Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1771 Strengthening the Pure White Knight and the Soul Seat

After being kissed by Lin Youde, Alufemi immediately smiled and hugged Lin Youde's neck.

Lei Mengmeng pointed at the Pure White Knight and the Soul Seat and explained: "Because the Pure White Knight and the Soul Seat are both black box bodies, once the body is damaged, the original body needs to be re-extracted from the black box. This characteristic.”

"We let the native species simply enhance the performance of the body outside the black box, so that even if they tamper with the body, they can use the characteristics of the black box to forcefully change back to its original appearance."

"Similarly, in order to help you share more pressure in the fiercer battles in the future, and not to destroy these problems once and for all."

"Our body has been given the ability to regenerate itself by the original species. It is not the slow regeneration ability of the previous Seat of Souls, but is similar to the original species, the Inquisitor, which can regenerate even if it is split in half. Regenerative ability.”

"In order to achieve this effect, our body absorbed the bodies of all native species in the original place of this world."

"From the outside, the body seems to have not changed much. But inside, the density is many times higher."

"I just secretly weighed him, and now the pure white knight's weight has increased from the original 65T to 300T, which is already more than the ancient iron giant."

Lin Youde was shocked: "What the hell? 300T? My Ancient Iron Titan is only 200T."

Lei Mengmeng pouted: "Right, I think it's outrageous too. My Xiaobai suddenly became heavier than your Gutie."

"But at the cost of gaining weight, the gains are not small."

"First of all, Xiaobai has been completely upgraded from the original crispy skin to a small iron shell that can withstand various attacks like the Seat of Souls. I estimate that the defense will not be much worse than the ancient iron giant."

"In terms of speed, Xiaobai not only did not decrease, but became even faster than before. I haven't tried how fast exactly. I just took a rough walk in the Quiet Land, and it was at least nearly twice as fast as before. No. When driving in the BGM field, I don’t even dare to drive as fast as I can, for fear that I won’t be able to control it.”

"Not only that, my pure white knight also has the same space teleportation ability as the Seat of Souls. Although it is a short distance, it is enough."

"Then, because the overall body of the machine has been strengthened and the strength of the machine has increased, I feel that I can use Xiaobai to fight in close combat."

"For this reason, the chain that was originally used to fix the roaring launcher was also modified to emit beams and used as a whip."

"In addition, the power output of the machine has more than doubled. And at my request, the native species also helped me strengthen the short-term energy extraction, giving Xiaobai the ability to release compressed bombardment."

"Although I haven't tested it yet, I think it should be able to compete with the SRX's most powerful cannon in the world."

"Because I had the native species transform it for me based on the battle video of SRX's most lethal cannon in the world."

"As a price, after firing one shot, the barrel of the Roaring Launcher will be overloaded and damaged, and it will take a certain amount of time to repair. The greater the power, the longer the repair time."

"In general, that's all Xiaobai's changes."

Listening to Lei Mengmeng's explanation, Lin Youde's eyelids jumped wildly: "You really dare to make demands. If the original species hadn't given up all the bodies in this world to strengthen you, are you sure the pure white knight can survive it?"

Lei Mengmeng cocked her lips proudly: "If they don't abandon this world, they definitely can't do it. But since they have abandoned it, then of course I have to make full use of the waste."

"Accordingly, I asked them to modify Alfemi's Soul Seat."

"Through previous battles in the "True Super Robot Contest", I found that Soul Seat lacks a super move like Cosmic Starburst, and simply using a knife to slash sword energy is not handsome enough. "

"So, I let the original species also transform the Seat of Souls."

"First of all, the Soul Seat has also become fatter. The weight is the same as that of Xiaobai, soaring to 300T heavy weight. The Tai Dao is equipped with an energy release device, which can release the energy light blade and transform into a 300-meter ship-cutting sword mode like the Earth God. ”

"Then, the Soul Seat has added a charging mode, which can concentrate all energy on the blue orb on the chest, charge it, and then explode. The power is designed according to the cosmic starburst, but now how much the original species has been restored, I’m not sure. Since the orb contains the consciousness of the original species, this trick can’t be used for the time being.”

"Other than that, the overall output is the same as that of Xiaobai, which is about doubled. Theoretically, it can be strengthened more, but we can't control it, so we can only strengthen it twice."

"Because if we continue to strengthen, our body will continue to gain weight. Even the technology of native species cannot continue to reduce the density of the body. If we continue to gain weight, the body will become larger."

"Alfemi and I both feel that the current size of the machine is very suitable and we are used to it. There is no need to get bigger. If it really becomes a super-type 40-meter size like the Ancient Iron Titan, we don't like it very much."

After listening to Lei Mengmeng's explanation, Lin Youde's mood was a little subtle.

‘This enhancement, how does it feel like the scene in the mecha war game where you get enhanced after going through a special plot:’

‘The difference is that there are relatively few enhancements in the game, either additional weapons or additional abilities. ’

‘Here are additional modification slots and additional weapons, and then a special effect of HP recovery. There are many items. ’

‘If it were in the game, the White Knight and Soul Seat would have two extra weapons and additional HP recovery, right? ’

With his previous experience in playing games, Lin Youde could easily understand that the appearance of the White Knight and Soul Seat remained the same, but they became much stronger.

Lin Youde even thought that it would be great if he could have brought the Iron Titan into the game when he was strengthening it.

Although Lin Youde doesn’t use the Iron Titan much now, he would not refuse if he could strengthen it.

After all, in the Super Robot Wars OG series, the Iron Titan and the White Knight have not been further strengthened since Super Robot Wars OG2, which makes Lin Youde feel very sorry.

"We've finished talking about our situation. It's your turn. Youde, how have you been recently? And why did you drive a new Gundam?"

"What's going on with those two new humans over there? They seemed to call you dad before?"

"Are you being unfaithful again in this world?"

Faced with Lei Mengmeng's raised eyebrows and sidelong glances, Lin Youde was about to answer, but suddenly frowned and looked in a certain direction.

Hathaway and Little Tifa, who were standing behind Lin Youde, had the same reaction.

The three of them looked in a certain direction at the same time.

Amid Lei Mengmeng's puzzled expression, the entire white wooden horse suddenly shook violently...

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