Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1772 The Sword of Damocles Hanging in the Sky

"what happened?"

The violent shaking of the white wooden horse made Lei Mengmeng look at Lin Youde in confusion and asked.

Lin Youde shook his head and replied with a frown.

"I don't know, but it should be caused by something falling from the universe."

Lin Youde's words made little Tifa nod on the spot and said, "Yes, I feel it too."

Carloder noticed that Hathaway's expression was not quite right next to him, and he was puzzled.

"What's wrong? Did you think of something?"

Hathaway nodded with an unsightly expression: "That's right. I hope it's not what I thought. Otherwise, it would be too much."

Under the curious gaze of everyone, Hathaway turned and ran towards the bridge.

Lin Youde and others were curious and followed them.

Lin Youde didn't care that his son pretended to be a riddle and didn't speak human words.

Anyway, his current body is useless and there is no body left to use. Even if his son speaks human language and is not the Riddler, he can't do much.

So Lin Youde walked over slowly, as if watching a play.

On the way, Lin Youde also met Roland, Deanna, and Ji Air who also ran to the bridge to ask about the situation.

After everyone gathered on the bridge, Alpha, who was on duty, explained before Hathaway asked.

"It has just been detected that a large-mass object broke into the atmosphere and fell towards the Gate of Hell."

"According to calculations, the object did not show any signs of deceleration when it descended, and directly hit the ground at the Gate of Hell."

"The previous shaking of the ship's hull was caused by the impact of the object's fall."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions tightened.

"What? He broke into the atmosphere from outside and hit the ground without slowing down? Isn't that a sure death?"

Carloder exclaimed immediately.

"There's no one in that thing."

Little Tifa suddenly shook her head and gave a hint.

Lei Mengmeng was puzzled: "There is no one, what is that? What thing can directly burst into the atmosphere from outer space?"

As if he had thought of something, Lin Youde looked at Roland, Deanna, who also had an ugly face, and Angela, who followed behind and had an equally unattractive face.

"It's a weapon, right? And... it's a quality weapon."

Lei Mengmeng was shocked: "What? A mass weapon? Dropped from the universe? Is this thing used on the planet? How much damage does it have to cause? Are the people in your world crazy?"

Faced with Lei Mengmeng's questioning, Deanna smiled bitterly and was speechless.

Only Hathaway sighed: "Almost crazy. After the great destruction, many people died due to the drastic changes. Many people who survived were also crazy."

"Some of those who were lucky enough to survive did not want to revive their home planet, but continued to think about fighting for power."

"For this reason, the cosmonauts created the "Sword of Damocles", right? Your Excellency, Queen of the Moon? "

Under Hathaway's gaze, Deanna sighed helplessly.

"I will not excuse the stupidity of our ancestors. This is the sin caused by our ancestors."

"As the successor of the moon, I can only restrain them as much as possible."

"But just like the assassinations I experienced before, the will of the moon people is also divided."

"So, I'm sorry that the Moon Man used the Sword of Damocles again. "

Karold looked back and forth between Hathaway and Deanna for a long time with a confused look on his face before looking at little Tifa beside him.

"Tifa-chan, what is the Sword of Damocles?"

Little Tifa explained: "I heard my mother mention it by chance before. It is said that the Sword of Damocles is a special weapon built in the Earth's satellite orbit, specially designed to deliver mass weapons."

"It was created by the moon people in order to maintain their absolute dominance and superiority over the people on earth and block the people on earth from traveling to the universe."

Lei Mengmeng looked at Deanna in disbelief: "No, are you people in this world crazy? You actually made such a thing for yourself? Do you think this world is not broken enough and want to destroy it faster? ?”

Alufemi leaned close to Lin Youde's ear and whispered in a low voice: "The native species told us that this planet is declining. I didn't quite understand it before, but now I seem to understand it a little bit."

Lin Youde touched Alufemi's head, glanced at Queen Diana who was speechless and choked, and comforted Lei Mengmeng.

"Okay, now is not the time to dwell on these old things."

"Now that such a high-quality weapon has been manufactured, it is a fact. So what we have to do now is to figure out what happened that made people on the moon use this weapon again."

"Hasavi, where is the Gate of Hell?"

Hathaway explained: "The Gate of Hell is a distance further north from Tower Town, the small village where Miss Yazi and others fell."

"It was a completely desolate Gobi Desert. The earth had completely lost moisture. Although it has not completely turned into a desert, it is not too far away from desertification."

"Because it is too desolate, it has become a lawless place where many mercenaries and bandits often gather."

"I don't know why the Moon Man suddenly dropped the Sword of Damocles on a place like that, but it's definitely not a good thing."

Angela, who had been silent before, suddenly walked up to Lin Youde and said, "Could it be that you are going for your companions?"

Lei Mengmeng looked at Angela's somewhat awkward dress in surprise, and before she could speak, Lin Youde replied.

"There is such a possibility, Alpha, turn around immediately and head towards the Hell Gate."

Alpha nodded: "Understood, stop going to Tower Town and turn to the Hell Gate. The route is adjusted and the ship is moving at full speed."

Lei Mengmeng looked at Lin Youde in confusion: "So, what happened after you came here? Should I explain it to you?"


Just when Lei Mengmeng wanted to find Lin Youde to explain, the destination of the white wooden horse was the location of the Hell Gate.

At this moment, a huge meteorite crater appeared on the ground of the Hell Gate.

In the center of the meteorite crater, a steel pillar like a nail stood in the center of the meteorite crater, and the whole body was red and emitting extremely high temperature.

And at the edge of the meteorite, a Gundam with a left arm, broken armor all over, and sparks everywhere, supported the ground with one hand and lay on the ground, as if protecting something.

Opposite this Gundam, a gray-green machine with two spikes in hand was floating in the air.

An arrogant female voice came from this machine.

"You are still alive? You are indeed a pilot of Londo Bell. You are really capable."

"But if you choose to resist, death will be your only outcome."

"Pilot of the Gundam Barbatos, I will ask you one last time, do you surrender?"

In the broken cockpit of the Gundam Barbatos, Mikazuki replied with a look of disdain, with blood flowing from his forehead.

"You want me to surrender? You are dreaming!"

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