rare state of rage.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, Fernando controlled Valif to stand up and muttered to himself.

"Valive, you heard it, didn't you?"

"I have always regarded Furka as my biggest opponent, because he is my biggest rival and obstacle on the road to becoming a general, so I want to defeat him."

"From childhood to adulthood, he and I have always been tied, and no one has really won or lost."

"Although Lord Altis said that this is also good, I don't want to accept it."

"I must win, and I must prove to everyone that I, Fernando, am the best."

"So, lend me your power, Valive. I have as much domineering as you want."

"I don't want to lose to Furka, I want to prove that I am better than him."

"You don't want to lose to Idapos like me, right? So, Valive, lend me your power, let's defeat them together!!!"

Valive's forehead, which is the same as Idapos, burst into a dazzling green light.

Amid Fernando's roar, Valive's eyes flashed green, and a background music suddenly unfolded from the sky, competing with Idapos's background music.

[BGM: Fight against fate - Hanaoka Takuya/Tsuruyama Naoshi]

The moment the BGM sounded, blue domineering energy burst out from Valifor like a fountain of energy, free of charge.

The huge energy fountain shocked everyone.

Arion even exclaimed: "It actually worked? And this domineering... is even more exaggerated than Idabos just now."

Mathis was also surprised: "This domineering... has it caught up with Lord Altis?"

Mizar looked at Valifer, who was bursting with domineering, but his eyes were full of vigilance: "This increase... This power called BGM field is too much..."

Altis suddenly interrupted Mizar and others and shouted at Fernando.

"Suppress all the domineering and gather it into your body, feel the real power, experience what domineering is, and completely integrate your unyielding heart with domineering and burst it out."

Altis's shouting made Valifer, who was bursting with domineering, suddenly stop venting his domineering and quickly gather it.

Then, the blue domineering was constantly gathered and gathered on Valifer's body surface, gradually changing from blue to dark blue to almost purple.

Fernando: "Oh oh oh oh oh..."

On the ground, pieces of stone floated uncontrollably and levitated...

The powerful aura made Yazi's eyelids twitch wildly.

"Mr. Lin Youde, is this situation a bit bad?"

Before Lin Youde could answer, Altis shouted: "Now, the heart of the hegemon, invincible, burst out all the power, Fernando!!!"

As Altis shouted, all the domineering aura on Valiv was gathered in his body, turning into a purple light flashing on his body.


As if to vent all the suppressed emotions, the roar brought out a huge purple light column that soared into the sky.

Under the dazzling purple light column, Valiv's posture changed.

The green light on his forehead and pupils turned into a weird scarlet. The originally black crown turned dark blue, the blue armor on his body turned black, and the long red hair that looked like tentacles turned into blood-red aurora hair. (Note 1)

A huge black aura burst out from Valiv, shattering the purple light column that had risen to the sky.

A completely different Valiv appeared in front of everyone.

Looking at Valiv like this, the people on the Shura side were very excited.

Arion: "Hey, he actually did it? Fernando, this guy, actually did it?"

Mathis looked at Altis with joy: "Lord Altis, this is..."

Altis nodded excitedly: "Finally did it, yes, this is deification! The highest realm of Shura God, deification, Fernando, finally made Valive deified."

Mizar had a surprised expression on his face: "Actually...really deified? Although Valive does have this ability, but how could it be deified so easily?"

Mizar looked at Idabos, and his expression gradually became playful: "Valive has been deified, and he has also awakened the so-called BGM field. Now the gap has been directly smoothed out, no, it has been directly reversed."

"In this situation, the overall situation has been determined."

"Lin Youde, you are out of your mind."

Faced with Mizar's sarcasm, Lin Youde did not care. He just made a simple comment.

"Fernando has a good foundation and seems to be a very capable person."

"The current situation is indeed more favorable to Fernando."

"But it's not the time to jump to conclusions. The battle is not over yet. It's a bit too hasty to say who will win or lose now."

"You know, danger and opportunity coexist."

"A true strong man can only burst out stronger power when under pressure."

Altis looked at Lin Youde's Shining Gundam: "Do you think Furka is such a strong man?"

Lin Youde smiled and did not answer.

Altis looked at the two people on the battlefield without waiting for Lin Youde.

After Valifu's deification was completed, the huge sense of oppression that erupted from his body made Furka feel that it was difficult to move.

Furka understood very well that this was a manifestation of his own domineering being suppressed.

In the past, when he was sparring with his teacher Altis, he often felt this way.

But he never thought that he would experience it in Fernando one day.

But just as Lin Youde said, although he was suppressed now, Furka did not give up.

Fernando grew up with him since childhood, and he knew the other party's strength very well.

If the other party could burst out such power, he could definitely do it.

However, before he calmed down and thought about how to make himself burst out with domineering power like Fernando and make Idapos deified.

Fernando couldn't wait to attack Furka.

"Furka, I must defeat you this time!"

A dark domineering power burst out from Valifu's body, and he crossed his hands and waved them. Two black dragons composed of domineering power flew in the air like two ribbons and flew towards Idapos.

But unlike all the previous dragon-type domineering power that directly hit the target, this time the two black dragon domineering power flew to the vicinity of Idapos, spinning rapidly, setting off a black hurricane, instantly wrapping Idapos and Valifu.

And as the black whirlwind rotated faster and faster, the two bodies could not help but move towards the center.

And as the hurricane continued to shrink, the dark wind wall blocked the outside view, making it impossible for everyone to see what was going on inside.

Only Lin Youde, a new human being, endured the constant erosion of the negative emotions of the dead around him and put in his mental power.

Then, Lin Youde understood what was happening inside the black whirlwind.

In the continuous rotation of the black hurricane, the two bodies were continuously pulled in.

Furka also knew that he couldn't sit still and wanted to try to attack.

But as soon as he fired two white dragon-shaped domineering energy, Valiver smashed him in two circles. He rushed over with a lunge and hit Idabosi's chin with an uppercut, knocking Idabosi half to the ground. Get airborne.

"Don't think it will end that easily. Just bear my anger, Furka!"

Fernando roared and controlled Valiver to kick several times sideways. After kicking Idabosi, who was about to fall, briefly into the air, he punched up hard, sending Idabosi flying backwards. At the same moment, a quick sprint came behind Idabosi, and with a whip kick, Idabosi was kicked away diagonally.

This was not over yet. After kicking Idabosi away, Valiver sprinted and jumped directly on the spot. He turned into a black light and surpassed Idabosi who flew out diagonally. He stepped on the wind of the black hurricane. On the wall, his hands slapped quickly, and red beams of light roared out, hitting Idabosi and knocking him back again...

"It's not over yet..."

After the red beam in Valiver's hand ended, it turned into a black light again. He sprinted back to the place where Idabosi was about to land, and punched quickly.


A black fist hit Idabosi, abruptly stopping his falling figure, and was knocked into the air for a short time.


With a loud shout, Valiver moved at high speed, came behind Idabosi, raised his left leg and kicked him wildly, and then kicked him away again.


Moving at high speed again, he rushed behind Idabosi and flew into the air with a punch.


Moving at high speed again, he came behind Idabosi and gave him a flying kick.


Fernando became more and more excited as he fought, and Valiver became faster and faster as he played.

For just ten seconds, Valiver moved, punched, moved, kicked, and moved again.

In the entire black hurricane, the only thing visible from the outside world was the red stream of light when Valiver attacked.

In this pitch-black hurricane, streams of red light continuously hit Idabosi from all directions, from top to bottom, left, and right, making people feel how fast it was even if they couldn't see clearly.

Under everyone's gaze, after the red stream of light repeated this dozens of times, Valiver appeared in front of Idabosi, put his fists together, and pushed hard against Idabosi's chest.

"Take the move! Machine God Overlord Fist·Zhen Ba Hongtian Fist!!!"

A red light flashed in Valiver's hand, and Idabosi was knocked away on the spot and hit the black wind wall, exploding into a huge explosion of flames.

The moment the explosion flame appeared, the black wind wall also dispersed on the spot...

Valiver, who had just shown his power, knelt down on one knee, supporting his knee with his hands. His body was constantly rising and falling, but he was still staring at the direction of the explosion in Idabosi.

"I win this time, right?"

Fernando's words made everyone look at the direction of the explosion in Idabosi.

Under everyone's gaze, nearly half a minute passed before Idabosi was revealed after the explosion flames gradually dissipated.

Then, everyone saw Idabosi, who was also kneeling on one knee with his arms crossed in front of him, but his hand armor was completely shattered, and the front half of one of his arms was directly broken off. He looked up Valiver, the blue light in his eyes is still strong.

But Furka's somewhat weak voice made it clear that his situation was not easy.

"Is this, is this the power of deification..."

The deified Valiver stood up again and looked at Idabosi in the distance. Fernando was a little surprised.

"This has not completely shattered your Idabosi? It seems that you are not much inferior to me in terms of tenacity, Furka."

Fulka gasped: "For example, if I hadn't been defeated by Lord Lin Youde before, let me watch Lord Lin Youde's battle records over and over again and study hard how to defend, I'm afraid I would have been defeated by you by now. But..."

Fernando's voice was full of joy: "However, Ida Porth has not been defeated yet, but you have almost lost."

"This time, I won, Furka~!"

The people on Rondebel's side were silent, but the people on the Shura tribe's side were very happy and excited.

Arion: "Okay, okay. I really didn't expect you to actually win, Fernando. This kind of battle with first advantage, then disadvantage, and then reversal is really exciting."

Maxis looked at Altis: "Sir Altis, now that the outcome has been decided, there is no need to continue the fight, right?"

Altis didn't speak, just looked at Lin Youde's Flash Gundam.

Mizar also looked at Lin Youde, as if waiting for Lin Youde's answer.

Lin Youde didn't even look at the two of them, but looked at the deified Valiver with a thoughtful look. After a moment of silence, he came back to his senses and asked Furka.

"Are you going to admit defeat? Furka?"

Folka gritted his teeth and controlled Idapos, whose arm was broken, to stand up again.

"No, I haven't lost yet. It's too early to say that the battle is over just because I lost an arm."

"What!?" *N

Amid the doubts and exclamations of the crowd, Lin Youde's mouth corners slightly raised, and Folka growled.

"I haven't lost yet..."

"Now I have personally felt what Mr. Lin Youde said, the soul of Idapos."

"The beating from the depths of Idapos's soul, like a heart, is telling me that it has not given up."

"Since Idapos has not given up, I will never admit defeat."

"I will fight with Idapos until the last moment, and I will also witness the new future of the Shura clan with Idapos, so I will never fall here, let alone admit defeat!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!!"

In Folka's roar, Idapos's eyes shone again, and the white domineering aura surged out crazily.

At the same time, a white light flashed on Idabos' body, and the original damage on his body quickly recovered in this white light.

Even the broken arm reappeared as if time had gone back, and was connected back to its original appearance.

Such a magical scene made the Shura clan and the three people from the computer fighter world stunned.

Even Yazi and others who belonged to Londo Bell were surprised.

Yazi: "This is..."

Yuki Sara: "Spiritual command·Big root nature?"

Fan: "I didn't expect that this guy would even use mental commands. We are actually outdone."

In the discussion of the crowd, mental commands·Hot blood, assault, concentration, acceleration, and iron wall appeared on Idabos one after another.

Finally, after a series of colorful streams of light wrapped around Idapos, they spun around quickly for a few rounds before slowly disappearing...

Looking at this scene, the smile on Lin Youde's face became more obvious: "Spiritual Command·Awakening."

As Lin Youde smiled, the white domineering aura on Idapos madly vented to the surroundings, and gradually changed direction during the venting. From the original way of venting in all directions, it gradually concentrated, gathered and sprayed towards the sky at the top, and finally turned into a white beam of light that shot straight into the sky.

At the moment when this beam of light was shot out, the BGM that originally belonged to Idapos also changed.

[BGM: Red Ashura-Yumura Wataru]

↓Changed tone↓

[BGM: Boom, Destroyed]

Afterwards, under the gaze of everyone, Idapos also changed.

The originally red armor turned white, and the edge of the armor became sharper and blood-red.

The legs that were originally slightly slender became strong and powerful, and the golden crown turned blood red.

The mask that originally covered the face has disappeared, revealing a handsome face like a real person.

The originally emerald green eyes have now turned into blood-red pupils like the pupils of a real person.

The two white ponytails behind him have now turned into pink ponytails.

The white domineering light column gradually disappeared, and the brand new Idabos appeared in front of everyone again.

Looking at Idabos like this, everyone was stunned.

Fernando was even more shocked to the point of his eyes being like bells.

"How, how is it possible!?"

Arion's eyes widened: "Is it true? It was repaired in an instant? Does Shura God have this function?"

Mathis took a breath: "Impossible, I have never heard that Shura God has such a function."

Mizar scratched his head frantically: "No, among the many Shura Gods, there is a Shura God that has the ability to self-repair. That Shura God is the vehicle of Lord Alkaide, who has been completely solidified into a deified state, and is also the pinnacle of all Shura Gods."

"I didn't expect that I would see this scene on Idabos..."

Altis also looked incredible: "Self-repair, plus complete deification, all in one go."

"Furka, is this your potential..."

Amid the exclamations of the Shura people, Idabos, who had already completed deification, took a fighting stance.

"Fernando, let's fight again. This time, I'll let you taste the real power of Idabos and I after our mind and spirit become one!"

"Come on, don't think I'll lose just because you deify Idabos!"

Valifu raised his hand again and made the same opening move as before.

However, to Fernando's surprise, Furka actually made the same opening move as him.

"Want to learn from me? That depends on whether you can keep up. You can't keep up with me without learning the Mecha God Overlord Fist!"

"Go, Black Dragon!"

Valifu waved his arms, and two black dragon domineering auras were swung out again.

"Double Dragon Appear~!"

Idabos also waved his arms and swung out two white dragon domineering auras.

The four dragon-shaped domineering auras passed by each other without colliding, but spun wildly around the two twin Shura Gods.

Soon, a huge tornado composed of black and white winds engulfed the twin Shura Gods, making their figures disappear from everyone's sight.

It was Lin Youde who released his mental power again, shouldering the negative emotions and seeing it clearly.


The two deified Shura Gods rushed together, punching and kicking each other madly, and the speed of fighting became faster and faster, and soon all kinds of blood-colored streams were swung and kicked out from the hands and legs of the two Shura Gods.

Outside, outsiders could only see through the black and white tornadoes that the blood-colored streams were flying all over the sky, which was dazzling.

Inside, the two Shura Gods were fighting so fast that only two afterimages were left.

But as the battle continued, only half a minute later, Valifu's speed could not keep up with Idabos.

In the first second after being surpassed by Idabos, Valifu failed to defend and was punched.

In the second second, Valifu was kicked three times and kicked away on the spot.

In the third second, Idabos followed the action of Valifu attacking him before, and copied it one by one, making all the attacks seem to come like a strong wind.

At the 4th second, Idabos's speed completely surpassed Valiv, and he was unable to fight back. He could only be forced to bear the attack in mid-air and kept floating.

At the 5th second, Idabos appeared in front of Valiv, put his hands together, aimed at Valiv's chest, and pushed forward.

A white domineering light wave whizzed out and hit Valiv directly, knocking him away, causing Valiv to shatter the black wind wall of the black and white tornado on the spot and fly out diagonally...

However, at the moment when the black and white wind wall was shattered, the two white dragon domineering that were spinning wildly inside the white wind wall stopped spinning and rushed towards Valiv who was flying out diagonally.


Two dragon roars sounded from the white dragon domineering, causing the two white dragon domineering to continuously hit Valiv, knocking it higher and higher. After dozens of consecutive collisions, the two white dragon domineering merged into one, turning into a huge white dragon domineering.

As the white dragon domineering flew towards Valiv, it opened its mouth.

At the moment when the white dragon opened its mouth, the deified Idapos actually appeared in its mouth...

Under the push of the white dragon, the deified Idapos quickly approached Valiv, and as it approached, Chinese characters appeared on the deified Idapos.

"True, Tyrant, Fierce, Strike, Fierce, Break!!!"

After all six Chinese characters flashed, the deified Idapos spun in the air and kicked Valiv.

This kick hit Valiv and kicked it away again. The white dragon behind the deified Idapos followed closely, bit Valiv and soared into the sky...

In the sky, the white dragon soared into the sky, leaving six characters in the sky: "True", "Tyrant", "Fierce", "Strike", "Fierce", and "Break", and then exploded into a ball of gorgeous fireworks in the sky...


The deified Idapos landed with his back to the explosion.

In the sky, the BGM belonging to Valiv gradually faded.

A broken blue Shura God fell from the sky. Altis' pupils shrank, and he rushed over in his own machine, successfully hugged it before it fell, and landed on the ground.

Then, everyone saw that Valifu, whose arms were completely destroyed, lay in the arms of Altis's Matticut, and exited the state of deification.

"I, I am unwilling..."

Fernando only left this sentence, and then his eyes rolled up and he fainted completely.

At this point, the duel between the twin Shura Gods was finally revealed.

Looking at Valifu, who was completely unable to fight and had been badly damaged, and Idabos, who still maintained the state of deification and was domineering.

Mizar's face was as dark as ink, extremely ugly.

Only the remaining two Shura generals breathed a sigh of relief.

Arion: "Fortunately, it's okay that he didn't die. Fernando's tenacity was finally used in the right place."

After nodding, Mathis looked at the Deified Idapos with a complicated expression: "I never thought that Furka could learn the True Mecha God Bomb Fist just by watching Fernando use it once, and improved it into the True Domination Fierce Break."

"This talent is really terrifying. No wonder Lin Youde has such high hopes for him..."

The two people's words did not make Lin Youde smile.

Because when Lin Youde watched Furka use the full set of True Domination Fierce Break, he suddenly seemed to remember something, frowned, and thought about something.

On the contrary, Hasawi was a little surprised when he looked at Furka's Deified Idapos.

'Just using the gravity training cabin for a few days, and then re-training the basics under the guidance of his father, can the combat power be exerted to this extent? ’

‘Although there are also BGM fields and mental instructions, his combat power is not much inferior to that of his father before, right? ’

In Hathaway’s shock, Altis also looked at Lin Youde’s Shining Gundam with a complicated expression and sighed.

“I have to admit that you are indeed better at teaching people, Lin Youde…”

“But the more powerful you are, the more we can’t let you go.”

“For the future of the Shura clan, you are a huge threat and must be eradicated!”


Note 1·PS: I couldn’t find the setting map of the deified Valifu, so I can only take a screenshot from the game. Everyone, please make do with it.

If anyone has a complete machine design map, please post it in the barrage, thank you~!

PS: Today’s four-in-one single update, a total of 8K, as compensation for the previous leave.

It’s the end of the month, please give me a monthly ticket!

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