Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1770: Selection of Native Species

Lei Mengmeng's sigh made Lin Youde smile and ask instead of answering.

"Don't talk about me anymore, what's going on between you and Alfemi."

"How did you find me here? Also, have you found anyone else? By the way, do you know the whereabouts of Ye Ling?"

Lei Mengmeng looked at Lin Youde in confusion: "Ye Ling, why did you suddenly ask about her?"

After a moment of confusion, Lei Mengmeng explained it very simply.

"Alfemi and I were drawn into the space vortex after the explosion of the real Gulanson, and fell into a certain universe in this world."

"At that time, our aircraft was severely damaged due to the huge explosion."

"While Alfemi and I were thinking about how to find a place to repair the machine, Alfemi suddenly said that she sensed the gaze of the native species."

"So I was thinking if I could ask the native species for help. After all, they have reached an agreement with us now. It shouldn't be a big problem to build a body or something, right?"

"Then I asked Alufemi to send a distress signal to the native species and ask them to send someone to take us back."

"Wait by the way and let them see how you are doing."

"After all, we are relatively far away from Zhengu Lansen, so the impact is limited. On the contrary, you are so close, so something could easily happen."

"So we asked the native species for help, and we also had the idea of ​​sending people there to find you."

"Who knew, after we passed there, we were told that we were not from this world. We came to a parallel world, a parallel world where I had died many years ago and Alufemi did not exist."

"The reason why the original species casts its sights on us is also because of the resurrection of me, a dead person, and Alfemi, a person who should not exist, but does exist, and still has the power of the original species. Their curiosity."

Listening to Lei Mengmeng's words, Lin Youde frowned: "Then they didn't make things difficult for you, right?"

Alufemi in Lin Youde's arms shook her head: "No, after my memory was connected to the arbitrator, the arbitrator made a judgment and believed that our world will become the only binding point world. Therefore, in this world, they Will choose to give up.”

Lin Youde was confused: "Give up? Why?"

Alufemi looked at Lei Mengmeng, who shrugged and replied.

"I asked about this in detail, and the arbitrator told me that the native race is a created race, and the first creed rooted in the race is to open the door to the original land and return."

"And after they learned about you, they thought that this world was about to disappear and returning to the original place was impossible, so they chose to give up."

"Anyway, there are native species in our world, and there are existences like me and Alufimi who have obviously obtained the power of native species. They think they are native species in our world and have made other judgments."

"The arbiter also said that it doesn't quite understand why it in our world chose this way. But since we already exist, we have gained our current power, and we are with you, the key to the original land. Together."

"Then giving up the hopeless world here and placing hope in our world is also one of the options."

"We also made a deal with them for this purpose."

Lin Youde frowned: "Deal, what kind of deal?"

Lei Mengmeng comforted her: "Don't worry, it's a sure-fire business."

"Although the native species has decided to give up on this world, it has no intention of just waiting for death."

"After they read Alufemi's memory and understood that the same souls could not coexist in both worlds, they decided to use another method to follow us back to our world to save themselves."

"To this end, they returned all the lower species of the original species to their original state and turned them into the purest power, strengthening my Pure White Knight and Alfemi's Soul Seat."

"And what we have to do is to take their reintegrated and reorganized mixed consciousness to our world, to a place of silence, and to re-birth unique individuals in a way unique to native species."

"Because for native species, they don't care about the existence of individuals, they only care about group consciousness. Therefore, even after all the souls are mixed together, they will not change their original ideas."

"I think this deal is not a loss for us at all. Not only can our bodies be strengthened, but we can also rely on their power to find you."

"As for whether bringing them back and merging the native species from the two worlds will result in the birth of higher-level individuals, I think this aspect can be discussed later."

"After all, we are different from the past. With our current strength, even if we really fall out with the original species, we will still be able to fight."

After Lei Mengmeng finished speaking, she looked at Lin Youde with expectation.

Lin Youde thought for a moment, nodded and replied: "Well, it's really not a loss. After all, the native species still wants to use me to return to the original place."

"But those guys outside the solar system want our lives. If we really can't fight them, pulling the native species out to block the guns is one of the alternatives."

"So it is beneficial for us that the native species can be strengthened. I have the method taught by my master to ensure that I will no longer be controlled. As long as you and Alufemi are no longer controlled, there is basically nothing Threatened."

Seeing that Lin Youde did not blame herself, Lei Mengmeng looked very happy.

"Right, right, I thought so too, so I agreed to the deal with them."

"After our body was strengthened and the fused consciousness of the original species was moved to Alufemi's Soul Seat, we relied on the original species' induction of you to find you."

"After that, you all know that when we saw you fighting, we didn't come out easily. We will wait until you have things done here before we come out, so as not to cause trouble for you."

Lin Youde nodded slightly, looked at Gnakuli, the Pure White Knight and the Seat of Souls, who seemed not to have changed much from before, and asked.

"What aspects of your body have been strengthened? Why does it still look the same as before?"

"Also, where is the hybrid consciousness of the original species placed in the Seat of Souls? Are you sure it's safe?"

Alfemi pointed to the blue crystal on the chest of the Soul Seat.

"They are all contained in this crystal."

"Because I have to protect their consciousness from being destroyed, I can't participate in the subsequent battle."

"I have to wait until I return to my original world and send them all to the Land of Silence before I can participate in the battle."

"I can't protect you for the time being..."

Lin Youde smiled and kissed Alufemi on the cheek: "It doesn't matter, I will protect you from now on."

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