Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1808 She is my wife

Haken Browning and Aisha Bradel are both androids made by Raymond.

They are Raymond of Lin Youde's family. They are replicas of the androids based on the memories and knowledge left in Raymond's personality in the last era.

The difference is that Haken Browning is more like a android adjusted by genes. He is a completely normal human being without any mechanical structure.

W07 Aisha Bradel is a half-mechanical and half-flesh android like Lamia.

But it is different from Lamia, who has almost all the functions of a normal woman in order to be a daughter.

Aisha Bradel is an android made purely for fighting.

So although she looks similar to Lamia, her abilities are completely different from Lamia. Her body structure is also 80% mechanical, and only 20% is human flesh and blood.

And because it is a android dedicated to fighting, although Aisha Bradel is life-size, its hidden energy can be compared with robots such as MS and PT that are more than 20 meters long.

According to Raymond, Aisha's manufacturing direction is to develop towards the type of fighter who can dismantle machines with his body.

Therefore, Aisha can also dismantle machines with his bare hands when he acts alone.

At the same time, these two people are also the male and female protagonists of "Super Robot Wars OG·Infinite Frontier".

According to the plot of "Super Robot Wars OG·Moon People", these two people will come to the main world and join the Steel Dragon Team after completing the original plot.

But now it seems that Haken and Aisha seem to have been captured by Alcaide for some reason.

Although Haken and Aisha are the protagonists of the spin-off series, they have good combat power, and Aisha can even dismantle machines with his bare hands.

But facing the Shura people who can also dismantle machines with their bare hands, they still have no resistance.

Not to mention that there are only two of them, it is difficult to win against a bunch of Shura generals of the Shura people.

Alcaide, the Shura King, is a mountain that the two of them cannot climb over.

Standing in front of Alcaide in person, Lin Youde can clearly feel the power of the other party.

That was a master of the same level as himself, which meant that the king of the Shura clan, Alcaide, was a true LV8 martial arts master.

But this was not surprising, after all, the Shura Overlord Fist was created by the other party.

Those who can create their own boxing style are naturally worthy of being a master.

Although Haken and Aisha are strong, they have absolutely no chance of winning against Alcaide, the Shura King.

After thinking about these things in his mind, Lin Youde looked at Alcaide calmly and responded.

"I know about the Earth Federation, but as far as I know, there is no Shadow Mirror Force in this world. It seems that the Earthling you caught is not from this world."

Alkaide folded his arms and raised his head: "I don't care whether it is true or not."

"As long as he can be used by me."

"It's just like someone defeated my subordinates, but did not take their lives, but just captured them as prisoners, wanting to be a sparring partner for some useless little guy to humiliate me."

"I also want to use this method to disgust some people."

"Although in our Shura clan, the weak are killed, it is their own fault."

"But those guys are my subordinates after all. They have followed me to fight for so many years. Even if they have no merits, they have worked hard."

" Dare to humiliate my subordinates like this, I will remember this account. "

Lin Youde's eyebrows twitched, and he asked back: "No, your subordinates were captured instead of killed, shouldn't you remember this favor? How did it become a humiliation? "

Alkaide replied righteously: "The Shura clan believes in the winners and losers, and the weak should support the strong. When the Shura people fight with others, they can lose, lose, and die, but they must never be captured. "

"Anyone who becomes a captive will lose the spirit of progress and cannot understand the true meaning of hegemony. "

"Such a person is already a burden to the Shura clan. "

"Isn't it a humiliation to me to turn my subordinates into a burden? "

"What kind of favor is there in this?"

Alkaide's magical understanding overwhelmed Lin Youde.

The other party's magical brain circuit made Lin Youde completely unable to understand.

Lin Youde never thought that there would be a day when he could not keep up with the leaps of other people's thinking.

As a time traveler, Lin Youde felt that he had to regain his position.

But before Lin Youde could speak, the entire White Star was alarmed.

Red lights kept flashing in the hall, and Lalia's anxious voice rang through the loudspeaker in the hall.

"It's not good, mother. The control room of the two puppets that control the drones has been invaded, and someone is trying to liberate the two puppets."

"It must be that Li Abao who did it. There is something wrong with Tis and Disbinis!"

"I will return immediately with the drone troops. Please ask mother to personally take action and capture Li Abao, Tis and Disbinis!"

Hearing Lalia's words, Duminus' pupils showed an angry look for the first time.

"Li Abao, how dare you lie to me!?"

Facing the angry Duminus, Lin Youde calmly replied: "Duminus, I didn't lie to you. Our Raul and your Disbinis are indeed in love with each other. I am sincere about this marriage."

Duminus roared: "Then what about you letting people invade my puppet control room?"

"How dare you say that it wasn't your people who did it? Wasn't it your people who caused the alarm?"

"Why did those people who followed you disappear? Did you plan this?"

"Did you lie to me before?"

In response, Lin Youde held his head high and said, "I admit that it was indeed my people who invaded, and this alarm was caused by that."

"But I didn't lie to you before."

"I did plan it, but who asked you to capture my child?"

"I did this just to save my child."

"As long as you are willing to release them, I promise to make the Earthling troops outside retreat and guarantee the personal safety of you and Lalia, how about that?"

Duminus growled, "Those two puppets are not creatures at all, but man-made mechanical products. Do you think I don't know this? ? "

"You native species are not good at mechanical creation. Those two dolls can't be your children. "

"You guys are lying to me again. "

Lin Youde scratched his head and replied: "Let's put it this way, those two children, but one of them is my wife. Although they are not the creation of the native species, because of this relationship, they are my family. So, there is nothing wrong with saying that they are my family members, right?"

Duminus roared: "I don't believe you, I won't believe your lies anymore."

"Sir Alcaide, please help me to stop this liar who is full of lies."

"I will personally catch the two poor children who were deceived by this guy!"

Alcaide looked at Lin Youde from a distance and shrugged: "Well, that's what he said. So, let's have a competition here, how about it?"

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