Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1809: King Shura takes advantage of the situation

Boom! ! !

A crack more than 20 meters wide appeared on the ground of the originally calm hall.

Alkaide slowly stood up from the pit, tilted his head, rubbed his shoulders, and took a half-raised hand posture.

"You react quickly. It's true that fighting is interesting only when you find someone of equal strength."

"It will only become more and more boring if you always defeat the enemy with one move."

A few dozen meters away, Lin Youde stood on the ground in a princess hug and put down Amy, who had no reaction in his arms.

Just as Alkaide finished speaking, the other party rushed up without martial ethics and punched him.

The other party used an extremely fierce boxing style, and the other party took the lead in punching. If you don't know the other party's strength, it would be the stupidest thing to rush head-on.

So, at the beginning, Lin Youde wanted to deal with the other party a little bit and test his strength.

However, Amy, who was standing next to Lin Youde, seemed to have no reaction and stood there stupidly.

Amy's lack of reaction forced Lin Youde to give up his original idea and pick up Amy to temporarily retreat.

After all, Alkaide could not care about Amy's life and safety, but Lin Youde could not.

This is Luoya and Azuma Houta's sister, a friendly unit that can be whitewashed.

Letting her die here in vain is not in line with the perfect ending that Lin Youde once promised to another self.

Not to mention that it is not Lin Youde's style to watch someone die without saving her.

So, Lin Youde picked up Amy and dodged the first attack.

But after dodging this attack, Lin Youde did not sit and wait for death. He took out the God Light Stick in his arms and injected his internal force. A lightsaber instantly took shape and stabbed at his side.

A huge sword energy slashed out, leaving a huge sword mark on the ground that was so deep that it was impossible to see the bottom.

Duminus's huge body also stopped moving forward under this sword.

"Li Abao, you are really lying to me!!!"

Facing Duminus's roar, Lin Youde replied indifferently.

"Since you don't listen to me, I can only ask you all to stay here with me for a while."

Alkaide's eyes showed excitement.

"Oh? Are you going to keep Duminas and me by yourself?"

"Are you so confident?"

"It seems that I came to the right place today."

As he spoke, Alkaide took one step at a time, leaving obvious dents on the ground, and the red domineering aura on his body began to rise.

"But whether you can stop us depends on your ability."

"Duminus, I will do my best to help you this time, you can find the right opportunity to go out."

"But I want to increase the supplies we agreed on by 30%."

Duminus' pupils trembled, and he looked at Alcaide suddenly: "What? 30%? Why don't you rob? You are taking advantage of the fire."

Alcaide's mouth corners slightly raised: "I didn't rob you directly, I gave face to the god behind you."

"Of course, you can also choose to refuse, but you have to deal with this guy yourself. You'd better think clearly whether you can deal with him."

After speaking, Alcaide rushed out with a red light.

Facing Alcaide who burst out domineeringly and rushed over, Lin Youde said to Amy beside him.

"Step back and protect yourself."

After saying that, Lin Youde also put away the magic stick, rushed forward, and slightly moved sideways at the moment when Alcaide punched him. After using Tai Chi to neutralize this extremely fierce punch, he grabbed Alcaide's arm and threw him over his shoulder to the ground.

However, Alcaide reacted quickly. At the moment he was thrown out, he supported himself with one hand and spun his legs in the air with a red flame, and kicked out a red light blade that swept towards Lin Youde.

"Emperor Wind Blade Strike!"


Lin Youde punched out a blue light wave, and after using the light wave to block the red flame, he saw Alcaide supporting himself with one hand and jumping back to the ground, his left hand clenched in front of him, his right hand retracted to his waist, and the red lightning on his body kept flashing in the red domineering aura.

"Interesting, but can you take this move?"

"Overlord Thunder Charge!!!"

With red lightning all around him, red afterimages appeared behind Alcaide, and he punched Lin Youde.

"Take it, I don't care about this childish trick."

Lin Youde drew a circle with his hands in front of him, and a constantly rotating Tai Chi Yin Yang fish phantom emerged in front of him, trapping the rushing red lightning firmly in it.

At the moment when the fist with red lightning hit the Tai Chi Yin Yang fish, Alcaide's violent charging posture was instantly stuck and could not move forward.


With Lin Youde's loud shout, his arms shook, and the Tai Chi Yin Yang fish phantom was shattered on the spot.

Alcaide also flew backwards in the impact of the Tai Chi Yin Yang fish being shattered.

He flew backwards for dozens of meters in the air before suddenly shouting, stopping in the air, and landing directly on the ground.

"Interesting, really interesting."

"Your path is indeed completely different from mine."

"It's been a long time since I met a strong man like you. It's really great to see my dormant blood boiling again!"

Alkaide's voice gradually became louder, and he became visibly excited.

The red aura on his body also expanded again, like a small red mountain.

The red aura made Duminus's eyes full of fear.

But Lin Youde, who was opposite Alcaide, was not afraid. Instead, he replied in a very relaxed tone.

"There are always people outside of you, and there are always heavens outside of you. Haven't you heard of this old saying?"

"There are always people outside of you, and there are always heavens outside of you? It's an interesting saying. I haven't heard it before, but I remember it now."

Alcaide made a starting move again, but did not make another move. Instead, he asked Duminus without looking back.

"How about it? The previous promise is still valid now."

"As long as you increase the supplies you promised me by 30%, I will help you stop him here."

"Anyway, you will soon return to the arms of the original god, and those supplies are useless, right?"

"In that case, why not give them all to me, wouldn't it be better?"

"Or, are you sure you can handle him?"

Facing Alcaide's taking advantage of the fire, although Duminus's eyes were full of angry flames, he finally agreed.

"Okay, I will give you the supplies you want, but you must keep your promise, otherwise, I will report to my lord and punish you."

Alcaide ignored Duminus and smiled excitedly.

"Then, let me try here what you said before, is it true? Overlord Shadowless Fist!"

"King Shura, didn't you eat? The speed is so slow, let me show you what the real Shadowless Fist is, Lightning~Light Speed ​​Fist!!!"

The violent explosion and violent roar echoed in the hall...

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